Lifters? Runners? Yoga lovers even?

yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
I've recently joined a gym, gotten a personal trainer, and am looking to start lifting (I started strength training but have no upper body strength; my personal goal is to be able to lift heavy one day) and running. I'd really like to friend some more people who are passionate about fitness and eat more than 1000 calories per day since you're all motivating.

Anyone who can give tips on lifting and running to someone new is also very appreciated (but not necessary as I feel support should be mutual).

I also love yoga, so anyone who is into yoga is also welcome!


  • I'll send you a friend request! I just recently started seriously going to the gym and training. I'm definitely not a heavy lifter (yet) but am working my way up slowly and teaching myself as I go.

    Yoga is fantastic and such a great way to re-energize your body on a rest day! I'm a HUGE fan of Bikram (hot) yoga but have done some flow/vinyasa style as well.
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    I love your username as I'm a wine person as well!

    I'm also very, very new to lifting so I'm starting off slowly, but my goal is to be a heavy lifter as soon as possible (without jumping into it more than my body can handle of course).

    I definitely agree about yoga. I try to do a little yoga every day, and a longer session of yoga about 3-4 times a week. It feels great after strength training and cardio as well.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Yep- I try to alternate lifting and yoga days. And I love wine too!! :love:
  • Hi Kanras,

    I started running around the first of the year. I finished a 1/2 marathon in New Orleans back in February. The biggest help I have had so far in running is reading Born to Run. (I actually listened to it on my iPhone) It is full of information and is a fantastic read. The story is awesome.

    I am now getting ready for a full marathon on September 29th.

    I also started P90X two weeks ago.

    Best of Luck,

    Lubbock, Texas
  • Hello!
    I love Bikram and other styles too! I have just started running not seriously though, I did a 5 mile race two weeks ago and would love to share tips and experiences!

    I am also interested in starting to lift!
  • kravmark2
    kravmark2 Posts: 158 Member
    Well if you call 12oz curls heavy lifting than yes I love lifting.. Gotta workout session in the pool scheduled a few hours from now :) but seriously I just started running distance again. Finishing up 6 miles in a few minutes and then I'll be off for the weekend. Ran about 43.5 miles this week & Lost about 5 lbs.. 30lbs more to go :)

    Friend me all
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    Excellent. Glad to know some people with the same fitness related interests. I'll add you all.
  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 643 Member
    I run, slowly. Re-started running with my weightloss journey in August last year with the C25K (it is brilliant, the perfect lead into a running lifestyle). I'm doing my second half marathon in October and have cautious plans for a spring marathon 2014.

    I also practice ashtanga yoga Mysore style 6 days a week, so big fan of yoga. No lifting here though, with 10 odd workouts a week already I'm not prioritising a new hobby. A game of squash or some climbing is however always a welcome distraction!

    I've sent you a friend request. ETA: I would love more friends with running/yoga interests so please feel free to add me if that's you!
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    What are your thoughts on poptarts, oreos, bacon, nutella, ice cream, and cheez-its? And are you flirty and fluent in sarcasm? I ask for science, of course.

    I lift, box, do yoga, and just started running. And I eat roughly 2000 calories a day, I'm not a clean eater, and I log fairly consistently.
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    What are your thoughts on poptarts, oreos, bacon, nutella, ice cream, and cheez-its? And are you flirty and fluent in sarcasm? I ask for science, of course.

    I lift, box, do yoga, and just started running. And I eat roughly 2000 calories a day, I'm not a clean eater, and I log fairly consistently.

    I follow IIFIYM and, while I eat many things considered healthy because I love them, I eat ice cream almost every day and make room within my macros for anything else that I want to eat.

    Especially wine. And bigger portions of the ice cream.
  • Hey,feel free to add me! I absolutely love running, even though I haven't ran since my 5K in May. I really like lifting too, and I LOVE yoga!
  • AshleyM71
    AshleyM71 Posts: 3,029 Member
    I initially started my diet by walking around my area....Built up to walks of 11+ miles per day. Pounds came off and my legs showed up. Who knew I even had legs under all that fat? lol Yeah walking! Now my favorite piece of equipment is the incline trainer. 30% incline at 3 mph is a lot of calorie burn...good for butt toning too.
  • bubblygoldfish
    bubblygoldfish Posts: 213 Member
    Feel free to add me, i'm getting back into running. Just did sprints this morning! If you want to talk running and running related pain issues, i am all over that! :tongue: Good luck with beginning to lift!
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    I initially started my diet by walking around my area....Built up to walks of 11+ miles per day. Pounds came off and my legs showed up. Who knew I even had legs under all that fat? lol Yeah walking! Now my favorite piece of equipment is the incline trainer. 30% incline at 3 mph is a lot of calorie burn...good for butt toning too.

    I love walking as well. I've always lived in cities so I usually spend hours per day walking.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    I am someone who used to HATE running but now I just love it! It is such a de-stresser for me. I am also just starting the strength training :)
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    I am someone who used to HATE running but now I just love it! It is such a de-stresser for me. I am also just starting the strength training :)

    I've always wanted to be good at running but never seriously tried; now that I'm much more into fitness I feel I can commit to it more. And strength is definitely something I want to improve on as well.