Emotional Eater- Mom of 3 needs to lose 70+ Can u relate?

Hi, My name is Rosie. I joined back in May and managed to lose and gain back the same 10 lbs since then! Frustrated and finding out that I'm driven to eat badly when stress sets into my life. The bad part about that is that I do not have many stress free days. Feeling like an out of control roller coaster... I started a blog today to begin a 1 yr journey to lose these 70 pounds of emotional baggage that I can no longer afford to carry another yr. I'm getting older, turning 36 this yr and I'm just TIRED of the excuses I give myself to not change. I am trying and I have been for yrs but I'm not consistant. I start the gym then I stop, I do dvd workouts and then I end of working too late and those stop.

I do great with the calories and the diet and then I have a crappy day at work or have money problems or kids or my mom get's sick or.....etc etc.. my life takes over and then I never make time for me to do what I need to do for me. I cry and stress out about it all with a Large coke and a hershey bar. It's been a vicious cycle for most of my adult life. I'M TIRED OF IT.

The excess weight has caused severe back pain & high blood pressure and I'm too young for this!!! I'm going to regain the control I need to do this, because I have a family who needs me to be happy and needs me to be there for them in the future.

I'm also recently engaged to the man of my dreams, we plan to marry in CABO next September. I want to wear shorts on the beach and swim in a bikini (both I've NEVER DONE as an adult) I want a better me.. and I'd love for a few friends to help me on this journey, I've never been able to do it before on my own and I want to see if having a support group will give me that extra push..

So if your out there and you can relate..please write back.
Thanks :happy:


  • pauluk1978
    pauluk1978 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi Rosie,

    Like you I'm an emotional eater, whether I'm down , happy or just bored food is generally my first call. I now have a niece abd nephew who love the water and i'd love to share in their enjoyment but at the moment I am so low in confidence going in to a pool or the sea that i am missing out. Got to sort myself out quickly lol
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    I can relate. I do well and then as soon as something interferes with my schedule, I spiral out of control. I reached my pre pregnancy weight last year but am now up 15 lbs. I never had trouble maintaining but now if I'm not paying attention, I gain a pound a week. I know the problem and I know I need to stop.
  • bdenitto
    bdenitto Posts: 210 Member
    I have lost 86 pounds in the last year. I have 29 to go. I am a mom and I know how hard it is to put yourself first. Feel free to add me!
  • rumplesnat
    rumplesnat Posts: 372
    I feel your pain and am right there with you! You can totally beat the addiction, though. Every day is your new day. Excited for your wedding...you'll ROCK the beach!!! :happy:
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    Hi Rosie, I was the same. I never realised how much I used food until I seriously tried to lose the weight. I still find that in times of stress I want to pig out on chocolate! I've had to recognise that and work to change it. I use moderation rather than elimination now, and I'll eat chocolate but I'll weigh it and log it first. I even weigh ice cream, and wine! I'm 87lbs under my starting weight now. I started in November 2011 and I've actually lost more but I gained some back when I went off track last year (we moved country but I don't have an excuse) and had to lose 14lbs twice. That sucked. I want to lose another 82lbs or so.

    Feel free to add me, I log in every day - currently at 167 days or something like it. I'm happy to motivate and support so long as you're serious!
  • KhalilahSS
    KhalilahSS Posts: 19 Member
    Hey Rosie,

    I totally can relate. Its not easy, some days are ok, some are horrible. I just remember one day at a time. Congrats on your upcoming wedding!!!
  • VanettaRangerWilson
    Hi Rosie! I can relate! I am 26 years old and have 72 pounds to lose to get to a healthy weight. No children yet but appreciate the companionship for the journey ahead. ALL the very best to you!
  • ms_erica
    ms_erica Posts: 173 Member
    Definately an emotional eater myself and also a mom of 3. So i can totally relate. Thing that has worked so far, I keep the junk out of the home and go walk when im feeling any negative feeling, anger, fustrated, stressed, etc. Also learning to voice you emotions out load vs bottleling them up (what i usually would do but have slowly done better) help me as well. anyhow, i will send you a friend request and im here for moral support :wink:
  • amyisme
    amyisme Posts: 20
    Hi Rosie,

