Need help fixing this mess *pic*

Was not sure where to post this, so if it's the wrong place I am sorry.

Despite not wanting to post these pictures, I need help. Because clearly I am incapable of doing this on my own!

I am 5'6" and currently 190lbs (still 40+ to lose)
I have not been this weight since I was in the 6th grade, I was ALWAYS big!
After losing 90lbs, gaining during pregnancy, and then losing the weight all over again my body is a mess.
I have no idea where to start exercise wise and so I NEED some input, my doctor has told me that over time everything tightens up but I am now doubting him. Because after two and a half months of actually TRYING to fix it I am not noticing much difference?

*** so sorry for the graphic images, lol. ***

Before & after of 2.5months



Currently my biggest issues....




  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    1. Great job on some tremendous progress. It really shows
    2. Your doctor was right, the skin will tighten up in time.
    3. As you continue toward your GW, make sure you are on a good, full body, progressive lifting program. That will greatly improve your chances of being pleased with your body when you reach goal weight.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Okay, first off, you look great for 190lbs! You must have some amazing muscle tone hiding under that skin! I'm way bigger than you at and inch shorter and less weight.

    But, the not so great part - loose skin is really hard to combat. Continuing to lose weight and workout will help a bit, but once skin has lost it's elasticity, it's hard to ever get it back to a tighter state.

    Some folks on the board here have mentioned having some luck with some creams that are available, but I don't know which ones, so hopefully someone with that info checks this thread out.

    Congrats on your loss and keep up the great work!
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    you look great, your body is not a mess! your skin will change, give it time.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member

    Posting pics is really hard and kudos for doing it! It's really not as bad as you might think.

    I would recommend starting a lifting program. A great place to start would be Stronglifts 5x5, the whole program and lots of instruction is available free on their website.

    Weightlifting will get you where you want to be.

    Your skin will come back- make sure you're eating a well balanced diet with enough fat. Additionally, I would suggest looking in to compression garments for any high-intensity running or jumping type exercise- you want to minimize stress on the connective tissue in the loose skin for best results in the long-term.
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member

    Posting pics is really hard and kudos for doing it! It's really not as bad as you might think.

    I would recommend starting a lifting program. A great place to start would be Stronglifts 5x5, the whole program and lots of instruction is available free on their website.

    Weightlifting will get you where you want to be.

    Your skin will come back- make sure you're eating a well balanced diet with enough fat. Additionally, I would suggest looking in to compression garments for any high-intensity running or jumping type exercise- you want to minimize stress on the connective tissue in the loose skin for best results in the long-term.

    this all the way! you look fantastic !
  • nadiB
    nadiB Posts: 283 Member
    You have done really well already and I can see the difference, don't panic too much about the skin it will sort it's self out!
  • Shmeelady
    Shmeelady Posts: 31 Member
    1. Great job on some tremendous progress. It really shows
    2. Your doctor was right, the skin will tighten up in time.
    3. As you continue toward your GW, make sure you are on a good, full body, progressive lifting program. That will greatly improve your chances of being pleased with your body when you reach goal weight.

    You lost me at 'progressive lifting program. I am really not even sure what that means! lol.
  • Shmeelady
    Shmeelady Posts: 31 Member
    A Big thanks to everyone who has posted.
    I will be checking out some of these things for sure, though I cannot really afford it do you think it would be worth a personal trainer?
    I think you can pay for them for just one session and then continue the workout on your own from there?

    OR are there at home programs which would work just as well. Hrm.
  • dondimitri
    dondimitri Posts: 245 Member
    My wife had similar issues with the added burden of being some number of years older.

    Mid-way through her weight loss journey she was getting discouraged because although she had made significant progress as far as the scale was concerned the "issues" had not diminished in a corresponding fashion.

    It wasn't until she approached her goal weight that everything started to fall into place.

    For example: She started at 147 with a goal of 125. At 137 the underarm issue was still there, hardly any visual change. At 130 ditto, but starting to see progress. Just the 5 pounds between 130 and 125 resulted in a significant improvement. Now she has overshot her goal and gotten down to 121. Even more improvement, she looks fantastic.

    Don't get discouraged, you're doing great. Keep going. Step by step...
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member

    You lost me at 'progressive lifting program. I am really not even sure what that means! lol.

    Lifting heavy weights and adding more weight regularly.

    Looking into a program like Stronglifts. Here, check out this forum:
  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    Try the Stronglifts program. It's a great progressive lifting program. You start with just the weight of the bar but continue to add weight as you progress. The goal of Stronglifts is to gain strength. The side benefit of gaining strength is your body composition changes.
  • lorenzovonmatterhorn7549
    Wow! You've made great progress. Give yourself a pat on the back. As far as exercise goes, checkout the videos at
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    Someone should also tell you that you are far more critical of yourself than others are of you. You see it far worse than it is. You have done a great job losing the weight, and you will be able to get where you want to be with more time. Don't get discouraged- you will have the body you want, it just takes more time. The Bottoms Up book by Joyce Vedral has workouts that double strength training and cardio and really focus on fixing loose skin- you can get that book pretty cheap because it is an old book, but it still works, even on older women, so with youth still on your side it should really help.
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    I think you look amazing! The skin will tighten up .. I am in the same boat after two babies, but it is improving every day.....
  • Alisha28
    Alisha28 Posts: 406 Member
    I agree you look great. I have had 5 kids and what I know how your body is after pregnancy. Power pilates is an awesome workout and mixing strength training with cardio is also what I do:) I do not lift heavy I just lift 5-8 pounds and my kids LOL! Great job on the weight loss:)
    BEEUK Posts: 113
    All of the above plus to shift the excess skin you can try brushing and massage.

    Body brushing is brilliant, it increases circulation and this will help get all the nutrients to the upper dermis. Massage with almond oil, nothing synthetic or expensive store bought needed, after your bath/shower spend 5 minutes working the problem areas. This is also good for muscle recovery so has other benefits.

    When you get fatty deposits in the top layers it is hard to shift with diet alone, you'd need an incredibly low bf %.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,287 Member
    I think you look great! For me, weight lifting helped a lot, but alas, after my 2nd baby I had to turn to plastic surgery to get my stomach back in shape. My third baby is now 5 weeks old! It takes time and dedication, I see a huge improvement and 2.5 months really isn't that long!!! I personally have had some luck with certain lotions, if you'd like info feel free to message me......and NO I don't work for any of the brands!!!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    You be cray if you don't see a massive improvement. Get plenty of water and dietary fat and be patient. You've done incredibly well thus far.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,287 Member
    All of the above plus to shift the excess skin you can try brushing and massage.

    Body brushing is brilliant, it increases circulation and this will help get all the nutrients to the upper dermis. Massage with almond oil, nothing synthetic or expensive store bought needed, after your bath/shower spend 5 minutes working the problem areas. This is also good for muscle recovery so has other benefits.

    When you get fatty deposits in the top layers it is hard to shift with diet alone, you'd need an incredibly low bf %.

    this is brilliant advice, and almond oil is indeed one of the things I use religiously!!!!
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    fantastic job! Don't be discouraged, you're doing very well!!

    Unfortunately when you're doc said it'll fix itself in time.... he really did mean TIME... 2.5 months isn't what he was talking about. It may take a year or so. I've noticed drinking water has helped my skin in general and I'm sure it would help restore some of the elasticity as well.

    As for exercises, I'm only running but hearing fantastic things about weight lifting. working my nerves up to it!