T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team.... Starting again

We have been a team since January 2009 and the summer months tend to take many of us off track with busy schedules and other activities. I'd like to formally invite all teamies (and anyone else who wants to join us) back to the board. Its much easier to STAY on track with your goals when you are sharing your successes and frustrations with others who can relate. It also helps to have people who will support you in your endeavor to reach your fitness and weight loss goals.

A new thread will be started weekly.
Weekly group challenges...
If you want to join us, please introduce yourself.
Weigh in will be on Fridays!!


Welcome back team!!


  • AlexaRae12
    I wanna join!!!!!!! Im done being chubby!!! What do i DO!!!!
  • dfunky93
    Great idea! I'd like to join the team!
  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    I'd like to join.
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    I'm in Cyndi.... I have been so challenged.... It seems as though I can't seem to get back on track... I'm glad you posted the link on Facebook.. I've been back and fourth, good with Breakfast, great with lunch and Dinner fails me every single time..

    I am soo afraid to step on that damn scale..
    Can I wait till Friday lol??

    Ignore my ticker... I have to go in and change it when I get home from work.. That puppy needs to be updated...
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Thanks Cyndi for starting this again I have looked for the link and not found it. I tried to join another group but they were hard to get to know. They talked to me the first day then nothing.

    I have to start over too but I am going to New York on Saturday and I will be gone 10 days. You KNOW I won't even try for those days LOL so I will start when I get back. PLEASE continue to post on facebook where we are so i can find you when I get back.

    I need to figure out what to do with my ticker. I changed it to where I was when I tried that new group but then the tiny amount of lbs lost didn't give me any motivation. I like the larger number from when I started in 2009. So who knows what I will do.

    Welcome back Anita you can do it. We all can and maybe with helping each other we can get back on track. I can't seem to log my food. If I logged I'd do better. I am with you I do well the first 2 meals and lousy at dinner.

    Welcome mismaya you have now joined our group. Nice to see a new face. Tell us about yourself and we will also post about us so you get to know us.

    Hello dfunky how are you and what's your story?

    You've now joined Alexarae just come and talk with us share your heart we will be here to help. Your picture is beautiful!

    About me. I am 52 yrs old and live in Washington State. I have 4 kids all grown and a 10 yr old grand daughter. I am a pharmacy technician (legal drug dealer) and love my job. I'm single but always looking! I'm old but I'm not dead yet! But I guess old men don't like fat women LOL I need LOTS of help to keep motivated. I guess I have ADD when it comes to trying to lose weight.. I am just all over the place except where I need to be.

    Well. I need to get ready for work. I am glad we are back and have a place to chat with each other...Thanks again Cyndi.

  • losingweightforme
    Hi Newbies, Cyndi, Anita, and Debbie,
    Thanks Cyndi for the invite back. I needed that one extra push of motivation. Looking forward to tryhing to drop at least thirty pounds again this fall and winter.

    A little about me - I am a widow and mother of two, grandma to seven. My daughter, husband and six of my grand children live in Townsend, Montana, 1604 miles away from my small hometown Indiana home. My son, daughter-n-law lived just 7 miles away from me. I work night shift at a local car part distribution center. Looking forward to chatting with you all and losing weight in this life changing adventure. Talk to you all soon.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    arghhhhhhhhhh! ok... so let me try this again!
    I had a nice long post all typed out.... TWICE... and accidently hit the backspace button twice. Poof... it was gone...:sad: :angry:


    Bee have fun on your trip... will look forward to seeing you join us when you get back!!

    Anita....you are my soul sister I swear.. LOL... we both seem to have the same struggles when it comes to being on track at the same time!! :0) Now... go get yer butt on the scale. You cant be worst than me... I'm up 16lbs!! ack! :noway:

    To everyone else..... Welcome!!!
    You dont really have to do anything to join us except join in! Let us know a little about you. What are your goals? Have any questions? Whats frustrating you or making you feel accomplished today??

    For me... My name is Cyndi, Im 37 years old and weighing in at 228lbs. I got down to 212 last summer and maintained for a while, then slowly started packing it back on. Im ready to take it off again PLUS SOME! I post a lot on here and share alot of recipes on facebook. If you'd like to friend request me there, you can find me as LosingIt4Good over there also. :bigsmile:

    Gonna definitely make it a priority to post DAILY to the board. I have MFP on my iphone also so I can log from there but it definitely seems to keep me motivated when I have others to talk to that are doing what Im doing.

    Im a walker/ wogger and will be starting round 1 of Jillian's 30 day shred next week! ;0) Im excited!! :drinker:
  • lmbihn
    I would love to join also I am having a bad time keeping myself motivated and on track
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I would love to join also I am having a bad time keeping myself motivated and on track

    Welcome! Glad to have ya join us!! ;0)
    What do you like to do for exercise??
  • kelseyleigh30
    I would love to join. I am new to MFP and have been searching around trying to find a group. Most of them have been going for a while, so this "starting again" sounds like a good one for me to choose. I also try hard every day!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I would love to join. I am new to MFP and have been searching around trying to find a group. Most of them have been going for a while, so this "starting again" sounds like a good one for me to choose. I also try hard every day!

