Does anyone ever make fun of you for dieting?



  • Leather_N_Lace
    Leather_N_Lace Posts: 518 Member
    I don't use the word diet.... Diets are fads.. What I am doing is for the rest of my life.

    I let people know that I don't eat that kind of food... But yes.. Even in my own home I get made fun of for the way I eat..
    The day I am able to bench press them, I don't think they will be laughing anymore... :wink:
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    i make fun of them for being fatties. but in like a really really hurtful way.

  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    No. They're afraid of me now that I lift.:laugh:

    Haha this! :ohwell:

    But seriously I don't remember the last time someone commented on the way I eat. But then again, I don't tell people I am on a ''diet''. I eat ''healthy'' and I eat what I want when I want.

    My coworkers and friends offer me all sorts of goodies all the time, and It's good they do, they are being polite. I just refuse and say no thanks. If they ask questions I just say I don't want to eat whatever they are having.
  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member
    I tell people that I'm not eating sugar if its sweets related. When they ask why, I tell them because it affects me negatively (which is true, both mentally and physically). I used to get peer pressure a lot and I'd stick with 'no thank you' over and over and over again after my intial explaination. I don't really know why they do it, but I have a feeling that its because it brings into light THEIR bad eating habits... which is probably something that they don't want to think about.

    Do your best to not let them get you down. YOU know that you've made progess. YOU know that you feel great. And YOU know what your body needs, and not someone else.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    The last time people were told, yes. Now, I quietly diet with heavy riding days that overlap with my food service work days and draw more than a few 'dude got the munchies' jokes as my uniform shirts get baggier and baggier...
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    This usually resolves the snarky comments ...

  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    I would get that ALL THE TIME! From family, friends, strangers. I suppose I am now blessed to have had a medical issue that required me to be on a very strict diet, and everyone seems to be okay with that. Plus, my issue was that I had contracted intestinal parasites that had gone undiagnosed and untreated for a very long time and messed up a lot of stuff, so when people would balk and me eating so healthfully I could just say, "Oh, Its because I have intestinal parasites!" No one really wants to talk much about it after that!!! Feel free to use that if you like, lol!
  • PaulineR1982
    PaulineR1982 Posts: 5 Member
    I am really lucky my friends and family supportive of me loosing weight. However i would never make fun of people if they say they on a diet its hard enough without people trying to demoralize you for making an effort to improve yourself. To be honest best thing is to ignore them. Also as mentioned previously your not on a diet your just changing your eating habits and lifestyle for the best.
  • SlenderClassyElegant
    Yes. My family: sons and husband. So my reply is: "I'd be glad to sit and chat with you while you have some, but I won't be having any. It's not on my food plan."

    They are usually cool with it.

    The challenge always falls on me. If the food's in front of us, I have to make a decision right then and there not to eat it, and enjoy their company instead. Hopefully, I've taken care of my food needs prior to us sitting down.

    After all, unhealthy choices, like healthy choices, are all around us. This community is choosing the latter.
    BHKLEIN Posts: 104
    This usually resolves the snarky comments ...


    Haha.... probably work though!
  • Chris_58
    Chris_58 Posts: 32
    Usually people do this when they think you don't need a diet as to them you look slim/healthy.
  • velezdina
    velezdina Posts: 31 Member
    If these are your co-workers I would just say "no, thanks" or "I'm going to pass this time as I am still full from lunch", you don't need to explain more (especially if you already had a bad experience with them and you KNOW they are not going to be supportive). They are probably trying to sabotage you... I think people get very defensive when you use the word "diet"...they are insecure and weak.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Yea, people roll their eyes "DOES THAT FIIT YOUR MACROS?" and they give me the -_- face if I don't drink it's because of more reasons than just calories. I don't need to drink to have fun.
  • annebaum41912
    annebaum41912 Posts: 87 Member
    This is sort of unrelated but I get so irritated when I see people say "diets are temporary, this is for life". Perhaps the true definition of diet is unknown.

    The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.
    A legislative assembly in certain countries.

    To me, it seems that this IS a diet, or rather, your/my/our diet, because it is the things we eat. When people say they are "on a diet" they mean they are following a fad or a quick fix, yes, but they don't really mean the actual definition other than it may be what they are habitually eating until they get tired of doing it lol

    As I said unrelated.
    On the related note, I think you know how to handle them. Do what YOU want and ignore their petty behavior. It just reflects badly on them, not you :)

    edited because apparently <b> no longer bolds things lol
    BHKLEIN Posts: 104
    I don't know why people freak out at the word diet....... it brings up all sorts of controversy! Diet, life change: it's all the same thing to me..... in my own option and this is for me alone: I'll be on a diet until I get down to the weight I feel comfortable with and then I will continue to maintain by again, diet and exercise. So yes, diet for temporary weight loss and then diet for life as in maintain a healthy diet for life. It's all the same thing to me! Just had to put that out there. :wink:

    So I guess for me it's both temporary and a life change altogether in the end!
  • Amerielle
    Amerielle Posts: 153 Member
    I never tell people I'm on a "diet". In that situation I would have totally gone out with them to the ice cream place but I would get an iced tea or something. If asked I would respond that I'm really full from lunch but thirsty from my walk...this tea really hits the spot!

    Well, really to tell the truth I probably would get ice cream but you know what I mean. lol
  • SadFaerie
    SadFaerie Posts: 243 Member
    I never say "I'm on a diet", I just say "Thanks, but I don't eat ice cream". And I don't use excuses, no "I'm gonna pass this time" (cause if they offer me junk food, I'm gonna pass every time), no "I'm still full from lunch". I just say "No, thanks." and If they ask why I say "Because." After years of trying to explain to people what a healthy lifestyle is, which nearly always lead to them either pitying ("You poor thing, you really don't eat ...") or ridiculing me ("You don't eat ...? Your life must suck, haha!"), I just grew thicker skin.
  • anna_bo21
    Turn the negative into a positive. As they laugh inform them that they should try to select a froyo option if they have it or explain the benefits of your diet. People that are uneducated about fitness and nutrition will always have something to say so instead of complaining or letting them get to you, DROP SCIENCE on them! There is no better feeling using your brain to defeat ignorance. Congrats on your success thus far!
  • giveMEbeauty
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    I can get quite nasty if people comment about what I'm eating (I don't limiit my foods, but if I'm at my caloric limit and someone says something because I refuse food) I go full blown mental and grow a bit of an ego and just tell them thats why they're fat, can't help it but it certainly makes them pipe down