Emotional Eater- Mom of 3 needs to lose 70+ Can u relate?



  • Sagefemme76
    Sagefemme76 Posts: 45 Member
    I hear you. I have similar issues....a lifetime of celebrating with food, commiserating with food, relieving boredom with food, anaesthetising myself with food, it's a vicious cycle. Those habits can be tough to break, but with people who understand and support you around you, it's made a little easier. I saw a quote a few days ago which really summed it up for me "For anxiety and depression in our society, food is the most over-used remedy and exercise the most under-used" we just need to get into the habit of reversing those two and we'll be on our way to healthy and happy. We can do this! Add me as a friend, if you'd like :)
  • sunfirelynn
    sunfirelynn Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Rosie, I completely understand, we got to be strong and set your mind to it. if you would like more support feel free to add me .
  • Lunarbeanie
    Lunarbeanie Posts: 107 Member
    Add me to that list.I'm also a mom of 3. Totally an emotional eater. I have approx 130 lbs to lose, a little less, now.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
  • BlessedBe23
    BlessedBe23 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm not a mom, but I am an emotional eater/food addict. I am taking control of my life and I'll tell you, dealing with the stress in my life without turning to food (especially sugar) and having just quit smoking, has been extremely hard. I have a stressful job, am taking 3 classes (working on my bachelors) and have just unexpectedly lost one of my fur kids. But for the first time in my life, nothing is as important as my health and this journey I'm taking. We CAN do this :wink:
  • cwilliams080676
    cwilliams080676 Posts: 118 Member
    Add me to the list. I am a busy mom to 7. I get stressed I eat. Im going to add you. Anyone else can add me.
  • CarlaNeverGivenUp
    CarlaNeverGivenUp Posts: 108 Member
    Feel free to add me. Mom of 3, 45 year of age...emotional eater and working on it. It's getting better. The tortoise always wins the race! One day at a time. Feel free to friend me!
  • Hi there,
    I'm 37yrs and going through the similar situation as you ....please feel free to add me also...I think we can be a great support to one another :-)
  • Lmns218
    Lmns218 Posts: 155
    Hi!!!! Anyone can feel free to add me as well!!!!

    I can totally relate to your story!!!! I have been losing and gaining the same 15lbs for the last two years!!! lol And I need to lose about 70-80 lbs lol

    I have ALWAYS been an emotional eater for as long as I can remember!!!! I would do well for a little while, something happens and I say screw it and fall all the way off!!!

    What has helped me THIS time around to stick to it is my mindset. One day at a time. I am going through a really stressful period...and I may skip a workout....or I may have a crap day like I had today (I did stay under my calories though lol)....but I don't beat myself up for it....nor am I giving up...if I mess up it's okay!!!! This is an endurance race. There may be some days when you absolutely cannot control yourself and you may relapse....but just get yourself back up...put that day behind you...and strive to have a better day the next day. Another helpful tip is to be prepared as much as you can in regards to your diet and exercise. If you know your schedule is going to change...try to work your way around it. Instead of working out in the morning, work out once the kids are in bed. If that doesn't work, get up early, do it on a lunch break....it's going to be some sort of sacrifice to be made but if you really want to do it you can!!!!! And we are here to help
  • Hi Rosie
    Can I relate? Damn right I can lol!
    Didn't start my 'new me journey' till some 5/6 years ago after finally getting mad with myself. I'd spent years whining about being fat/not finding clothes to buy/looking like a frump..... The list was endless. Then for whatever reason, & I still don't know why, I finally ran out of patience with myself. I took a long hard look in the mirror & gave myself an ultimatum. Either quit whining or do something about it. I chose the latter.
    I joined a gym (& hated every second initially). I forced myself to do some group exercise classes & honestly spent the first 2/3 months doing them feeling like I was going to die. Each time I left the gym I looked like a fresh vibe ripened tomato & was walking proof that YES women do sweat lol.
    In exercise classes I'd choose a position furthest from the door because I knew I'd never stand the shame of having to walk past everyone if I bailed (singularly the bet thing I ever did).
    My journey is pretty much complete now as I've stained roughly the same weight wise but I'll be brutally honest here - it's not easy. As a former chunky one the fear of gaining weight & return to whence I came is ever strong.

    Believe me Rosie - you CAN do it. You just have to be honest with You. Get cross if you need to but give yourself the praise you deserve too.
    Feel free to add me as I'm a newbie here too x
  • Your situation sounds quite similar to mine.
    I was on here about a few weeks ago trying to lose weight - but then I had a stressful day at work and came home and ate and ate and ate.
    And continued eating. Now I am an extra 10 lbs heavier.

    It's a new month, and I want to try again. (I have been "trying" since February).
    I've noticed I have triggers: stressful days at work, coming home after work, fights with the husband, crabby babies, sweets anywhere nearby, pay day, having a job... The list could go on for days.
    But I WANT to change. I want this. I just don't know how to convince myself not to have "just one more cookie".
    I honestly feel like a ticking time bomb - I'm 23 and have gallstones.
    All of this extra me is obviously not good - I NEED this.

    I need something to be accountable to.
    I need something to push me to wake up a few hours early and go to the gym before work.
    I need something make me not eat all of the food in my house every day after work.

    Add me, we can push past this together!
  • StrawberrySwag
    StrawberrySwag Posts: 5 Member
    I am not a mom, but I can also relate to this. I have been trying to lose about 40 lbs for a few years now and just recently I discovered I have a problem and I am now trying to control my emotional cravings and find other ways to vent. I have a blog that I have kept for a few years, since I started this weight loss thing and just last night I wrote about "My Disorderly Disorder". If you would like to keep up with me I plan on writing often as a way to help myself. Please go to https://maybeineedthis.blogspot.com

    I would love some more friends on MFP for inspiration and maybe I can be of help also. Please feel free to add me.

    God Bless!
  • april1445
    april1445 Posts: 334
    Hi Rosie. I literally realized yesterday that I'm officially an Emotional Eater. REally hadn't thought about it until now. It sheds a whole new light on what I actually need to focus on in order to heal myself. What a journey. I have 2 kids too, and I'm 45. Please add me. I'd like to follow your blog as well.