Hashimoto's Disease....does anyone treat it naturally?



  • skincy
    skincy Posts: 108 Member
    I have been diagnosied with Hashimoto's for 6 years. IF you want to treat your thyroid naturally than you want a med call Armour Thyroid, NP Thyroid or Naturethroid. These are all natural medicines that are approved by the FDA and you get them from the Pharmacy. Its what doctors treated thyroid problems with before synthroid ever came out. Its hard to find doctors to prescribe it but you can find some. But bottom line, you NEED thyroid hormone replacement and a gluten free diet.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    It's very scary that people turn to google rather than listening to healthcare professionals. If you don't feel like your doctor is listening to you or providing you adequate answers, then by all means, get a second or third or fourth opinion. Self medicating yourself is not the way to go. Not to mention herbal remedies are a scam and bull.
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    Seek another Dr. if you are unhappy with your current one.

    There is no dietary cure for Hashimoto's. You will need medication to regulate your metabolism.
  • skincy
    skincy Posts: 108 Member
    This reply is for @SarahBeth17

    Before I start, I want to make it clear that while I don't agree with your methods of "treating" Hashimoto's, I recognise your beliefs and respect that we are all entitled to make whatever choices we want for ourselves. My purpose for this reply is to add another perspective about Hashi's as it sounds to me like you are well-read and are open to information from different sources.

    The thyroid is part of a broader endocrine system that must all be in balance for a person to feel well. In a "normal" person, there are normal levels of T4 in the blood, therefore, the pituitary doesn't need to release thyroid stimulating hormone and all is well. In Hashimoto's sufferers, something (I believe mine was a particularly bad case of tonsillitis when I was younger combined with puberty) causes the cells in the thyroid to alter in some way that the body believes they are antigens. The immune system starts releasing antibodies to attack the thyroid "antigens" which causes a decrease in the amount of T4 being produced which causes the pituitary to register low levels of T4 which causes it to release TSH which causes the thyroid to try to compensate which increases the inflammatory response and release of antibodies thus damaging the thyroid further which causes a decrease in the levels of T4 produced which causes the pituitary gland to release more TSH....... Yeah, you get my point. Telling someone they can "cure" their hashimoto's through diet is like telling someone they can cure their hayfever, allergic hives, anaphylaxis through diet. Taking synthetic T4 merely suppresses the amount of TSH the pituitary is releasing which helps suppress the immune/inflammatory response thus minimising the damage being done to the thyroid. I had a partial thyroidectomy 6 weeks ago to remove a suspicious lump. My thyroid was so damaged by the Hashimoto's that a 2 hour op took the surgeon 3 hours!!! I have since started taking thyroxine and my skin, hair and nails feel amazing!!! Synthetic T4 doesn't damage your thyroid, Hashimoto's damages your thyroid....

  • acbabbitt
    acbabbitt Posts: 50
    Oh. Dear. God.

    (Disclaimer: I work in medicine)

    Please, please, please seek the advice of a *board certified* endocrinologist/thyroidologist. They exist for a reason.
  • kimv0536
    kimv0536 Posts: 1
    I have known that I am a Hashimoto's patient for 15 years. I have used just about every medication that is out there and I have settled on Naturthroid as it seems to work well for me. I also work in a doctor's office that uses conventional and naturopathic medicine.

    I just want to take a minute to say that supporting the immune system is VITAL to feeling well when you have Hashimoto's. I DO NOT, however, believe that it can be "cured" by diet and supplementation. Using thyroid medication, whether synthetic (like Synthroid or Cytomel) or natural thyroid (Armour, Naturethroid), also does not cure it. I've tried it and I have watched several of the patients I work with try it also. There is a degree to where you may feel better with diet, exercise and supplements, but having that excess of TSH constantly being produced, whether in huge quantities or small quantities is NOT going to make it go away - especially if you were diagnosed later into the progression of the disease.

