Started a week ago!

Hi name is Danica and I started last week after realizing I gained 20-30 extra pounds in a VERY short timeframe after going from unemployed to over-employed with two jobs in the rehabilitation industry. I struggle with compulsive overeating, and have historically managed to keep my weight somewhat under control thanks to a fairly active life, but with work getting in the way of my workouts and activity, and stress freaking me out and causing me to binge, things totally got out of hand. I signed up out of desperation and lost SEVEN pounds (mostly water I'm sure) so far by sticking to my schedule! I'm so excited and look forward to supporting one another here. Good health to you all.


  • hpeder
    Thanks so much for your post! This is very inspiring to me as i just started 3 days ago! I struggle with similar problems (stress, tons of work in the way of workouts, binging) and appreciate your honesty. Best of luck to you!
  • akabob
    Thanks so much. My best to you as well on your journey!