Need help fixing this mess *pic*



  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Hey, great job so far, you CAN notice the difference, quite a big difference, actually.

    As for a lifting program that thee dude was talking about up theree (he is right, that is what will change your body the most)

    read this page:

    There is enough information about lifting there for you, the entire site is great source of information...
  • Faery_Dust
    Faery_Dust Posts: 246 Member
    I don't have much advice but just want to say well done on where you have got so far and I think you look fab! If my body looks like yours when I get to 190lbs I will be a very happy bunny :)
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    1. Great job on some tremendous progress. It really shows
    2. Your doctor was right, the skin will tighten up in time.
    3. As you continue toward your GW, make sure you are on a good, full body, progressive lifting program. That will greatly improve your chances of being pleased with your body when you reach goal weight.


    Honestly and truthfully, my body looks better at 110-112 pounds than it did at 100 pounds. I did nothing but cardio and ate like a bird. Now I eat more, and spend most of the time in the gym lifting heavy weights (I do 2 days of cardio/HIIT on the treadmill), my skin has firmed up so much and my cellulite is practically gone!!! Lift, lift, lift!
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    You've done an amazing job. No mess there! Give it time. Keep working out, and moisturize your skin.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    1. Great job on some tremendous progress. It really shows
    2. Your doctor was right, the skin will tighten up in time.
    3. As you continue toward your GW, make sure you are on a good, full body, progressive lifting program. That will greatly improve your chances of being pleased with your body when you reach goal weight.


    Honestly and truthfully, my body looks better at 110-112 pounds than it did at 100 pounds. I did nothing but cardio and ate like a bird. Now I eat more, and spend most of the time in the gym lifting heavy weights (I do 2 days of cardio/HIIT on the treadmill), my skin has firmed up so much and my cellulite is practically gone!!! Lift, lift, lift!

    So nice to read a woman saying this..

    props +1 :)
  • 63lab
    63lab Posts: 80
    bump for info on lifting.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    A Big thanks to everyone who has posted.
    I will be checking out some of these things for sure, though I cannot really afford it do you think it would be worth a personal trainer?
    I think you can pay for them for just one session and then continue the workout on your own from there?

    OR are there at home programs which would work just as well. Hrm.

    You can get a trainer to show you proper form and then continue on your own.

    You can learn to lift at home. I bought some weight lifting equipment on Craigslist, and read some books. There are a number of great resources. New Rules of Lifting for Women has a lot of great info and is worth the read (though I did not do that complete program, I only did about 3 months). I'm now doing Nia Shanks. Starting Strength, or Stronglifts are other popular programs that a lot of women here are doing.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    1. Great job on some tremendous progress. It really shows
    2. Your doctor was right, the skin will tighten up in time.
    3. As you continue toward your GW, make sure you are on a good, full body, progressive lifting program. That will greatly improve your chances of being pleased with your body when you reach goal weight.

    Listen to this man.

    He speaks the truth.
  • UndercoverAngel74
    UndercoverAngel74 Posts: 185 Member
    Keep your head look FANTASTIC!!! It just takes time and patience for everything to work itself out. You are on the right track!!
  • corderdeb
    corderdeb Posts: 57 Member
    Looks to me like you've made a LOT of progross so far! GOOD JOB!

    I also have a lot of muscle under loose skin It's the the hardest thing to combat. Keep doing what you're doing!
  • g33kmommy
    g33kmommy Posts: 104 Member
    What in the world? You are 5"6 and 190lbs? I almost don't believe that! Hah! I'm 5"6 and 179lbs and I look much different than that all over! You look like you weigh in the 140-150 range. However, try some weight training and it should help tighten you up.
  • suegmune
    suegmune Posts: 81
    You look FAB!!!!

    I don't know where you are hiding the weight because you really look awesome. I know what you mean about the lose skin. I'm not much for waiting either. Ignore the lose skin and just keep moving towards your goal.

    You give me much hope for getting to where you are....and I can only hope to look half as good!

  • PAnn1
    PAnn1 Posts: 530 Member
    I too, think you look great! From your picture you look like a young woman,so I would say your Dr is right when he says it will tighten up. I'm pushing 59 now and it took about a year to see any difference in my skin firming up, but I am older, so it shouldn't take you as long. I started my journey in Jan. 2008 and met my goal by Sept of that year (82# lost), so I had some saggy skin going on.
    I started out just walking on a treadmill, then walked outside once the weather got nice. I started out 10-15 min. at a very slow speed. Then gradually increased everything to where I became a power walker, doing anywhere from 4-6 miles a day. I felt great and my legs were toning really well, but the bat wings weren't.
    Then a friend gave sent me a link to a website called, where they have exercise and health related articles. She told me about Leslie Sansone's walking DVD's. The workouts of hers on RealAge were short versions of her regular workouts, but was a great place for me to start and I grew to love her workouts.
    After getting used to the short workouts I graduated to her full length, incorporating weights and stretchy bands. I love these workouts and my arms were fianlly toning up. Take a look at these workouts and see what you think. If you look at you have to click on any link to get away from the homepage, then you can do a search from the next screen. Best wishes!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    As all that fatty tissue gets used up, your skin will get beautiful again. It looks puckered because of the fat. I also found that deep tissue (lymphatic) massage really helped to smooth out the look of the skin there, I've had 5 babies and was overweight as well. It does go back to looking toned and sleek! Can't wait to see more progress pics, I can really see the difference already!
  • Shmeelady
    Shmeelady Posts: 31 Member
    Phew, finally finished reading everything.

    Alright so from everything I read, basically I need to start lifting more. This seems really intimidating to me because I honestly don't know where to start when I'm on my own. So I am going to need to find some help, if not a trainer than perhaps I can stalk someone at the gym to help me. LOL. Creeper style.

    Yes I understand that I am my worst critic, but this comes from being overweight my entire life. I didn't think that once the weight started coming off I would be left with lumpy uneven skin, fatty deposits, or saggy arms. But I realize these are things that I cannot control and I just have to come to terms with it. Slowly I am coming to love myself, but it is still hard. When I look in the mirror I do not feel the size that I am, I feel just as big as I was at almost 300lbs. Its a let down, but I need to get past that. In time....

    I have always held my weight fairly well, most people seem to be surprised by my weight compared to size. Before I got pregnant I had gotten down to 189lbs, but I was a LOT bigger than I am now at 190lbs. The difference between then and now is that back then I relied on change of eating habits only. I did not exercise. Today I exercise frequently, and since I don't have a car I bike everywhere and most the time I am hauling my son in the bike trailor!! So maybe there is some muscle hiding itself under there. :P

    Not too long ago my boyfriend and I got into an arguement about my weight, he said there was no weigh I weighed more than him (he's 160) I told him he had to be joking.... He made me get on a scale and that was the end of that arguement. Haha. Of course first thing he starts boasting "SICK I can lift 190lbs!"

    Men.... HAHA.

    Again thanks everyone for the feedback. :)