    Yes. Eat well, exercise, take supplements recommended by your doctor or nutrition consultant. You may have to try several different types of things before you find out what works for you. But keep in mind that as you are doing these things that WILL support your immune system, you are not going to get any real results for months because it took months, maybe even years for your body to get to where it is now. But I can tell you from personal experience, when I was diagnosed, I was to the point where I couldn't even get out of the bathtub without help. I would fall asleep and not even know I was sleeping - day or night. I live in Arizona and if I did get up enough umph to go out for a short walk, I felt cold when it was 110 degrees outside. Honestly, I don't know about anyone else, but I CAN NOT afford - literally - to live like that. I had a very difficult time getting to work.

    Take some form of thyroid hormone and though you won't cure the disease, you will be able to function again. After all, if you were a type I diabetic you'd take your insulin, wouldn't you?
  • HunnyUm
    HunnyUm Posts: 3
    Avoid Gluten, No nightshade foods, no dairy... not much left! Ugh. The meals you proposed are chock full of stuff we shouldn't eat?!
  • HunnyUm
    HunnyUm Posts: 3
    No Nightshades!!?? Doesn't the Chinese Dr know about their affect on thyroid?

    I am trying to treat it naturally. The root cause of Hashimoto's is different for everyone, though it is undeniably linked to gluten intolerance, and being a auto-immune disorder it effects/ or is cause by the gut: digestion so you have to eat foods that are easy to digest. I cook almost all of my meals. I see a Chinese medicine doctor and he recommends the paleo diet: limit grains to almost nil. It was really hard at first but I have gotten used to it and don't miss the grains too much (I do still want to stuff my face with croissants though!)

    Quinoa: always rinse before cooking, then add zucchinni or parsley or pine nuts
    Beef stew: you can make a veggie stock with the parts of veggies you can't eat, strain, and add beef and every vegetable you like. Add tomatoes to make it more savory
    Eggplant parmesian with no pasta just mushrooms and veggies (or you can cheat a little and make rice pasta but its not very good for you)
    Chicken soup, chicken stock, chicken enchiladas or fajitas with corn tortillas (even though corn is considered a grain I still eat a little)
    potatoes, leeks, cooked squash is especially good for Hashimoto's.
    Beans and rice
    Salads with hard boiled eggs and sunflower seeds. You can make an awesome dressing with VEGENAISE as a base and it tastes better than mayonnaise anyway.
    steamed greens with ume plum vinegar or ....
    I also make miso soup with mushrooms and seaweed- it was recommended that I eat seaweed- not sure about the iodine controversy.

    Try to live somewhere that you can find an affordable health food store so you can find all of these things. Otherwise it is terribly hard and also hard to go out to eat.

    I am taking Thyroxal k-12 has bovine thyroid in it and a bunch of awesome supplements designed specifically for Ha****moto's. I am also taking chinese herbs and getting acupuncture for the root of the problem.

    I think there is a lot of vague information about this subject right now so it is important to share what we learn.

    The best way is to cure, heal, or live with the problem naturally because I have noticed that people who take pharmaceutical medications for this actually see their symptoms worsening over time because their body continues to attack their thyroid while they simply supplement hormones. Perhaps if you can both replace hormones and treat the root problem this would be best?
    I was told that replacing the hormones might make it harder for the thyroid to learn to work again by itself. Kind of vague info though...any thoughts?
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Seek another Dr. if you are unhappy with your current one.

    There is no dietary cure for Hashimoto's. You will need medication to regulate your metabolism.

    Explain how I have went from 3 grains of Armour Thyroid down to one grain daily with just switching to an all natural way of eating and living if one can not heal the body with proper nourishment?

    Also, explain how I was able to shrink my pituitary tumor with this same way of eating and living.

    My Endocrinologist and Naturopathic M.D. have worked with me intensively for me to get my Thyroid functioning again on its own and slowly lowering the dose along the way.

    The human body IS CAPABLE of healing itself. Hippocrates said it best, which is the oath that Dr's take when they become doctors and are sworn in........

    Let food be thy medicine and let thy medicine be thy food - Hippocrates.

