Feeling embarrassed when working out



  • Delena1369
    I totally know where you're coming from. I haven't joined a gym or anything, but I put my daughter in the stroller and walk down my street, which is a pretty busy city street, or take her to the community pool and do laps with her on my back. I never take my eyes off the ground because when I do, I see all those people driving by looking at me, and in my head it feels like they're judging me even though I know they're most likely just curious or glancing my way, the same way I do when I drive past a pedestrian. Seeing my own fat shadow just makes me hate myself more, and I think I'll never get rid of this weight. It's really hard, and I never want to step outside the house, but I do anyway.
  • MsEndomorph
    MsEndomorph Posts: 604 Member
    "What people think of you is none of your business."

    Take it to heart. The person who honked at you could've been thinking any number of things, but in the end it has nothing to do with you. You went out and got quite a few steps closer to your goal.

    I walk around my neighborhood and sing along to my music out loud. I've been known to dance-walk on occasion. I've also gotten a few bruises from attempting to dance on the treadmill.

    I'm sure people have seen and heard me, but I'm not important enough for them to dwell on , and they aren't important enough for me to dwell on :)

    Enjoy your life and your healthy journey!
  • CindyRip
    CindyRip Posts: 166 Member
    I don't have a lot of answers but I do have a different point of view. I was not there to hear the honk but it could just as easily been from someone trying to say way to go rather than being derogatory. I can not tell you how many stories I have read posted by people who thought other people were gawking, honking, looking at them in a negative way only to find out the people wanted to lend support. I think a really good question for you to ask yourself is why that would be your first assumption? How much better to think positive, who cares about the original intent unless it is an in your face type situation. Make it a positive for yourself, take it as a cheer, wear a great shirt and tell yourself they are looking at your shirt not you specifically, that honk was a "way to go" wish I had the courage to be out there like you." this is a new way of life with our eating patterns why not make it a new way of life with our thinking patterns also.
  • amyegm
    amyegm Posts: 8 Member
    I think we all do. Unless you practically live in the gym, there is no way to look good while working out. You are doing what you need to do for you. Don't let people who don't know you bring you down.
  • nolongerXXL
    nolongerXXL Posts: 222 Member
    I live in a REALLY small town. Like crazy small. I'm not close to a gym so I take my workouts (walking and running) to the roads. It is no secret that I'm out there doing it. I have some of the biggest mouths of the south that pass by me while I'm sweating it out. I started weighing over 300lbs., I'm currently at 235.

    When I workout, I'm drenched in sweat, red in the face and look pretty frightful, if I do say so myself. I have people passing me in their cars the whole time.

    I DON'T care! It took me about 6 weeks of running (around and around my yard!) before I was brave enough to take it to the road. I haven't looked back! I'm doing this for ME, I don't care what others think. Give the nay-sayers a few months and see what they say then!!!

    You're worth it!!