Skinny girl trapped in a comfy layer of fat!

I'm a skinny person traped in a comfy layer of fat. I used to be an extremely healthy person, I ran, walked at lunch, ate healthy and participated in sports with my kids. About 3 years ago, I changed jobs. I went from an 8-12 hour shift of constant movement to an 8 our desk job. I still eat healthy (overall) but my lack of exercise has really taken a toll on my weight. I have added 40 extra pounds and I actively participated in weight watchers with minimal results. Disappointing because in the past weight watchers helped me lose baby weight quickly and I was able to keep it off until the job change.

I have become the expert on making excuses and I also self sabotage. I don't usually take a day off eating healthy because a day turns into a weekend which then turns into a week. Holidays turn into holi-week(s)

As much as I would love to lose the extra 40lbs, my main goal is to get healthy and set an example for my kids to live a healthy lifestyle.

So here's to freeing the skinnier, healthier me! Now I'm going to walk my big butt out to my car an move it to the furthest parking spot so I can get a little extra workout.


  • Becky011
    I did ww too and saw quick drops followed by quick gains when I slipped up. I often felt deprived but that could just be me. So far this has worked much better for me because for the first time really im looking @ the nutrition and trying ro be healthier. Slow and steady the weight is coming off.

    This time if feels like a true lifestyle change. No fees no meetings just a tool that happens to come with a supportive mfp family! Add friends enjoy the support and if possible get the phone app. It helps if u r on the go.

    Good luck! You can do it :)
  • bree1609
    Every step counts. I definitely count how long it takes me to get back and forth from my car each day. The total can range between 10-14 minutes, depending on where I can find a spot. That's an extra 40 or so calories I burn!

    Making up your mind to make the changes is the first step. Well done! Now all you need is to keep reminding yourself each day why you're choosing to live a healthier life. This site is awesome. I joined at the end of July and am already seeing great results. Nothing else I have done in the past has helped as much as keeping track of my calories and exercise. Just take it a day at a time!
  • becka95
    becka95 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks! I do love the fact that it has the nutritional values also. I like to keep track of how much hidden sugar is in my foods and this so far has been great. No weight lose yet (been about a week on this) but I do see a change in how I feel.

    How do you add friends to this?
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I wear a step counter. It lets me know when I need to get moving. I can't believe how hard it is for me to get my 10000 in on some days. Mostly my work days. Checking the step counter motivates me at work to run all the errands for the office. The new chairs are getting too comfortable.
  • bree1609

    How do you add friends to this?

    Click on the person's picture or name. It takes you to their profile. There's a link that says "add as a friend" or something along those lines.
  • reesepieces
    reesepieces Posts: 253 Member
    Welcome to MFP!
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    I so love your title! But, sometimes I think the layer of fat is not so comfy! That's why we are trying to get it off.

    Welcome to MFP. You made a great choice and took the first steps towards getting healthier. Go you!

    To add friends, click on their avatar or name above it. Then on their page next to the avatar, there will be a link to add as a friend. That sends to request and you just have to wait for the confirmation. Feel free to friend me.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Welcome! The first few weeks are hard, but once you get the hang of it, it's not so bad. I've tried WW too with little results. There are a lot of wonderful, supportive people here and we'll help keep you on track.
  • firstdaughter
    That sounds like my life....I love to eat healty but I eat to much. Also the last 4 years my activity has dropped. Maybe a
    pedometer is a good idea. Good luck and you seem very motivated so I'm sure you will do very well. Great site with a lot
    of good tools for success.