I'm stuck in my head :(

Question for you all: Is it more important to you to be healthy/fit or to see the numbers go down on the scale? I ask because I am working out and all my bloodwork from my physical came out great. I can do more push-ups than most of the guys in my class. However, I am hung up on the numbers on the scale that haven't really moved in months. Any ideas how I can be happy with the improvements and not the scale?


  • greenmm25
    greenmm25 Posts: 175 Member
    I know being healthy and fit are really more important but for me it really is the number. I am getting discouraged because the number hasn't move in like a week. Even though I am feeling better and not as tired even though i am doing a lot more during the day! I dunno how to fix it, and change my thinking.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Stop weighing yourself?
  • jess6742
    jess6742 Posts: 146
    Are you tracking your inches and taking pictures? I like tracking my inches because even if the scale doesn't move (or it goes up) I still have proof that I am making progress. There was a period last year where I got to the lowest weight I ever was but then gained 5 pounds (I'm super short so thats a lot!). If I was just looking at the scale I would have freaked out. But luckily I was tracking my inches and I had lost an inch around my waist and another on my thighs.
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    This is exactly why I use a tape measure. I've gone down 5 inches almost everywhere so far, so I really don't sweat the number on the scale. I try to keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat, too. I can see the progress I'm making. That's enough to keep me going, even on the off day that I start feel big again.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I care more about the weight at this point, but because I see myself in the mirror and still see rolls of fat that need to go away... which pretty much requires the scale to move.
  • hteepeg
    hteepeg Posts: 64 Member
    That is a great post. Thank you so much! (I meant to quote the post above with the link. Sorry!)
  • hteepeg
    hteepeg Posts: 64 Member
    Thank you all for helping today. I've spent the entire day running errands with my little girl. We started off at karate this morning, went to at least 3 different electronics stores, stopped back by the house due to a chocolate milk incident, and went grocery shopping. I spent the rest of the afternoon putting everything away, tending to my cucumbers, and cooking with my little Peanut.

    It is all a reminder of why I started on this journey. I didn't start for a number. I didn't even start for a size. I started because I was too tired to get off the couch to play with my kid. I could roll on the floor with her because my back hurt. I couldn't run around Chuck E Cheese with her for hours because my knees would give out. I couldn't sit with her in my lap and not be uncomfortable because there was too little lap and too much tummy.

    I started for the right reasons and I have to keep remembering them when I criticize myself too harshly. Thank you!
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    I think the number on the scale matters somewhat. As far as getting to a nearly normal BMI.

    It isn't just either this or that.

    I'm 50 and I've always had the most perfect bloodwork every year. I'm pretty overweight too by 65 to get to normal BMI.

    Until this last time. My BP was up and possibility of being pre diabetic.

    Am I fit? Heck no. I can hardly walk up a flight of stairs.

    Was I ever fit when fat? Yes, there have been times when overweight I could walk all day long easily.

    I think if you are feeling good, your bloodwork and doctor says you are doing good, and you are fairly close to normal BMI for your height, then that is good enough.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,140 Member
    I want the numbers to go down. The health fairy will appear when I reach 125#, or so my doctors have lead me to believe. :drinker:
  • monsoonme
    chicken/egg question. number goes down other stuff changes. other stuff changes, numbers go down.