Needed...Friends who COMMUNICATE!!! :)

I have been on here a few months now, comment on peoples achievements everyday, and would love plenty more friends who like to do the same.

I have some fantastic friends on here, but also have some 'friend collectors' who have no interest in interacting at all. This gets me down :cry:

I don't expect to have everyone comment on every single thing that I do, but I came here for support. I am very committed to giving support and a friendly comment, and would love the same in return.

I am 39, have 27lbs left to lose, have a good sense of humour, a potty mouth sometimes...don't add me if you'll be offended...and don't restrict my posts to fitness alone :)

Post below, or send me a request and I'll be a very happy bunny :)))) :flowerforyou:


  • Hey ScattyGirl! I feel the same way about adding friends on here. I don't just add people to creep around my page or to just look "cool" because they have a lot of friends.

    I sent you a friend request. I will definitely be there for you! Are you working out on top of eating healthy?
  • tlou5
    tlou5 Posts: 497 Member
    Add me I am in the same boat!
  • Hey there! I have recently returned to MFP after a hiatus to have a baby...I can use all the friends I can get that are supportive and motivating! Add me!
  • jennafer32
    jennafer32 Posts: 40 Member
    Add me! I love communicating. I need daily encouragement also so let's do this :)
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    I hear what you are saying. Feel free to add me, i log in daily, and like to motivate and be motivated.:)
  • Add me if you like I could use the interaction
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    always communicating :)
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Add me too! I'm on here a lot.
    REDMANIV Posts: 348 Member
    Hello Chatty Scatty : ),

    The road to weight loss and a healthier you can be a lonely road at times...I have been using the myfitnesspal phone app since last November off and on. After gaining the 15lbs back that I lost using the app and then some I am finally ready to commit to getting this weight off. I enjoy encouraging others and could also use some encouragement or boots in the buns as required as well. Please feel free to add me..........Let's do this and congrats on your weight loss so far!
  • sealevels
    sealevels Posts: 123
    I have over 100 friends but I swear I don't collect. I take the time to comment as much as possible. I'm also looking for chatty Cathy MFP friends. :) Add me if you'd like.
  • melindafritz1976
    melindafritz1976 Posts: 329 Member
    min e a re b oring and don't even comment on my post sending request
  • t1nk6
    t1nk6 Posts: 215
    please leave your message after the beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep......
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I comment on nearly everything, and delete friends who don't comment at all (or who stop logging in). I'd love some new, supportive friends!

    Please note that I will not keep friends who net under 1200 calories.
  • blazergrad
    blazergrad Posts: 603 Member
    Hi there Scatty!! I'm certainly a communicator, provided I have anything worthwhile to say! Well, actually.... quite often I communicate even when I don't have anything worthwhile to say. :) Feel free to add me if you're still looking for friends!
  • t1nk6
    t1nk6 Posts: 215
    I comment on nearly everything, and delete friends who don't comment at all (or who stop logging in). I'd love some new, supportive friends!

    Please note that I will not keep friends who net under 1200 calories.

    aaaah why is that? people have added me and i do communicate when i have time or something to comment on but i have noticed a few people unfriend because of thee 'under 1200 cals' thing? why is that? :)
  • sealevels
    sealevels Posts: 123
    It's not a healthy lifestyle choice (for most people, 1200 calories is nowhere near your BMR) and it could be a trigger for some people. Some people just don't have time to deal with that.
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 662 Member
    You can add me on :)
  • You can add me ! (:
  • NewDeb13
    NewDeb13 Posts: 8 Member
    Seems like there are numerous folks who want to communicate!!! I would love to have some friends too, as i just joined back not too long ago after having my baby girl a couple of months ago. I'm usually always online, feel free to add me....anyone! :)
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I comment on nearly everything, and delete friends who don't comment at all (or who stop logging in). I'd love some new, supportive friends!

    Please note that I will not keep friends who net under 1200 calories.

    aaaah why is that? people have added me and i do communicate when i have time or something to comment on but i have noticed a few people unfriend because of thee 'under 1200 cals' thing? why is that? :)

    Because I believe it to be unhealthy and unnecessary, and I don't condone that. Besides, those that eat that low are rarely successful, don't stick to it, and do other unnecessary and unhealthy things like cleanses and magic pills. Why should I argue or judge anyone? I just a kid the situation.