poll: your picture



  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    I like to post a recent picture of me, because I like to have a face with a name when I meet people.... and it motivates me because I absolutely hate how I look right now!!! =) I can't wait till I have before / after pictures to see!!!!!!!!!!!!! right now it seems like that day is so far away..... will it ever come? =(
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Mine is my most recent. It's one of a few I took specifically for another diet blog I visit and then I found MFP and posted it here a couple days later.

    It neither motivates nor demotivates, its just me! lol

  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    I :heart: this question. I really enjoy reading peoples' responses. :smile:

    My picture is semi-recent... it's from last month I think. I use it because it was a really happy day for me. I was wearing a size 10 skirt for the first time in many years, and that's what I'm smiling about. It's a reminder of how far I've come. :heart:
    Mine is my most recent pic where I felt great! It is also from when I did my most recent mini traithlon, so it def motivates me. I will change it when I lose another 5 then again at goal...

    May I ask how tall you are? We're on the same track for weight loss, and while my belly is flatter than it was when I began, it's not nearly as awesome as yours looks!

    Def, I am 5"8 , currently 144.
  • ser0630
    ser0630 Posts: 223
    do you use your mfp picture to motivate yourself? is it the best representation of you, the worst or somewhere in the middle? if you choose an avatar instead of a picture, is it because you were embarrassed about taking your picture or did you choose it for a different reason (like privacy)?

    My mfp pic was taken last year. It's the best picture I have right now and I love it because it was taken when I was standing in the Gulf of Mexico last year when I was in Biloxi for work....and living in the midwest, it reminds me of warm weather when it's cold up here!
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    Mine is either an avatar or a very fuzzy picture (taken at night) I hate my photo being taken
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    do you use your mfp picture to motivate yourself? is it the best representation of you, the worst or somewhere in the middle? if you choose an avatar instead of a picture, is it because you were embarrassed about taking your picture or did you choose it for a different reason (like privacy)?

    My one was taken at the beginning of this year but in it, I was 14lbs lighter than when I first posted it on here (I piled on more weight between this photo being taken and starting on MFP in the May). Now I am slimmer than that by quite a long way but will wait until I reach my goal (8lbs to go) before I post a different one.
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    Mine is the best pic of me I think I look good but it makes me think if I lost weight I could have looked better.
  • I :heart: this question. I really enjoy reading peoples' responses. :smile:

    My picture is semi-recent... it's from last month I think. I use it because it was a really happy day for me. I was wearing a size 10 skirt for the first time in many years, and that's what I'm smiling about. It's a reminder of how far I've come. :heart:
    Mine is my most recent pic where I felt great! It is also from when I did my most recent mini traithlon, so it def motivates me. I will change it when I lose another 5 then again at goal...

    May I ask how tall you are? We're on the same track for weight loss, and while my belly is flatter than it was when I began, it's not nearly as awesome as yours looks!

    Def, I am 5"8 , currently 144.

    Ahh haha okay you've got about 4 or so inches on me. :wink: Your body is slammin! :smile:
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    Mine's just one I took hanging out in my room playing with PhotoBooth. It's not the best of me in there, but it's the better of the more recent crop.

    I'll probably change it up here and there - we shall see.
  • I was just playing round with my webcam/Photoshop with mine. I took it about three or four weeks ago, so it's pretty recent.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    My original picture was the worst and heaviest and most awful picture of me I cound find. It was to motivate and remind me why I logged in everyday. When I hit my first major milestone, a friend of mine gave me crap about the picture so since then, i do a new picture the beginning of every month to show my progress (I also add my weight and date to each picture). I am trying to photo diary my journey!
  • Mine is from the last time I played with my band(Jan. 1st, 2005). To me, those 5 years of playing bass with a real band were the most gratifying and cherished ones, so that's why I usually put it as avatar. Once the weight loss starts showing, I'll change it to one more recent and motivating. :)
  • diverdi
    diverdi Posts: 64 Member
    Mine's from holiday last year. A very flabby bikini shot but very small so it's not too obvious, using it to motivate me so when I go back to Sri Lanka in February hopefully I can wear a smaller bikini with pride
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