Losing my motivation.

When I first started this journey, I had all the motivation in the world. I would get up early in the morning and meet my workout buddy at the gym and workout every morning. I was also doing Zumba twice a week. It just so happened that my buddy couldn't meet me in the mornings anymore and I found an old friend to go. We started where I left off. It was great going and just having someone there to talk to made it more fun. It didn't seem like I was working out. Well now my friend has hurt her ankle and can't go with me to the gym and I feel my motivation lacking. When the alarm goes off in the morning for me to get up and go, I just switch it off and go back to sleep. If I was swimming at the pool, I would get out and go workout, now I stay in the pool. I need to get my motivation back. If anyone wants to add me and help motivate me, I would really appreciate it.



  • TrishaTripps
    TrishaTripps Posts: 17 Member
    Don't stop!! I tell myself everyday "no one else is going to do this for you, you hafta do it yourself!" It's sooooooo true! I do all my workouts alone... all I have as motivation is myself and articles on here. Think about what made you so motivated in the beginning... What was it? Health? Beauty? Whatever it was reclaim it! Put yourself back in that mindset because you are worth it! You are worth the hard work and you are worth jumping out of bed in the morning and hitting the gym. No one ever said "I wish I hadn't worked out today" in fact, I bet every time you do workout you think afterwards "I'm so glad I did that!"
    Reach inside and find that spark you had in the beginning, and whether you have a friend joining you or not... Do it for yourself!
  • Karizi
    Karizi Posts: 5
    Don't beat yourself up because of it. It just makes it worse, speaking from experience. If you missed one day, just try again the next day. Sometimes the reason we don't get up in the morning is because it's not an habit yet so it's going to be a harder to get our mind and body used to that wake up call.

    Also, if tackling the morning isn't working then maybe have an afternoon or night time zumba?
  • scrappingmom73
    scrappingmom73 Posts: 9 Member
    I too have to make myself go exercise. I am not able to get to a gym so walking is my means at the moment. There are many days that I force myself to get out there and walk. My weight is at a total stand still right now too so I totally understand losing motivation. Would love to encourage each other!