    Welcome aboard!! Happy to have you join us! :happy:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I am so sore! I've walked 8 miles in the last 2 days and while I would think that I am used to walking long distances by now, It just proves how much Ive been slacking lately. LOL Hubby and I bought a motorcycle a month ago and I've been riding with him on the back of the bike. I'm signed up to take my motorcycle saftey and endorsement training in October, but for now we have been doing some long rides on the weekends, jetting off to different places and my poor legs and butt are getting a workout everytime we get on it. After all the walking, Tonight was especially difficult. We rode for about 20 minutes to the coffee shop and by the time I got off my butt felt like I was getting off a horse after a 2 hour ride.....:laugh: :laugh:

    I need some yoga tomorrow after my walk to see if I can stretch out some of these sore muscles.
  • profjan6
    I'm glad to see this link back! I joined a while ago, but then things sort of fizzled. I, too would like to be part of a group that actually communicates. Seems that it a common complaint around these boards. People don't seem to stay in touch. I need that. Trying to stay on track each day. I keep finding excuses! Guess that is common, as well. Have a great day everyone!
  • kelseyleigh30
    I had my first workout last night. It has been a few months since I have exercised, so it feels great! A little sore, but the good kind of sore!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    It is great to see familiar faces and new faces. Thanx so much for getting us all back together.

    My name is Jennifer and am recently married and with that my motivation has totally disappeared. GRRR!!! I have gained 10 pounds back and I am very frustrated with myself. My back has also been giving me trouble for the last week and a half. I plan on taking a walk tonite and see if I can start to get it worked out. I miss my running and sweating. LOL I have started and stopped my half-marathon training now 3 times. I would like to actually finish it this time. I have been eating very well this week and am glad for that. I think that means I am getting ready to burn off those 10 extra pounds. Hopefully by Monday I will be back at 100% and can start running and pushing myself again. I know that will help with my motivation to keep moving forward.

    So what type of challenges are we going to have? Fitness and/or food goals? I think maybe one of each for every week would be good. My opinion is to push your comfort zone just a little to break yourself of the rutt that you may be in. If you just do what you think you can do, then you will never know what else you can do. Even if it seems hard, do a modified version of it and soon you will be able to do it without modification.

    WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER!!! :bigsmile:
  • HYeliab
    This is great! You can count me in. My name is HB. I am into tattoos, motorcycling, and my wife. I just want to live my life to the fullest. I want to be healthy and enjoy everything life has to offer. I have had some recent successes with my fitness using INSANITY. It is challenging but I enjoy it (once I have started). Getting started is sometimes the problem.

    I am still not at my ideal fitness goal. I have weight, strength, and stamina goals. I will share my weight goals and maybe we can all work together to reach our mutual goals.

    I am 6'1" and now at 214 lbs. I was as heavy as 235. My goal weight is 198 lbs. Here is how I would like to progress toward that goal.

    09/15/10 - 214 = current weight

    09/30/10 - 209 lbs

    10/15/10 - 204 lbs

    10/30/10 - 199 lbs

    11/15/10 - 198 or less = Goal weight!

    I hope this is not too ambitious.

    Wish me success!

    Anyone on T.H.E Team want to friend me, feel free. If you are open to being friended so we can monitor each other just let me know.

    Take care,

  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Welcome back Pro, JJ and welcome aboard to the new folks as well.

    JJ... I think for me.. right now my challenge is planning my menu and logging my food each day. I am fine in getting in my exercise, but I am really struggling with logging food for some reason and its been the reason I have fallen off and gained back what I did. I did get my menu planning done for the next 4 days and am heading out the door to stock up on a couple things. Ive figured out if I automate my meals and have a plan it makes a HUGE difference. Plus, I actually eat breakfast since its in my plan.. LOL

    Got another 3 mile walk in this morning. I was still sore this morning but felt great after I was done. My ankles hurt but its tollerable. I know another couple days and I'll be fine. Just gotta get thru this first week.

    I think this week will just be getting back into the swing of things, then we can start throwing out some challenges. Im getting used to drinking water all over again and for me, thats challenging enough. I need a new water bottle so Im gonna pick one up today while Im running errands.

    HYeliab... what type of motorcycle do you have? :0)
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I had my first workout last night. It has been a few months since I have exercised, so it feels great! A little sore, but the good kind of sore!

    Awesome! What did you do?? Good kind of sore is nice and it will get better the more frequently you workout. Eventually you'll look for that soreness to know you accomplished a good workout. :0)
  • profjan6
    Today was a good day since I was able to pass up some goodies. You see, the last few weeks I haven't been able to say NO! So many good things that are bad for me! I came home from work and was hungry and tired, but took the time to make something that is good for me. Hubby working late, so I was on my own. Sometimes that makes it very easy to go off track! The only ones monitoring me are the dogs, and well.....they just don't care what I eat as long as they get a taste! Hope everyone had a good day.
  • kelseyleigh30
    I started slow. I did the Biggest Loser DVD (low impact cardio) Today I went for a 1 mile walk with my husband and I am going to try the Zumba DVD tonight. I borrowed it from a coworker to see if it is something I would like. I have dieted a lot, but this is the first time I have worked out and counted calories at the same time. I am excited to see the results.