
leshan Posts: 3
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
This may be a stupid question,but why does strength training not burn calories?


  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    It does in a more roundabout way. You burn more immediate calories by getting your heart rate up and keeping it up which is done through cardio. Weights are far more stop an go so the heart rate goes up and down, however it develops muscles more adequately and muscles burn calories just by being present in your body.
  • bethany_jurries
    bethany_jurries Posts: 169 Member
    You can burn a lot of calories by doing circuit training. The way 30 day shred works is you do a 25 min workout 3mins cardio, 2 mins strength, and 1 min abs. You do the circuit over and over. The key with the strength is that you do a large muscle like your legs and a small muscle like your shoulders. an example would be a squat with a shoulder press on the way up. You do burn the calories by training but it is by building lean muscle and not by keeping your heart rate up. You burn a lot more by doing a circuit. I hope that helped.
  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    When I lift, I wear a heartrate monitor. I do circuit lifting. I pick three exercises and do ten reps and then the next one for ten reps, etc. and complete all three exercices in three rounds. This keeps my heart rate up and helps my muscles from fatiguing. Then I move onto the next three ones. When I do this, I burn about 5-10 calories per minute. I always have to enter my calories for weight lifting. Now, if you do bicep curls and then wait around to do more you will not burn as much. Hope that helps :)
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    It does burn calories....however you need to enter it under Cardio...and type in strength training, and the numbers will come up that way....
  • Moving quickly between exercises is a great way to get cardio in while you're doing strength. Tony moves very quickly between moves on P90X.
  • thanks for your answers
  • thanx
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