I'm stuck! - Calorie advise

I've hit a plateau and I'm frustrated. I am working out 4-5 days a week, two of them are w/ my personal trainer. He INSISTS that I need to be eating 1,800 calories a day. That seems so high to me, but he says I need that b/c of my workouts. I've been working out for 4 months now (haven't worked out in over 10 yrs prior to this), and I have dropped 25 lbs in 4 months. I've given up all breads, pasta, rice and potatoes. I just feel I should have lost more weight by now. The scale hasn't budged in 3 weeks. Ugh!

Is 1,800 calories a day too high? Or is he correct? I am eating lots of high protein meat and fish, tons of veggies and some dairy - that's pretty much my diet these days - w/ one small cheat meal a week so I don't feel deprived. Suggestions or thoughts? Thanks!!


  • tbetz1
    tbetz1 Posts: 48 Member
    1800 doesn't seem like to much to me but maybe that's because I have been eating 1900-2200 calories a day up to 3000 and losing weight with max workouts of 30ish minutes 5-7 days a week
  • BigJayUK
    BigJayUK Posts: 63 Member

    If you are working 4 to 5 times a week. I would definately say you need 1800 calories.
    Calorie intake does depending on various factors such as your height, weight and intensity of your workouts.

    They could be various reasons why you have not lost any more weight.
    1. You could be gaining muscle mass and losing fat (I would take body measurements and use them as a guide instead of the scale)
    2. If you are taking in low calories your body panics and stores fat.

    Its very good that you have cut out the bad carbs.
    I do eat wholewheat pasta and sweet potatoes though.
  • lauramacaroni
    lauramacaroni Posts: 25 Member
    This can help you to calculate your needed calories. Also note: measure yourself....it means just as much as the scale when you are building muscle.

  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    I eat 1900 calories a day I make sure to get in about 100g of protein and honestly I don't think you're doing yourself justice cutting out the carbs, I make sure to get those in too everyday just not a whole lot at dinner time but one piece of advice is to eat 6 times a day, 3 normal meals and then 3 snacks basically eat every 2 hours so your body doesn't start eating away at your muscle you will see results for sure, my husband and I have seen good results already and have only been working out with our trainer for almost a month