    I can relate to all of that. I have fought my weight my entire life. Sad thing is that I know what I am supposed to be doing, and have actually managed to do just that. But then something goes wrong and it becomes a great excuse to blow it. Feel free to add me...and good luck on your journey!
  • snowmoon13
    snowmoon13 Posts: 165 Member
    I can ! it is has been for me one of the most difficult pars of the process of losing to date 61 lbs... not having food as my go to escape place... you can do this ... plan and log...
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    Although I don't have much left to lose, I am a mother of 3 and a HUGE emotional eater. It's something I struggle with every day and always have. I can relate to those thing for sure :) Add me any mommas who would like
  • JenMarie8781
    JenMarie8781 Posts: 377 Member
    I can relate 100%. One day I'll be feeling so motivated and ready to tackle this ... and then the next day something happens - the kids are acting terrible, an argument with my husband, stressed over money- whatever it may be, it makes me lose all motivation and say SCREW IT. Then I get out of control and eat like crap and then feel bad about it later. Same cycle over and over. It is especially frustrating because I DID lose 107 pounds. Then I got pregnant and completely let myself go and now I am having a very hard time getting back on track. I am still 45 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight and I hate it!
  • ann927
    ann927 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, me too. I am on the same journey. I have been to OA and they say take one day at a time and reward yourself with something other than food once you reach a set milestone. Good luck to you...i feel your pain.
  • queenbear5
    queenbear5 Posts: 76 Member
    You sound just like me. I'm also a mom of three. I lost 14 lbs since Jan this year, but then my Dad got sick and died. I've since gained back 10 of those 14 lbs. Today I am putting on the brakes. Every time I'd get upset, I'd dive headfirst into my chocolate stash, or grab a bag of chips and say, "What difference does it make, anyway?" Well, now my pants are getting too tight, and something must be done. Add me if you want. I totally understand where you're coming from.
  • JanMarie2BHealthy
    Hi Rosie: Sure I can relate. Feel free to add me. Good luck reaching your goals. You can do it !!
  • 616Junebug
    616Junebug Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Rosie,

    I so can relate on the emotional eating which has been my addiction for 50 years. I too want to break the cycle and start living, really living the rest of my life. I have lost 35 lbs total since the 1st of June and have about 95 to go. I vowed on my 51st birthday that by the time I celebrate my next birthday I will be in the best shape and physical health of my life. I just found my fitness pal in the past couple of weeks, so I am excited to log in every day and begin to hold myself more accountable day after day. I have committed to exercising 1 hour per day for 6 days a week....feeling lighter and stronger every day. No more excuses from this chick!!!! Feel free to add me I would appreciate the mutual support too.
  • sav3175
    sav3175 Posts: 47
    I can deff relate to that im a mom of three and the stress gets to me also one of my kids is slightly autistic so days can get frustrating but you can do it, i did. if you would like to add me for support and motivation please do :)
  • tootchute
    tootchute Posts: 392 Member
    Mom of one needs to loose a lot, so if you want to talk feel free to add me
  • bakingforlife
    bakingforlife Posts: 132 Member
    I also can relate ,but now i give myself a break and just give myself the ok to eat but just healthly stuff .i get my fix and have the satisefaction of eating atleast good for me food .no gilt .it works .....and that way knowing i ate well some how gets to not to over eat. I hope that makes sense.
  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    I listen to Overeaters Anonymous podcasts at work, it really helps me :)
    You can download them for free on the iTunes store.

    Another great one is Trish Blackwell's "Confidence on the Go", it has helped me with positive thinking patterns that in the end push out the more negative destructive ones.

    I also am using an app on my iPhone called "Recovery Record". It's actually really great! It's free, and there are a LOT of resources. You log your thoughts and feelings, including the feeling of a binge coming on, during meal times. It has helped me discover a pattern for when my binges occur, and tactics to help avoid them. It doesn't always work, but it definitely has helped me get past situations when I feel an emotional 'binge' coming on more than I would have otherwise. It's worth a shot!

    Good luck, I know how horrible those destructive thought patterns can be.
