Received bad news & wanna screw my diet



  • hellohappycarla
    hellohappycarla Posts: 85 Member
    You know, if there is one thing I have learned over the years is that if I just keep my faith up, things will get better. And if you're really down, there's no where else to go but up. I know this is a hard thing to go through right now but try to keep your focus on the other good things about your life. If giving up on your diet is something that you think will ease up your troubles, then go ahead, it is ok to just focus at one thing at a time. But, think hard before you do so. There's a 10-10-10 method that I have been trying to apply to my life and maybe it might help you: Think about how things are gonna go after 10 minutes when you've done what you wanted to do. Then think of how things are gonna pan out after 10 days. And then think about how you'll feel about yourself and how your life will possibly become after 10 years of doing what you thought would be great to do in the first 10 minutes that you have done all this. It might be hard to imagine, but this has helped me make better decisions in life. Wish you all the best.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Blowing your diet because you feel bad will only lead to feelings of guilt and feeling worse. IMHO, when times are tough, the best thing you can do is control what you have control over and not let a bad situation permeate other areas of your life.

    Bean speaks truth.
  • jreneecal
    jreneecal Posts: 118 Member
    So sorry to hear of your troubles, hang in there! Keep eating right and taking care of your health, its important. If you don't have friends or family that can help check with the closest social service department, if you don't qualify for state aid there are many churches that have shelters or can sometimes give financial aid. If you need another MFP friends feel free to add me.
  • Aleta7
    Aleta7 Posts: 92
    Just got a 30day eviction notice and I don't wanna think about my diet anymore....
    Too worried about where I'm going to live and how I'm going to get to work!

    I can totally empathise with you right now. Two weeks ago my beautiful dog (who is like my baby - am a complete dog fanatic), was diagnosed with cancer. There was literally one week between getting the diganosis and me having to put him down (just 5 days ago).

    Needless to say, as soon as I ended up in the emergency vets for the second time and realised something really bad was happening, ANY inclination I had to count calories / be healthy etc went RIGHT out the window. The next morning I gorged on almost every item from McDonald's breakfast menu and proceeded over the next two weeks to shovel food in my mouth, apparently to stop all the pain and anxiety and grief from bubbling up. It's true for emotional eaters that food is usually our number one, irreplaceable, go-to source of comfort. Eating our favourite fatty / sugary whatevers produces huge levels of dopamine in our brain which makes coping with stress just a little easier.

    It's up to you whether or not you fall off the wagon, so to speak. I did (with GUSTO), and gained 2kgs. Granted, I look back now and think "I shouldn't have done that, I could've figured out a different way of dealing with it" but at the time, there were no options for me. I couldn't think straight and I didn't have any available energy to dedicate to self-control.

    At the end of the day... 2kgs isn't that much. I know I can lose that, I've already done it a dozen times over. The bigger issue is... if you're going to feel guilty and ashamed and angry at yourself or damage your self-esteem (which we all invariably do) if you start eating like crap as the first response to crisis, is THAT going to make it easier for you to solve your crisis... or is it just going to be another thing you have to deal with?

    Come here. Use the support. Talk to people. Vent. And then call on your family and friends to help you with the practical side of getting through your situation. And whichever way you go... make it a conscious choice and don't feel guilty about it. We're thinking of you :flowerforyou:

    Double Ditto :flowerforyou:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Honestly, mental stress is going to interfere with your weight loss regardless. If you want to take a break from your diet so you can focus on other things that is okay. Just continue to log, and try to stay around maintenance. Continuing to log will remind you that you need to go back to creating a deficit when life is a little easier. Plus, consistent logging will help you to avoid spiraling completely out of control with your diet.

    As far as your personal problems, if you are spiritual person, just pray and have faith that God will provide. If you are not a spiritual person, then I will pray for you to find comfort and for you situation to be resolved in your favor.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    GOD WILL PROVIDE ice cream, pizza, and beer
  • jmp463
    jmp463 Posts: 266 Member
    I am sorry to read about your troubles. I have had many bad days in my life so I am here to tell you not to give up hope.