    The medical industry is so far away from the above mentioned statement all in the name of GREED and MONEY.
  • mildollarsmile
    mildollarsmile Posts: 41 Member
    Oh man...I am so overwhelmed and don't know where to start. I was diagnosed about 2 years or so ago with Hashimotos thyroiditis. I recently learned about going gluten free. After reading all these threads I am still a little lost and confused. I will start with going gluten free. I do see an endo and they keep my numbers monitored. They just had to up my meds because it wasn't in the range it should be. My PCP and ENDO work together for me on this. There is still oh so much to learn...
  • junip1977
    junip1977 Posts: 111 Member
    My daughter was diagnosed with Hashi's when she was 9, she is now 12. It has been a complete nightmare. Unfortunately, we have found that pediatric endocrinologists do not really have a clue how to treat her. They gave her synthroid which she continually had increased and all it did was nothing. She gained about 5 pounds a month for a year straight. We tried a gluten free diet for 6 months, no changes. We then saw a Holistic doctor who prescribed Armour which really helped manage her symptoms but she was still gaining weight. She has been ont he armour now for about a year. Lately she has been having many symptoms again and her TSH was just tested at .006 and high T3 levels. UGH!!! Poor kid keeps gaining weight, can't sleep, and all the doctors say is see a dietician.......it is not her diet....we carefully watch everything this kid eats. It is so frustrating. She is going to a new doctor next week who called with her labs saying stop all thyroid meds until they see us, but I know they are going to put her back on synthroid which doesn't work. I feel your frustration, I feel so helpless and I worry the damage this is doing on her young body!!! :(
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
  • Hi, I was originally diagnosed with hypothyroid diseases when I was 17. I was about 112-115 pounds up until my senior year in High School where I slowly started gaining weight. I could not do enough to get this little bit of weight off that I was gaining by my freshmen year of college I was up to a weight that was not normal for someone my size. i felt beyond tired, moody, depressed, not interest in things, fatigue, you name it. By that winter I was finally diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I really had no idea what it was but at the same time kind of relieved that it was something apparently "fixable". Man was I wrong! I was put on synthroid and a couple of months went by. I wasn't losing weight. I worked out twice a week. ( not enough) but I thought this pill was going to do everything my body couldn't...wrong again. I was uneducated on the topic. I was still extremely tired, moody, and not losing weight was making me go into more of a depression. I became more educated on how to eat healthy, worked out as much as I could. I did a complete 180 becoming as healthy as I could stand lol and still NOTHING! I was becoming so frustrated by all theses doctors telling me Its me. I was never me!! "you must not be working out enough" "you must not be eating healthy" " it must be the anti-depression medication you are on" So being that I do suffer from depression I decided to ask my nurse practitioner to give me options. She lowered my Zoloft dosage and added wellburtin which is suppose to be a better one to help with weight management (supposedly) after a couple of months of still feeling the same (maybe even worse at this point) I was drained and felt like my doctors were not listening to me and only going by my charts and blood levels. My doctor did not want to hear that I believed my symptoms were due to my thyroid because why would they, they run their little testes see that I am okay and make me believe that theres something that I am doing wrong. I continued to eat healthy, work out, take my medicine. My mom found a doctor in the city. (THANK GOD FOR THIS DOCTOR) because I was starting to go crazy. He is a hormone replacement doctor. I was skeptical because he helped women who were in their 50's and up. I am only 19 years old. But at this point i figured anything was worth a try. I knew a thyroid makes a hormone so i figured i have nothing to lose by seeing this hormone doctor. He said he did nto think he would be able to find anything but he'll run testes on me anyway. Most Doctors would of blown my mom off and said that they probably wouldnt find anything and dont waste your time. We almost were going to cancel the appointment because we really didn't think I had any hormonal issues. We were wrong. Turned out I had a list of things wrong with me that I should of know about but I didn't because my doctor insisted that It was me and he couldn't do more. Well turns out there was a hell of a lot more he should of been doing. I wasted away in the two or three years that this was going on when my doctor had the testes in front of him to do on me but didn't. Instead me the patient was left to dig and dig until I found some like the doctor in the city. The things that I have wrong with me are confusing and all tied together. Like a domino effect. Its still hard to fully understand because I am not a doctor.What I can tell you is that I was told I have hypothyroid/hashimotos. NEVER did my endocrinologist tell me I had hashimotos. That was a shock because as you know its a auto immune disease. The doctor in the city did tests on my DHEA levels, adrenal levels, cortisol levels, testosterone levels , progesterone levels, etc.... The look on our faces was shock when we saw the results of all theses levels. progesterone level was a 12 when the normal level was 75-270, my estrogen level was a 0.6 when the normal range was 1.3-3.3. Theses are just two explains of how out of whack my levels were. I also had adrenal fatigue, leaky gut syndrome, I had inflammation, high cholesterol, and was at the hormonal level of a post menopausal women!! Now if my endocrinologist would of listened to me and my symptoms he would of took the time out to check off the boxes on the script that said DHEA levels and hormonal levels when I was getting my blood done then I would of never had to go this long with my life withering away. Its hard to tell my story without writing a whole book. But what I can say is I was basically living as a zombie. My moods were up and down I was always exhausted I couldn't keep a job, my mental health was decreasing due to the lack of balanced hormones, I fell behind in school, my friends didn't understand why I was withdrawn and always tired, my social life went down the drain, I could not lose weight. I was just trying to live day to day. After getting over the initial shock of how much was actually wrong with me that I didn't know about I felt ready to really put my heart into doing everything this doctor told me to do. I was given natural supplements, a detox, not synthetic hormones but natural hormones to get my hormones back on track. natural things to help with my thyroid, things to help with my adrenal gland, theres so much more that I take but I am greatful because it is like I am back to being the old me again. I have energy, I do not crash every day in the afternoon. My adrenal gland isn't over working itself to give my body a boost and then crashing. I am happy, losing weight slowly, but I am losing which is better than before where nothing worked. I am bubbly again. I didm't realize how miserable I was until I got the old me back. I am not sitting next to the things I take but if you would like to know more I can write them down, and try and further explain how everything was effecting another thing in my body which effected another thing and so on. The point of my story is to listen to your gut and keep searching for a different solution because TSH and T4 are synthetic and most likely are not making what it should to be transferred into T3. If your doctor doesn't listen to your symptoms then they're not a good doctor. To find out more about hormone replacement you can go on YOUTUBE and subscribe to the bodylogicmd and they can better explain hormone therapy and you never know it might help! There are patients on the youtube account who talk about how their thyroid issues have improved since learning about hormone therapy
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Wow--u would've thought the endo Dr would've help out...so what kind of stuffs do u take naturally?

