Sad. Disappointed.

I'm disappointed in myself. As usual I started something last year on here-- lost about 6lbs.. and then stopped. Didn't log. Didn't work out. And now--I'm pretty sure I am bigger than I was the last time I took this on.. and thats scary. I'm not obese. And Have never weighed this much---ever. I'm sad because I said that the last time. And yet, I managed to break the record :(

Something that sparked all this again was my loving boyfriend. His hesitant honesty struck me. We were at the mall, he was getting a massage and I was left to roam free--AKA was stuffing my face with Haagen Daz-- and he was walking around trying to find me. He saw me from behind and didn't even recognize me. Yup.

So, here I am. Looking for anyone's advice support etc. Suggestions appreciated. You can reply here or PM me.

Thank you all-- you are all wonderful!


  • shellerfoot77
    shellerfoot77 Posts: 6 Member
    I just started again for the billionth time yesterday because I am at the heaviest weight I have ever been when I wasn't 9 months pregnant. Maybe we can motivate each other! You can do this!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    My advice is to start logging your food and start working out. And don't stop doing that.
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    Your boyfriend deserves an award

    what a peach
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    The important thing is that you're back on here. I created my profile an entire year before I started using this site seriously, at which point I was 20 pounds heavier. And even since then I've had my ups and downs. So you're not alone! You live and learn and realize tomorrow (or today!) is a new day.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I could have written that post 5 times so far in my life. Nothing to do but reevaluate where you are and where you want to be and correct your course. Life goes on.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    This was how I's long sorry...

    Here is what I've been doing...

    The first and most important thing is you have to accept yourself at the weight you are at now. If you cannot accept it, I truly believe you cannot change it.

    The second most important thing you have to do, is decide to do it. I had a light switch turn on in Ireland or right when I got back. Eating nothing but super healthy food over there was nice, my body adjusted quickly and I had some difficulty when I came back because of all the preservatives and unnecessary crap Americans put in food.

    The next step is to join They also have a free phone app that allows you to scan the barcode of what you are about to eat and it'll log it for you. Once you get an idea of how much you are taking in, it'll give you a huge perspective. You'll see what you actually need vs what you are actually taking in. If you join that my username is graceisjinxed. The support I get from this site I cannot put a value on it. Some people I know, some I do not know, but everyone is incredibly supportive. That's a huge thing, having support and knowing that others are going thru the same thing you are, others are struggling but you all want to make the necessary and right changes.

    I've been working out every day in my house. I have a WII that I bought ONLY for fitness use, yes I want all the Lego games but, that's not fitness. I start off with a warm up of Just Dance 3. They have a sweat mode that has 3 levels. I started in the middle, it says it's equivalent to 30 mins of walking a day. My sister has Just Dance 2, she liked Just Dance 3 much better. Then I followed that up with The Biggest Loser Challenge (BLC) for WII for 30 mins. The thing I like best about the BLC is that you pick a program and it goes from there. Every day my routine is different. This morning I did Box-Fit. Tomorrow is my rest day - but I'll be at the gym that I just joined. Thursday it'll be BLC yoga. With each day/week that passes, the exercises change up a little, get harder, and you get new ones. I thought I was going to die the other day when it introduced burpees (google that if you don't know what it is...).

    From day one I gave up booze, soda, fast food and crap. Not 100% but like 95%.
    I drink nothing but water, and anywhere from 8-12 cups a day. I had a 64 oz jug by my desk, pour it into smaller cups, you'll have that down in no time, and before you know it, it's gone. I use fresh lemons to flavor it (which helps your liver). You can also use cucumbers and I'm sure whatever fruit you love will work. Or those bottles of lemon and lime juice will work. I do still drink some fruit juices, just try to limit, these are like wasted calories in a sense. You want to make every calorie you take in valuable. This am I had 4 oz of Apple Juice mixed with 4 oz of water.

    MOST importantly, you HAVE to eat breakfast every day within the first 90 mins of waking up. I don't have a problem doing this because I will get nauseous, sick, lightheaded and dizzy if I don't. If you don't eat breakfast now you're going to have to start if you want to boost up your metabolism and lose some weight.

    I just joined 9 Round a kick boxing place and LOVE it.

    Link to the Biggest Loser Challenge for WII - You may want to look on ebay or Amazon's price has gone up...

    Since I originally wrote this I've changed things up a bit. I restarted the BLC again, but only 2-3 days a week, Kickboxing is 3 days a week. That leaves 1 day of rest or workout. Depending on what I'm feeling that day depends on what I do. Rest is important though. I had been working out almost every day, then it seemed I wasn't losing any weight, I stopped for a week before the personal training started, and now I've lost 2 lbs in a week. So I'm back on track. I also upped my calorie intake to 1300 a day.

    BLC lets you track your diet and extra exercise outside of the game. If you get this, and I do LOVE it, you will need to take your measurements - neck, chest, waist, hips. It'll make you do a fitness test and then it'll recommend a level. Now I have asthma and was very out of shape when I started this. It told me I should choose hard. I chose moderate. Whatever it recommends I would try the one below it first, unless you're up for it. You can always change the program - though each time you will need to redo the fitness test. But at the end of each week there's a challenge event, weigh in, then program recommendations for you. You can also wait until then and change them. I don't think you'd have to do the fitness test again.

    Let me know what other questions you might have! I'll do my best.

