Keepin' it Real: Scientific Data Week 18 (race report!)

I had a pretty good week last week! There were a couple caloric "bumps" in the road, but for the most part stayed within my calorie range....and if I didn't, I was able to shuffle off the excess!! In fact, I tend to commit myself to shuffling due to going over on my calorie intake almost daily....

(hmmm....guess I'm going to have to do a better job of planning ahead!!)

My most exciting part about this previous week was the 5k race we did last Sunday!

It was a cool, sunny morning...perfect day for 3.1 miles! The crowd was small (roughly 100 participants) and I was asked about my bare feet a couple times by some curious runners. (I always enjoy engaging in conversation about barefoot running!!) I positioned myself toward the back of the crowd (as I always do, since I am slow) and wished my Honey "good luck" as he made his way forward through the herd.

I started the race in my predictable, usual way....slow and steady. I felt good! The cool air and asphalt made for a pretty comfortable 1st mile. As I neared the mile marker, I took out my ear bud to hear my split time.....9:18.

Hmmm....pretty nice! I thought to myself.

My 5k run down typically looks something like this: Mile one = just over 9 minute/mile.....Mile two = just over 10 minute/mile......Mile 3 = Just over 11 minute/mile. This typically has me running a 30-31 minute 5k. This is my norm, and I have only deviated from this pattern one other my life!! (now, by "deviated" I mean "run faster". I have certainly had WORSE times!!). That one other time was in 2009....the first year I started running.....and I was in shoes.

As I approached the 2 mile marker, again I removed my ear bud to hear the split time......18:40.

What?! I thought.....Did I really keep just over a 9 minute/mile pace?? Wow!! How cool is that?!

I felt empowered!! If I was able to keep this pace, I would be able to shuffle a sub-30 minute 5k for the first time in 4 years!!! (and the first time ever, barefoot!!)

I have never been very competitive at these races...why would I be? I was certainly no competition to anyone there!!

But on this day....
I felt different.....

I went into "ninja-mode"......
and honed in on my prey....

two ladies, just up, about my age, tall, long-legged, wearing a neon orange shirt...and was tiring fast.....

the other, much younger than me, but about my build....also tiring, but kept looking over her shoulder at me....she knew I was planning to take her down...but wasn't going down without a I neared, she sped up, and wouldn't let me pass....

That's ok....I thought....they are tired.....and I will take these two out on this upcoming hill....

I could see the exhaustion that they felt, and somehow that gave me more power to keep pushing through my own fatigue. I remembered what I wrote in my previous blog post ("A letter to 120 days-ago-me") about not fearing the feeling of my racing heart and heavy breathing. I told myself that I would be able to recover at the top of the hill.

Ignoring my pounding heart and tired legs, I shuffled up the hill and passed the girls pretty easily....

That's it!! Steady!!! You will get your rest in a little while! I reminded myself as I panted heavily.....

I knew that "young girl" was right on my tail and I couldn't let up, not even a little....

However, on the downhill, orange girl AND young girl passed me....and I knew that orange girl was now aware that she was on my radar.....

I had just committed myself to a "race to the finish" with more than half a mile to go.

I kept with them....pushing myself to go a little faster than what was comfortable, but at the same time pushing them past their comfort levels as well....I could see them tiring even more, yet watching me over their shoulders.

I could imagine their thoughts....."I'm NOT going to let this barefoot WACKO beat me!!!"

As I neared the next intersection, I saw it......

The Finish Line.

and something in me clicked ...... or maybe snapped......

I took off faster than I think I have ever run before....
as fast as my stumps would carry me....
focused on the finish line about 50 feet ahead...

I passed orange girl!!!!


Then, with the finish line just steps away.... I passed "young girl"!!!!!


And she wasn't too happy about that!!! She kicked it into high gear....I could hear her just behind me.... I crossed the finish line!!

I beat "young girl" by TWO TENTHS of a second.....and "orange girl" by a little over one second!!



Not only did I make "ninja-chow" out of those two chics.....
I had my best 5k time of 28:30!!!
(In fact, both Honey and I had our best 5k that day!! :) )


I came in 2nd in my age group!!


(Ok....mind you there were only 3 of us in the 40-44 age group.....but I didn't come in 3rd!!!! :) )

What a great race and a far cry from my first 5k of this year back in March :)

Now....for this week's numbers:

Days until half marathon: 70
Miles shuffled: 19
Beginning weight: 165
Last week's weight: 151.8
Friday's weight: 151.6 (BLAH!!)
Bowls of "Ninja Chow" served: 2.......DE-LISH!!!!!


  • ShannonKN
    ShannonKN Posts: 152 Member
    Congratulations, and thank you for making me laugh! I will have your ninja-chow and those fantastic kicks in my head during my race next weekend!
  • jenncaroon
    SWEET VICTORY! You are not only victorious but also an excellent storyteller!
  • jenncaroon
    Oh yeah...and rock the upcoming 13.1!
  • barefoot_shuffler
    Thanks ladies !! :)
  • hedkell
    hedkell Posts: 121 Member
    Congratulations, what a great run! Well done for racing all the way to the finish line, I am usually dieing near the end, whatever the distance!
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    What a bloody great story! I enjoyed that. I am intrigued about the bare foot running! Have your feet just got used to the rough surfaces?
    Great job btw!
  • TwinMom422
    TwinMom422 Posts: 34 Member
    I love this post.
  • barefoot_shuffler
    Thanks all!! :blushing:

    Joanne....if you'd like to know more about barefoot running, feel free to friend/message me! :smile: feet just toughen up to the rough surfaces (though stepping hard on a rock still hurts!!:sad: ). I am not able to go bare during our winters here in Ohio (some barefooters do run bare in the snow!!) so my feet get soft through the winter months. I have to toughen them back up in the Spring...takes a month or two :wink:
    But....I have been injury free since my first barefoot run in 2010, which is why I choose this method! I have not had any shin splints, knee pain, or hip problems since! (Toughening and strengthening my feet was a slow process though!) I will do it this way as long as I possibly can :smile:
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