    Hi, I was originally diagnosed with hypothyroid diseases when I was 17. I was about 112-115 pounds up until my senior year in High School where I slowly started gaining weight. I could not do enough to get this little bit of weight off that I was gaining by my freshmen year of college I was up to a weight that was not normal for someone my size. i felt beyond tired, moody, depressed, not interest in things, fatigue, you name it. By that winter I was finally diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I really had no idea what it was but at the same time kind of relieved that it was something apparently "fixable". Man was I wrong! I was put on synthroid and a couple of months went by. I wasn't losing weight. I worked out twice a week. ( not enough) but I thought this pill was going to do everything my body couldn't...wrong again. I was uneducated on the topic. I was still extremely tired, moody, and not losing weight was making me go into more of a depression. I became more educated on how to eat healthy, worked out as much as I could. I did a complete 180 becoming as healthy as I could stand lol and still NOTHING! I was becoming so frustrated by all theses doctors telling me Its me. I was never me!! "you must not be working out enough" "you must not be eating healthy" " it must be the anti-depression medication you are on" So being that I do suffer from depression I decided to ask my nurse practitioner to give me options. She lowered my Zoloft dosage and added wellburtin which is suppose to be a better one to help with weight management (supposedly) after a couple of months of still feeling the same (maybe even worse at this point) I was drained and felt like my doctors were not listening to me and only going by my charts and blood levels. My doctor did not want to hear that I believed my symptoms were due to my thyroid because why would they, they run their little testes see that I am okay and make me believe that theres something that I am doing wrong. I continued to eat healthy, work out, take my medicine. My mom found a doctor in the city. (THANK GOD FOR THIS DOCTOR) because I was starting to go crazy. He is a hormone replacement doctor. I was skeptical because he helped women who were in their 50's and up. I am only 19 years old. But at this point i figured anything was worth a try. I knew a thyroid makes a hormone so i figured i have nothing to lose by seeing this hormone doctor. He said he did nto think he would be able to find anything but he'll run testes on me anyway. Most Doctors would of blown my mom off and said that they probably wouldnt find anything and dont waste your time. We almost were going to cancel the appointment because we really didn't think I had any hormonal issues. We were wrong. Turned out I had a list of things wrong with me that I should of know about but I didn't because my doctor insisted that It was me and he couldn't do more. Well turns out there was a hell of a lot more he should of been doing. I wasted away in the two or three years that this was going on when my doctor had the testes in front of him to do on me but didn't. Instead me the patient was left to dig and dig until I found some like the doctor in the city. The things that I have wrong with me are confusing and all tied together. Like a domino effect. Its still hard to fully understand because I am not a doctor.What I can tell you is that I was told I have hypothyroid/hashimotos. NEVER did my endocrinologist tell me I had hashimotos. That was a shock because as you know its a auto immune disease. The doctor in the city did tests on my DHEA levels, adrenal levels, cortisol levels, testosterone levels , progesterone levels, etc.... The look on our faces was shock when we saw the results of all theses levels. progesterone level was a 12 when the normal level was 75-270, my estrogen level was a 0.6 when the normal range was 1.3-3.3. Theses are just two explains of how out of whack my levels were. I also had adrenal fatigue, leaky gut syndrome, I had inflammation, high cholesterol, and was at the hormonal level of a post menopausal women!! Now if my endocrinologist would of listened to me and my symptoms he would of took the time out to check off the boxes on the script that said DHEA levels and hormonal levels when I was getting my blood done then I would of never had to go this long with my life withering away. Its hard to tell my story without writing a whole book. But what I can say is I was basically living as a zombie. My moods were up and down I was always exhausted I couldn't keep a job, my mental health was decreasing due to the lack of balanced hormones, I fell behind in school, my friends didn't understand why I was withdrawn and always tired, my social life went down the drain, I could not lose weight. I was just trying to live day to day. After getting over the initial shock of how much was actually wrong with me that I didn't know about I felt ready to really put my heart into doing everything this doctor told me to do. I was given natural supplements, a detox, not synthetic hormones but natural hormones to get my hormones back on track. natural things to help with my thyroid, things to help with my adrenal gland, theres so much more that I take but I am greatful because it is like I am back to being the old me again. I have energy, I do not crash every day in the afternoon. My adrenal gland isn't over working itself to give my body a boost and then crashing. I am happy, losing weight slowly, but I am losing which is better than before where nothing worked. I am bubbly again. I didm't realize how miserable I was until I got the old me back. I am not sitting next to the things I take but if you would like to know more I can write them down, and try and further explain how everything was effecting another thing in my body which effected another thing and so on. The point of my story is to listen to your gut and keep searching for a different solution because TSH and T4 are synthetic and most likely are not making what it should to be transferred into T3. If your doctor doesn't listen to your symptoms then they're not a good doctor. To find out more about hormone replacement you can go on YOUTUBE and subscribe to the bodylogicmd and they can better explain hormone therapy and you never know it might help! There are patients on the youtube account who talk about how their thyroid issues have improved since learning about hormone therapy
  • .
  • It's very scary that people turn to google rather than listening to healthcare professionals. If you don't feel like your doctor is listening to you or providing you adequate answers, then by all means, get a second or third or fourth opinion. Self medicating yourself is not the way to go. Not to mention herbal remedies are a scam and bull.

