Help please!

Its 11pm i was having pizza cravings so i jumped into bed at 9pm.... havent been able to sleep because my brain is being consumed with thoughts of food... im actually hungry now but i dont know what to eat this late... how can i just stop the hungry feeling?


  • soonerkt87
    soonerkt87 Posts: 39 Member
    try drinking water and see if that helps... if I ever get hungry at night and water doesn't help I try to eat something small and light (normally something with protein ie cottage cheese)....dont starve yourself obviously but something small never hurt me :-)
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    Are you over your cals? If not just eat something and drink a glass of water.
    I struggled so much with cravings at first. The most important way I got over them was making sure I was eating and drinking enough water through the day, even having a late snack after dinner. Make sure you get the calories you need. A healthy low-fat, low-sugar peanut butter is usual my after dinner snack. But I started drinking Shakeology two months ago and I no longer have any cravings-literally. I may get the thought about a certain food here and there but I don't get those body aching cravings that lead me to temptation, over indulging and failure.
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    It's hard to sleep if you are very hungry! 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt is a good idea. 1 cup of some juice...something but not too much.
  • Candice83
    Candice83 Posts: 217 Member
    Drinking is out of the question... i pee a lot at night tim so i try not to drink much before bed... i dont get a lot of quality sleep. I'm also lactose intolerant so dairy is also out of the question... i heard that protein near bedtime can make sleep hard? Not sure if thats true or not. Theres so many opinions and FACTS that contradict each other how do you know which to believe? Its all so confusing. I ended up having a crumpet with vegemite. Which then made it worse and i wanted another 10 crumpets lol. BUT i stayed strong and went back to bed. Got to sleep just after midnight.