Karrimor Tempo running shoes - help?!

Hoping someone can help!

Recently took up running and as my distances increased (we're still only talking average 3 mile runs!) I started getting sore shins and decided it was time together some proper running shoes. As I would like to build it up further.
Not wanting to spend too much on a very new 'hobby' I went into Sports Direct and after speaking to the teenage shop assistant (silly me) plumped for some Karrimor Tempo LDS20s for £39.99
The shop assistant told me the brand is new to running shoes and as such are offering really good value for money - the pair I picked we're apparently comparable to Nikes or Asics that would be in the £70 range.

Did a quick Google on Karrimor when I got home and was horrified! Apparently according to reviews / forums the brand has been bought by Sports Direct, and now the quality is crap and can cause you problems!

Can't say I'm surprised but didn't really realise there it would be such a big deal until I googled the brand.

I'm now worried they're going to be bad for my feet / legs and considering taking them back and getting some Asics ...

Does anyone have any experience with Karrimor running trainers? Are they really that bad? I don't want to spend too much but I also don't want to give myself problems by wearing rubbish shoes! hopefully they aren't all that bad.

Hellllllllp would be much appreciated :)

Thanks in advance!


  • Dawnog
    Dawnog Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, you need to go a specialist running shop, they will put you on a treadmill and look at your running form then advise you on the best running shoes for you, they can cost £70 to £80 for your first pair but are well worth the money, at least you will know what type of running shoes you should wear then you can shop around next time. I paid £80 for my first pair and can get the same ones on sportsshoes.com for 1/2 price. As I wear the shoes they advised, I need running shoes for a slight over pronator, I have never suffered any discomfort. Hope this helps and good luck with the running. No disrespect but the peeps in sports direct don't know what they are talking about.
  • lilalaunebaer
    While it is true that running shoes is not Karrimor's speciality, I wouldn't worry too much about it. People run in everything from no shoes to motion control shoes with little to no effect on the injury rate. Runner's usually get insured from bad training, usually too much too soon.
    Finding the right shoes for you might be a bit (or a bit more) of trial and error. Just because shoes are expensive and from a top notch running store doesn't mean they work for you.
    So, try the Karrimor shoes, maybe they work just fine for you.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Karrimor kit is OK, although nothing special. Once you've done a couple of hundred Kms in them you'll have a better ideas of whether you're over pronating, neutral or needing some kind of other compensation.

    For what its worth don't Gert too wedded to them idea of brands, I haven't had a pair of Nike's I didn't have trouble with. I currently run in Saucon Hurricane, and they work well for me.
  • DnJ100
    DnJ100 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks both!

    Maybe I'll just use them and see how I get on!
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    I've got a pair of them! Similar situation in that they were recommended to me by the assistant and I only found out later that Karrimor are owned by Sports Direct so they probably promote them due to higher profit margins.

    They're ok - nothing special but I haven't had any trouble with shin splints or knee aches since wearing them (I run about the same distance as you at the moment), they fit well and the grip seems very good. Probably my only gripe is with thin socks the upper part can feel a bit 'scratchy' so I wear thicker running socks.

    When it's time for a new pair I'll maybe look at getting my gait assessed and spend a bit more but certainly for starting out they've been fine.
  • athenasurrenders
    athenasurrenders Posts: 278 Member
    I think you'll be fine.

    My first running shoes were by Everlast, definitely not a leading name in running! But served me fine, very comfortable, if anything they probably wore out a little quicker than a more expensive shoe, but didn't do me any harm. Then I went to get a gait analysis and got sold some support shoes by asics, more than double the price of the old ones. Absolutely wrecked my feet and set me back a couple of weeks with pain. There was nothing wrong with the shoes, they just didn't suit my body.

    Unfortunately it's taken me some trial and error to find the right shoes but in the end I've gone for some entry-level asics neutrals for about fifty quid and they are perfect.

    Your body will tell you if they are right for you or not. If they are good, you won't think about them at all. If they aren't a great brand you might have to replace them sooner, but you'll probably want to anyway in a few months when you figure out what feels best for you.
  • ahreas
    Just brought some Karrimor tempo 2 trainers from sports direct . What are peoples experiences with these? They feel comfortable , was intended on nike downshifter 5 shoes but was told they are more for the tread mill. Just going out for the first run!