    If you had at all researched Hashimoto's or thyroid disorders you would have seen the years of absolute misery people have gone through being misdiagnosed, and mistreated by doctors. If you had ever experienced an illness with no cure and/or with treatments that continue to vary depending upon the doctor, you would not feel so inclined to be so flippant with your advice. It's scary that patient advocates know much more than actual doctors and that doctors refuse to acknowledge or adhere to new studies that have been published by even such a reputable source as the AACE.
  • I was diagnosed with Hashimotos 32 years ago and have been on a stable dose of synthroid for 32 years (.125). I fought it at first, writing to Thryoid organizations (by actual mail) and could not get answers. My first problem was extremely dry eyes - I was told by every medical source that this could not be related to taking synthroid. Since the mid-80s, I've just taken the synthroid and been reasonably healthy.
    I don't eat a lot of wheat or dairy, but have not cut them out entirely. I eat proboitic yogurt and take one probiotic pill every day.
    Also, take a multi-vitamin, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, Omega 3, vitamin B50, glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM.
    My biggest problem now is stiff sore joints, but since I'm 70, I think it could be osteoarthritis
    The reason I decided to post to this site is that most other entries are from much younger people. I don't like having to take a drug (Syntroid) every day. However, I have now taken it for over half my life and I aboslutely believe that my health is better than it would be if I were not medicated.
  • ChristyP0303
    ChristyP0303 Posts: 212 Member
    I was diagnosed with Hypo 17 years ago. Since then, it has been a complete roller coaster. Only this year was I finanlly told it was Hashimotos. I began to research all I could.

