Anyone else us the Cambridge diet?

Azurastar Posts: 13 Member
My hair stylist started the Cambridge diet and lost 11lbs in one week. Since I have hit a point where it didn't matter how much I exercised, how little I ate, or how good I ate, my weight just wouldn't go down. I bounce from 170-179. Well yesterday I took a chance and got with Wendy, and wonderful lady, and a Cambridge consultant. We discussed my routines, family life, and health history. She felt I would do really great on this program. She weighed me at 179.5, measured me waist:32.5, bust:39 hips:43 and inner thigh which I didn't look at. My first week, I will be consuming 3 shakes a day(146cals each) and a dinner of white meats(turkey, chicken, or fish) greens, and veggies. No carbs for the first week:( (I love carbs) and I have to drink 2.25 liters of Calorie free liquid( which is almost 10 cups. I go back on Monday and we will weigh and measure, and document results, then we will decided if I stay on step 1 with 3 shakes a day and 1 meal, or if I should progress to step 2 and 2 shakes and 2 meals, and slowly add good carbs back in my diet. I believe its not just a fad diet, but a tool to teach portion control, and to really examine how we eat. I should hit my 30 lb goal in 6 weeks If I don't cheat, which I plan on not. The shakes are really pretty good, chocolcate mint is my fav. But so far I have had, forest fruit, and mango, and chocolate mint:)
Anyone one else use this program?


  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    I've known a few people to do this. There are probably about three programs. One, which they generally all sell you is a 500kcal a day 'shake and soup' diet. They put you on this for a month or so (not sure), then they put you on like 700?

    Besides the point, once you start eating normally again, that weight will come back on. Not to mention it would drive me mad if I was only drinking my calories every day!

    EDIT: It's also very, very expensive! And although it apparently contains all the nutrients you need, I've known for it to cause implications. But if you want to go for it, to kickstart your weight loss, then do it. But you don't need to eat so little to lose weight. :flowerforyou:
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    What she said ^
    Its unhealthy and expensive. (starvation)

    My colleague is on this diet and it makes me want to tear my hair out everytime she justifies its benefits.
  • yawning_cat
    yawning_cat Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I did do it for about seventeen days and lost about 7lb, I followed it religiously doing sole source with a 200cal evening meal but it just didn't seem to suit me.

    The first week i loved as it was all new and fresh and really didnt mind the supplied meals but only lost about four lbs in nine days which i felt for the effort involved was a poor return, the second week i lost another three but the food and cost were questionable.

    I think the cambridge is great if you have to lose weight quick say for a wedding or holiday, but in the long term it made more financial sense to sign up to the gym and eat healthy.

    Cambridge did make me more food aware and made me cut out sugar, fizzy pop and caffine, one odd thing that did happen is i haven't had a period in quite a few years due to having the depo hormone injection but whilst on the the diet i had a suprise period ! This was the alarm bell for quitting and making my own choices, plus my mum had also been on the diet and always seemed to gain weight back quickly after quitting the diet.

    I did the cambridge in february this year and continued after eating 1200 cals and doing the gym three times a week, now im 27lbs down and still have treats like chocolate etc and have still continued to lose, ive now upped my cal intake as my body has changed.

    So it is a choice really, if you do it be real careful when you do give it up about portions plus also bear in mind that your consultant is also a sales person who gets a commission so will tell you 'that the cambridge IS suited to your needs'

    Good Luck !
  • Azurastar
    Azurastar Posts: 13 Member
    thanks everyone for their input. I really appreciate it. I don't really feel that I am just drinking my calories. With My schedule, I skipped breakfast and lunch, so I feel for me personally its helping me fill that need. So far, in 3 days I have lost 5lbs. My thought is that is a way to adjust my eating habits, it will make me look more closely at the food I put in my body. And After the 1st week I will be able to adjust with the program, as I progress.
    I had been going to the gym 3 times a week, plus zumba at home, and for 12years, I have had the same fluctuating weight 170-180 , and that's including having 3 kids. It really didn't matter how much I worked out, its about what I was putting in my mouth, I need to adjust my portions. My goal ultimate goal Is to lose 30lbs, and be about 140. My plan is to use the program to retrain how I think about food, portions. My distributer, is encouraging, flexible and helps me stay accountable. Yes she is making a profit, but she also said if in a day I hate it I can bring back my shakes back for a full refund. I really do appreciate all your comments, I am thankful for a place like my fitnesspal that we all can give eachother feed back, and create friendships:)
  • mitatailor
    mitatailor Posts: 28 Member
    hi Azurastar. im doing it. started13th may, so coming up to a month. ive lost 11lbs. im also on ss+ want to buddy?
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    Two of my relatives did this, however if you're not careful once you go off of the diet it comes back on. They are both heavier than when they started and their wallets are lighter too.

    However, if you feel you can do it properly then go for it.
  • ejmcgovern
    ejmcgovern Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there! I did cambridge a few years ago and lost 14lbs. It was great but unfortunately I put all the weight back on (and then some)! My advice would be to do Cambridge if you feel like it but make sure to step back up to solid foods slowly (alternate cambridge with light lunches etc) and remember it's a lifelong change. Cambridge is definitely great for getting started though, a real boost!!
  • Azurastar
    Azurastar Posts: 13 Member
    So far I am really enjoying it. Its been 10 days, and I am down 10lbs! I am so excited. Its almost like its reset my body. I get hungry at 9,12:15,3&6, and that's it. No more pointless snaking throughout the day, or at night watching TV. So happy to be seeing some results.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Just one of the many fad diets my mother did in the 80s/90s. And yes, she's still struggling to lose the weight.
  • Azurastar
    Azurastar Posts: 13 Member
    well I don't believe its a quick fix, I believe it teaches you about food, portion, and how to reset and jump start your body. With dedication, and discernment I truly believe it will work. And it has thus far. But some diet changes are not for everyone, because everyone's bodies and life styles are different.
  • AndorZensko
    AndorZensko Posts: 47 Member
    Azurastar, I am glad that you are losing the weight that you wanted. There is no harm in trying something different as long as we watch how our bodies react to what we do. If this is working for you then go for it, use it as a tool as we would anything else for weight loss. Everyone's path is different and only you will know what is best for you. On occasion I like to do a liquid diet, mostly because I will get bored or lazy and not want to have to think about eating, but then other times I can't stand the thought of a liquid diet. This is your journey. Good luck to you.
  • gillporteous
    I have been doing the cambridge diet (sole source +) for 4 weeks so far and have lost about 9lbs.. I have cheated some weeks and stuck religiously on other weeks. I am 5'3 with a bmi of about 22 hence smaller results as I don't have a lot left to lose!

    Feel free to add me :)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Two of my relatives did this, however if you're not careful once you go off of the diet it comes back on. They are both heavier than when they started and their wallets are lighter too.

  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    well I don't believe its a quick fix, I believe it teaches you about food, portion, and how to reset and jump start your body. With dedication, and discernment I truly believe it will work. And it has thus far. But some diet changes are not for everyone, because everyone's bodies and life styles are different.

    Starving yourself and living mostly on liquid does not educate you about food and portion control.

    A friend did this, lost heaps of weight and felt great while on the diet. As soon as 'normal' food started to go back into her diet the weight came back. Unless you plan to follow the plan for the rest of your life then it's not a long term solution.
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    This was posted 2 months ago. I wonder how the result are, if she kept it off or not.