I quit cigarettes today.......



  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    This is The Best Thing you could do for your health. Well done on stopping, don't go back - please!!

    I quit cold turkey 37 years ago - thank goodness I did, don't reckon I'd still be here if I hadn't. And we're SO much better off - all that cash NOT going up in smoke.
  • mississippi_queen
    mississippi_queen Posts: 474 Member
    I quit about 2 months ago cold turkey. Definitely one of the hardest and most rewarding things i've even done. Good luck! :drinker:
  • Smoked 25 years, gave up cold turkey a year and a half ago! Nothing worst than a reformed smoker, it's hard to be around it, smell it, look at it, hear it lol~ Good luck to you~ When I drink I have an E cig that I drag off of with a liquid that has low nicotine, those actually work really well if you need something to replace! HIghly recommend the joytech brand and the halo liquid
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    I smoked and chewed for over 24 years. Tired numerous time to put it all down cold turkey but was never successful. I figured I had a double whammy against me since I did both. 3 years ago I decided to take the plunge and got a prescription for Chantix. (e-cigs were not even really an option when I quit.) The Chantix program was a 1 month program in which I was able to put down the "nicotine" in about 2 weeks of taking the medication. I have not looked back since and glad I made the decision to quit. Things are much better on me AND my checkbook.
  • mccaen1
    mccaen1 Posts: 4 Member
    Good for You!!!

    The extra cash you keep by not smoking will help you get by on the extra years you will get to live.

    Nice work!

  • tripslim0414
    tripslim0414 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey, everyone thanks for the responses!

    As for the girl who said that she's afraid of stress eating, I was too.
    However, I decided to not let stress cause me to eat.
    Whenever I have a craving for a cigarette I just go skateboarding, or do something else active. It's a pretty good way of keeping your mind off of it.

    I have probably worked out 20 times today lol


    I quit the same day and every time I feel the need I go for a quick walk or run. If that doesn't work I have a song that I use for both the smoking and exercising/diet - the fighter by gym class heros - I crank that up and sing it very loudly. (Much to my husbands dismay - never was a very good singer) Anyway I wish you the best of luck!
  • Have any of you quit when your SO smokes? My BF and I quit at the same time and almost killed each other (lol). I'm not sure if one of us can quit without the other tho. We don't smoke in the house, but we are together 24/7. Any experience or advice with this?

    edited to add that we are both smoking again - only made it about 2-3 weeks.

    Yeah, my girlfriend smokes, too. It's going to be tough to hang out with her. Hahaha.
  • This December will be 5 years since I quit. I tapered off from 33 to 13 cigarettes day one. Then smoked one less cigarette every day for the following 13 days. Once the cigarettes were gone I ate/shelled sunflower seeds throughout the day. It gave me something to do with my hands. Then I tapered off that and replaced it with sugar-free gum.
  • claudiakendall98
    claudiakendall98 Posts: 242 Member
    Awesome ,I am an ex smoker and do not know why I ever started to smoke.I am not hard on smokers but really do not like being around anyone that smokes.The cost of cigarettes now a days is awful and for that reason alone am happy that I have quit 20 years ago.It is certainly not as easy to smoke as it was when I did and I sympathize with smokers as there are less and less places to smoke as I do remember what a habit it was .Best of Luck quitting it can be done :)
  • Evilmuffin666
    Evilmuffin666 Posts: 132 Member
    Give it a few days...... then when your gf smokes, you will be able to actually smell how disgusting it really is. When you are a smoker, you don't smell it. It actually helps me to want to stay not smoking.

    I find the only time I want a smoke is when the times I always had a smoke.... ie. with coffee..... after a run...... So I just find something to do during that time to get my mind off it.

    We went out for dinner tonight and it was strange to see all these ppl outside smoking. I actually had no problems with it.... made me think that I was glad I wasn't one of them any more.

    You can do this..... and within a week you will notice a difference. And if you gain a pound or two, don't stress and light up. You will be able to work that off in no time. And that will be easier than having to try to quit again.
  • Shelby1582
    Shelby1582 Posts: 191 Member
    Way to go! I quit on Jan 7 and I am so happy. I really wish I had quit earlier but what's done is done. I would say the first week is the worst and I was irritable and crying for no reason but it gets better! I used an e-cig for a few weeks then stopped and was cold turkey. I love how I can workout so much longer and harder now. I was afraid to quit because I thought I would gain weight but instead of smoking with neighbors on the porch I work out every day when I come home and I'm the most fit I've ever been.
    You are doing such a great thing for your body.
    ps the Livestrong quit smoking app is a great supportive community, that app helped me a lot. Also there's a free app called Since I quit and it shows how much money you've saved and how long you've been quit for. I liked to look at it if I had a craving because it wasn't worth doing it over for. Stay strong, you can do this!!!
  • Wow - so many familiar responses here. I smoked around a pack a day for 15 years. "Quit" six times until finally succeeding on my seventh try. The difference? I changed my life significantly. I decided I needed to embrace a different way of living, a different way of looking at physical activity and a different way of looking at food and what I put into my body. I went from a 40 inch waist to a 28 inch waist, went from being winded walking up a flight of stairs to being able to jump on a road bike and cycle >100kms, went from 210 pounds of flab to 155 lean muscle. But none of that compares with the challenge of quitting smoking. Without question, quitting the comfort of the cig was one of the hardest things I've ever done, but five years later, it finally is starting to seem foreign to me now. I was lucky in that my spouse didn't smoke, but I can say that it can be done and that yes, it does get easier.
  • RAEQ127
    RAEQ127 Posts: 106 Member
    Yes! I smoked for... 14 years. From the time I was 13 to 27. I quit December 14, 2010. It was the first time I ever quit. I was always too afraid to try before, afraid I would fail at it. I still get cravings and it sucks, but I missed the habit mostly of going outside,rolling the car window down a bit. Sounds crazy but true. I quit cold turkey as well. Good Luck!!
  • congrats! I am on my 5th time trying to quit...third time with Chantix. The longest I've gone is 7 months. Today is day 7. It's really tough, but I've found that joining quitnet or downloading an app that tracks your progress (I use the Livestrong smoking cessation app) is really helpful. I also have a fitness goal (running a 5k in Sept) that helps me stay on track. Good luck to you. And remember, if you cave and have a cigarette, it's not the end of the world. You can always start over. Keep up the good work =)
  • Katrina_vw91
    Katrina_vw91 Posts: 232 Member
    Good luck with everything!! Congrats on making the decision!
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I'm an ex-. Never thought I would be. But glad I am.
    Good luck.
  • elainematto
    elainematto Posts: 28 Member
    Quitting smoking is one of the best things I've ever done for myself. And I never miss it! Best wishes for your success.
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    I did not smoke cigarettes even once,, im a non-smoker,, and congrats and goodluck to your new healthy lifestyle ;)
  • I'm of them just over 3 months, cold turkey. I find it hardest when I have a drink but It gets easier. I gave up for a year in 2011 and just happened to start for 6 months. Worst mistake I ever made was starting again. The first couple of weeks can be he'll with a cough and phlegm and feeling like you have the flu but boy is it worth it at the end! Congrats to everyone who quit or trying to. I find it hard and think its as bad as an addiction as alcohol for some people, of course the consequences aren't as harsh.
  • princesspea234
    princesspea234 Posts: 182 Member
    "I only smoke when I drink." This is what I told my husband when I met him 7 years ago. Unfortunately, I now will have a drink or several a few times a week just for a pack of smokes in an evening. Ugh. I need to just quit it! The alcohol always adds to my calorie count and the cigarettes make my workouts difficult. I think I'll just workout next time I want a night of smoke and drinks.