    Think about it this way. There are many many things in life that you cannot control. Life sometimes is going to take you where it wants to and you are just along for the ride - both good and bad.

    However, your diet is one thing you do have control of. You have made progress and that is great do let your yourself go backward. You don't need to have to gain that ground twice - once is hard enough.

    At this time in your life do not give up control of the one thing that you have in your grasp. Keep control of that - and then work to take back control of your living situation.

    I do hope things get better for you!
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    Blowing your diet because you feel bad will only lead to feelings of guilt and feeling worse. IMHO, when times are tough, the best thing you can do is control what you have control over and not let a bad situation permeate other areas of your life.

    This^^^^ I don't believe in fate, and I don't believe in a God but whether you do or don't is irrelevant. At time like this you have to dig deep and work out the problem. In this case, talk to friends and family, talk to the support groups, talk to the welfare people.

    Don't just sit there expecting an answer to fall in your lap (even the Church will say that God helps those who help themselves) and certainly don't fall face first into a pile of pizza, burgers and lasagne - it won't help.

    Get out there and find a solution. You are clearly a resourceful person so just get out there and do it!
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    sometimes cartoon movies provide advice every bit as good as any guru.

    just keep swimming!
  • Just got a 30day eviction notice and I don't wanna think about my diet anymore....
    Too worried about where I'm going to live and how I'm going to get to work!
  • You are a strong confident woman who deserves the best, that includes good health and a nice place to live - You can do this!
    I understand getting discouraged but giving up on ourselves is actually punishing ourselves and when we really take the time to think about it, why would we punish ourselves?

    Wishing you all the best.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    :huh: as far as I'm aware deities do not usually provide housing...

    OP - Please make sure you get support from your family and friends. It is not weak to ask for help. Good luck.
  • massage_gal
    massage_gal Posts: 76 Member

    The bigger issue is... if you're going to feel guilty and ashamed and angry at yourself or damage your self-esteem (which we all invariably do) if you start eating like crap as the first response to crisis, is THAT going to make it easier for you to solve your crisis... or is it just going to be another thing you have to deal with?

    Come here. Use the support. Talk to people. Vent. And then call on your family and friends to help you with the practical side of getting through your situation. And whichever way you go... make it a conscious choice and don't feel guilty about it. We're thinking of you :flowerforyou:

    I love this! Yes, just contact whomever and whatever resources (church, family, friends, anything you can think of) you can to help you. If you need to add some of us as friends, ask us in messages for help in getting through your crisis and hopefully you can pay it forward to those you choose when they go though something in their life. I know I went through an extremely difficult situation this week and asked for support amongst my MFP friends and felt SO much better through their messages, posts and follow-ups. I stayed on my diet, although I didn't exercise for a few days. And I gained deeper friendships with all these people, which meant the world to me.
  • bdeezy3396
    bdeezy3396 Posts: 89 Member
    Blowing your diet because you feel bad will only lead to feelings of guilt and feeling worse. IMHO, when times are tough, the best thing you can do is control what you have control over and not let a bad situation permeate other areas of your life.

    Great advice !!!!
  • katekross
    katekross Posts: 463 Member
    And eating a lot of the wrong stuff will make you feel better how? Push the food away and pull your resources toward you. Contact everyone you know and ask them to help you find a new place to live. Now you think of some more good ways to keep going. You're worth it!

  • stef3827
    stef3827 Posts: 4 Member
    Wow...after the first, although well-meaning, yet useless reply, I didn't think I would get much advice or motivation here...but I sure did. I appreciate all the advice! I have no friends or family to speak of to turn to for help. Someone mentioned how much exercise I'll get by packing & moving furniture and that is true, lol. Also eating badly now won't make me feel any better or make my situation any easier--as many of you had said. Thank you all. Wish me luck. :/
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    I'm sorry. Landlords stink! If you do gorge just do it for 1 or 2 days.... Moving is stressful but maybe you'll find a better place.