hungry all the time



  • Thankyou fingers crossed. I hope so x
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Intermittent Fasting removed all my hunger pangs, has done the same for others.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Wow that was a motavational speech actually got me rather emotional.

    Im trying to use my wedding as my motivation as we are planning on marrying abroad so I dont want to have to cover up.

    That's so exciting! I don't think you have much to lose. I think lifting weights will give you the results you want as long as you can learn to rely on a tape measure instead of the scale. Just remember - no one knows how much you weigh but everyone can see your size and shape and weight lifting will improve that so much. I don't lose many pounds lifting weights but I'm shrinking.
  • yelliezx
    yelliezx Posts: 633 Member
    Are you eating well? I eat 1400-1600 (usually around 1600) calories per day and I am never hungry. I made sure I get ample fibre and protein. Coffee always suppresses my hungry too. Check out my diary if you like. Good luck!!!! :)
  • emzyloo88
    emzyloo88 Posts: 145 Member
    hey hun... im the same hun if youw ant some motivation add me and we can do this together :) we are the same., x
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    Unless you have been fasting for 24 hours or more, the hunger you are feeling is all in your head. Mind over matter. Admit that you are not hungry, just habitual. Go and do something else.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Well to start with my momma always said "Don't do your face like that or it'll stay that way"

    Moving on...

    it's monumentally important that you accurately log your food AND your exercise because you might be overdoing it or underdoing it on the exercise in relation to your cals. So as a first step I think accurate daily logging of everything is good. Except weighing wait at least a few days or even a full week between weigh ins and do it on the same scale and wearing the same thing.

    I know you can do it because you are a human and as such are subject to the same laws of physics and math that we all are. Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • colleenlingley
    colleenlingley Posts: 1 Member
    In addition to healthy fats and protein keeping me full, I also include a ton of non-starchy vegetables to fill me up. It looks like way more food on my small plate, and is colorful and appetizing. Another big help is drinking 8oz of water before my meal to be sure I'm not actually thirsty - my body confuses hunger & thirst signals.
    Chewing very well and eating slowly while I'm not distracted (i.e. eating at the table, not in front of the tv or computer) allows me to pay closer attention to hunger & fullness signals, as well as allows me to stop eating when it doesn't taste as good as the first bite did.
    My "willpower", or cravings for healthier food increase when I've exercised for the day. Another "willpower" help is getting enough sleep...when I haven't gotten at least 6 hours of sleep, I crave fatty carbohydrates (like cookies & doughnuts).
    Best of luck, and remember: put yourself FIRST...when you put yourself first, you are in a better mood and better able to do things for others.
  • aepdx
    aepdx Posts: 218 Member
    Unless you have been fasting for 24 hours or more, the hunger you are feeling is all in your head. Mind over matter. Admit that you are not hungry, just habitual. Go and do something else.

    Not sure if that is true…
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    Try eating more fish, grilled chicken, beans etc, low cal proteins but very filling. For breakfast oatmeal, eggs, whole wheat bread. Apples are filling, so are almonds, yogurt, banana. When nothing else works potatoes and fish/ meat is the most filling food out there. All of the above are low cal, low fat. Drink lotsa water.

    4 months at this keep up your fantastic effort, be proud of yourself and dont lose any of what you accomplished other than pounds of fat, of course ...
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I agree with others, eat more proteins. Meat, fish, greek yogurt (plain with your own fruit added), it actually really fills you up.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Unless you have been fasting for 24 hours or more, the hunger you are feeling is all in your head. Mind over matter. Admit that you are not hungry, just habitual. Go and do something else.

    Not sure if that is true…

    The body can go without food for a long time, I fast everyday for 18 hours (sleeping included) it removed all my hunger pangs that I used to have. Once you get into routine, you don't feel hunger anymore and you start to realize that you don't need food all the time.

  • Thanks for all your help everyone it is much appreciated
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    for me, I feel hungry when my nutritional needs are not being met. I'm not talking about the obvious protein/fats/carbs, or getting enough calories or not, but the more subtle things like, am I getting all my vitamins and minerals? When I eat a wide variety of foods, especially a lot of different kinds of vegetables (all different colors and kinds) then I find I am less hungry. It's not just that I can eat a lot of veggies and feel full, its also that my body is satisfied.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    More protein, more fiber. Both of those will help you stay full longer. At 8 am I had breakfast smoothie that I make and I had 28 grams of protein by itself. I didn't eat anything else until 130.

    Also, are you drinking water? Sometimes hunger can be your body actually wanting hydration.

    I agree with Twinketta here. Log every single thing you eat. If you sautee veggies in butter, you need to log the butter along with the veggies you make. At least, that's what I do! I list every vitamin, supplement, food, drink I eat/drink. That is vital to really knowing how much you are putting in.
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    Many good ideas here. I advise getting a food scale and using it regularly. Prior to my doing this, I was eye-balling my "serving" of peanut butter and, after getting a scale, found I was eating TWICE what a serving was. Also, consistently logging food on MFP; it's such a great tool to keep us accountable. When I'm not logging, I'm likely back to being out of control. A third thing I have been doing the past year or so is not eating bread. As an older female, my calorie allotment is very small, and I found bread took up too many of my calories, plus it did not satisfy me, plus it acted as a trigger food. So I rarely have a roll or piece of bread (but tonight I'm proving the exception by having a hamburger WITH bun!!). I have also found some "go to" foods that are satisfying, not snacky processed "nutrition" bars or stuff like that. But, that is just me. These strategies have helped me go from obese, to merely overweight, to normal weight today...
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    What are you eating, and I mean what are your ratios. I personally find that the proportions matter for me.

    I aim for 45% carbs, 25% protein, 30% fat. If I do not eat enough carbs or fat I will be super starving. Even if I have tons of protein. My body is not happy without a certain number of carbs.

    I need to have at least 20% fat and 40% crabs to stay full and prevent crankiness.
  • lindustum
    lindustum Posts: 212 Member
    I think you have to find out what suits your needs.

    I found that (for me!) certain carbs cause the sleepiness and heatwaves after dinner, and I try to get high fat, high protein and lowER carb. Don't cut out anything completely, just think of what foods you eat that you feel are not filling at all (pasta and bread for example just bloat me, it does not fill) and which ones make you feel "yes I need that right now!" (in my case, eggs and bananas).
  • roote13
    roote13 Posts: 8 Member
    Last year, I was doing so well with MFP. I logged every day, exercised, etc. I'd lost 35 lbs. Then I lazy...tired of it...holidays came and with them baking with my mom. I quit logging because I thought I could judge on my own by that time. I stopped measuring for the same reason. Then I just plain stopped. I gained back all 35 lbs plus a bonus 10 on top of it. I'm so angry with myself, but I'm back and starting all over again. The one bit of motivation for me is that I know it works for me because I'd lost a lot. It's not the losing weight that's difficult, really, at least for me. It's the motivation and dedication to actually keep logging. Because if I do that, and stay within my calories (at least most of the time!), I know I will lose weight.
  • Not had an amazing day but my diary is now public :s