    I know a lot of dieters and diets say don’t eat this or don’t eat that. I have never stopped myself from eating anything. If I want a cookie, I’ll have a cookie, if I want a garlic stick, I’ll have a garlic stick. I do not believe in forbidding foods from your diet. It’s also okay to go over your daily calorie intake goal, just go under the next day or work out harder and longer. Whatever you choose.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I forgot to say...Don't be so hard on yourself. We've all been there. The important thing is that you took the first step! That is courageous in itself!
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Start small. Just recommit to logging every day. Once that becomes a habit, work on cutting down (notice how I said cut DOWN, not OUT?) on sweet treats and snacks to just a few times a week. Once you have that down make an effort to move more, take a walk, or go play tennis of go swimming or hiking.

    If you go 100%, you're doubling your chances of relapses and failure. Start small, and you'll soon learn to love your new healthy lifestyle!
  • Lili0817
    Lili0817 Posts: 109 Member
    Just do it!! That's my advice, stop dwelling on it and get started NOW. Don't wait until Monday, or tomorrow. Remember it's 80% what you eat and 20% exercise. Eat healthy, and workout daily. Hopefully this is it and you're actually READY and SERIOUS about being more healthy and getting fit. Otherwise, you will eventually go back to your old ways and unhealthy patterns. Make the DECISION, like really DECIDE and get started :)
  • AJinBirmingham
    "I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." Michael Jordan
  • VixenArgentum
    VixenArgentum Posts: 91 Member
    Don't beat yourself up too much.

    The important thing is that you're here now. I know that's what I have to think to myself any time that I slip up--I've caught what I was doing now I'll do it right.
  • bunnsangel
    bunnsangel Posts: 37 Member
    I have been in your shoes many, many times. My motivation has been decreasing here lately also and I find myself wondering if it's all worth it. I know in the long run it will be, but it's the getting there that pains me the most. Feel free to add me if you want motivation.

  • AnthonyKolka
    AnthonyKolka Posts: 74 Member
    Become an obsessive logger, even if you don't like what you are logging, that will give you the motivation to change. Just my 2 cents.
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    "I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." Michael Jordan

    Loved this one..i think the take away from this is, he kept trying again and again after every failure, which is why he is a coming back here and trying to lose weight all over again is a step towards can do this :)
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I'm disappointed in myself. As usual I started something last year on here-- lost about 6lbs.. and then stopped. Didn't log. Didn't work out. And now--I'm pretty sure I am bigger than I was the last time I took this on.. and thats scary. I'm not obese. And Have never weighed this much---ever. I'm sad because I said that the last time. And yet, I managed to break the record :(

    Something that sparked all this again was my loving boyfriend. His hesitant honesty struck me. We were at the mall, he was getting a massage and I was left to roam free--AKA was stuffing my face with Haagen Daz-- and he was walking around trying to find me. He saw me from behind and didn't even recognize me. Yup.

    So, here I am. Looking for anyone's advice support etc. Suggestions appreciated. You can reply here or PM me.

    Thank you all-- you are all wonderful!

    Sometimes I think that's the ONLY way my husband would recognize me.
  • bndayton
    bndayton Posts: 2 Member
    I have been at this for over a year now. I can honestly say that I have spent much of that time hating what I see in the tracker. Too many bad days, too much easy temptation, but the key to my success has been dedication. I have not missed a day and it helps.
    Devote yourself to this if it is what you want.
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    I start over everyday; cause everyday is a challenge and I am just taking it one day at a time. I don't beat myself up anymore and I have learned to forgive myself if I stray from the beaten path.
    Good luck to you! ...and don't give up.
  • sue12252000
    sue12252000 Posts: 11 Member
    Start small. Just recommit to logging every day. Once that becomes a habit, work on cutting down (notice how I said cut DOWN, not OUT?) on sweet treats and snacks to just a few times a week. Once you have that down make an effort to move more, take a walk, or go play tennis of go swimming or hiking.

    If you go 100%, you're doubling your chances of relapses and failure. Start small, and you'll soon learn to love your new healthy lifestyle!

  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Try going backwards...meaning, try logging foods BEFORE you eat them. That way you will be sure to hit your calorie goal everyday with foods that you like to eat. Do this for a couple of weeks and it becomes a habit. There's no reason to "diet" and cut out foods that you like for good, just make them fit by having smaller portions. Small successes lead to bigger ones by giving you motivation to continue on and do more things. Just remember that you have to stay consistent for at least 2-3 weeks to make those new behaviors "habits." I've just found that pre-logging helps me to stay on track much more than logging after I eat and hoping I did things right.
  • FitMom731
    FitMom731 Posts: 1 Member
    Unfortunately maintaining a healthy weight is going to be a lifelong challenge and is a challenge for everyone. All my life I've had to work at maintaining a healthy weight. Try not to be too hard on yourself. You've got to take the bumps in the road as learning opportunities and pick yourself back up and not let the bumps completely destroy the fact that you're back at it again. Tracking is's easy to fall back into bad habits, but if you're tracking you can identify your weaknesses and see where you need to improve. Focus on being healthy and making healthy choices rather than just a number on the scale. A friend of mine did that and she's lost over 100 lbs this past year!!!! She went from being obese to running in 5k and 10ks! Just won't get there overnight, but have a goal in mind and go for it. I hope this helps!