    I started seeing a new natural doctor for treatment about a month ago. The new clinic gets to the root of the problem, not just treating the TSH with meds. It is a 6 month program, so I really am just in the beginning stages. From what they have taught me, TSH is only the hormone. This is what most conventional doctors measure. What they don't track is the antibodies that come with having Hashimotos. The antibodies measure how much your body and immune system are attacking the thyroid. What you need to figure out is what foods trigger those antibodies. Once you eliminate those from your diet, your immune system calms down and most of your symptoms will fade. Although, this may not eliminate the need for medication.

    The first 3 weeks are a detox phase. I am ending week one today. After the 1st 3 weeks, you begin to add in the foods you have avoided. Except for the foods that show on the allergen test, which I haven't gotten back yet.

    When I was first told it was Hashi, that was in May. My antibodies were 466. I began changing my diet a little already on my own before attending this new clinic after doing the research. When I arrived there, my antibodies had dropped to 262. Normal range is 0-40. This is the first time in a very long time that I have hope. I have stuck to my diet 100% and I've even resumed some exercise that I couldn't do before because I was totally exhausted. I also lost 6 pounds during the 1st week. I cannot wait to attend my follow up visit this week.

    My suggestion to you is:
    1) Have the blood allergy tests done to see what is causing your Hashi to flare up.
    2) Go gluten and dairy free for 3 weeks. Then add them back one at a time to see if anything triggers any symtoms.
    3) Find a good organic powder supplement and take it religiously.

    Good luck!
  • mjslazak
    mjslazak Posts: 179 Member
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    diet can help, but hashimotos is an immune disease, you can't turn off antibodies with diet, there is more than one way to treat it, but diet is not a cure, there is no cure, anyone who tells you there is is a quack, please see a doctor for alternative types of medication. I have gone thru what you are, even still do at times, and worse, medication adjustment fixes it.... temporarily, this is a lifelong condition, my medication constantly is being adjusted because my immunesystem does more and more damage to my thyroid, but just because there is no easy and permanent fix that is not to say that the medication does not do what it is designed to do. Your hair and energy and pain are caused by lack of thyroid hormones, and if you do not get more hormones it is possible for it to get much worse, you can't eat these hormones, nor is it feasible to starve your immune system, which some of the hashimoto's diets will do. your health is too important to not get help for this.

    this ^^ diet can help it ...some people have severe food allergies, and HAVE to cut out dairy..I dont- I still eat greek yogurt..no wheat, gluten,though..as of about 2 weeks ago! I take 88mcg of Levo. ...no it doesnt help....I take lots of supplements that help your immune system every night..and herbal teas too......