I'm here and i think im ready???

Couburke Posts: 6
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I'm Courtney.I've been doing good so far although i've had a slip up and it was a BIG one im talking fudge brownies...all this food around my house is so tempting its going to make my goal tough not to mention all the fast food resteraunts outside my neighborhood. I know if i just count my calories ill be okay but im gonna need a support group. I look around at my school and no one fits under my category everyone is skinny, fit, healthy, and happy i look at myself and im very dissapointed in what im looking at...i describe myself as "The BloB" im tired of being the blob. im tired of the mean looks and comments. I'm tired of the hurt i'm putting myself through...and the only person to blaim is me. I'm 19 years old i shouldn't have to worry about my weight but im more than worried the factor of my body is not taking me down physically but mentally. I can't go to my friends for help they got themselves all figured out and they don't need to worry about me dragging them down. I need people who understand..i hate hiding under loose large clothes because im ashamed of my figure im tired of having to borrow t-shirts for school because a polo makes me look bigger. IM TIRED!!!! i want to be happy again have more confidance like i used to. And thats why im going to change by the end of this year ill be a new person!!! I won't be tired anymore. I just cant allow that. WHO'S with ME?! =D


  • hello, only you can do it , but im here if you need help and some support. im the same way i hide inside big shirts and they just make you bigger, but i hat showing fat, i think fat is ugly. i have lost almost 19 pounds and still working on losing
  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Hello Courtney, welcome to the best site on the web, well in my opinion anyway lol
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    Hi Courtney! I'm 25 but I was in your shoes at 19 too. It's tough being the overweight one when everyone else around you is healthy and fit. For me, the easiest way to avoid a total binge fest is to give in to those cravings and temptations but instead of eating a whole pan of brownies, have a very small portion. It makes it way harder to stay on track if you completely avoid all of the delicious tempting food because one day you'll just crack and totally over-indulge. Just make sure you take it nice and easy and slowly make the changes so it will become a new healthy lifestyle instead of just a "diet". You can do it, just don't give up!
  • energyzer8
    energyzer8 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Courtney! As Tennies says, I myself will be here for you girl if you need any motivation like myself =) I agree with missouri it is the BEST site on the web!!!
  • nursmem
    nursmem Posts: 10 Member
    Hey Courtney....I am so proud you are here! This is the BEST site on the web...and you'll get plenty of support here. I know you....and you are no "BLOB"....but if you feel that way....it's just the same. You can do anything you put your mind to...just take it slow and look at it as a" lifestyle change" and not "just another diet", and you'll get there. I'm here for you, too and you know what a battle I have had over the years with weight. I really do get you. You are a beautiful girl on the inside and I want you to "feel" you are beautiful on the outside. That's a personal thing and you deserve that. Here we go................... Love, Aunt Mem
  • Thanks everyone so much :D nice to know what a great support group this is! and yes i know im going to love this site. You guys are so nice and i know im not alone :D
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