What brought you here?

This is my story feel free to share yours.

I have never been a small guy actually at one point in time i was before i had my appendectomy surgery in 1st grade but after that i cant say life was ever the same. That was the year i went from swimming with my shirt of to not swimming because i didnt want to take my shirt off. I wish i could say that the surgery was the real reason i am the weight i am now but that would just be blaming something other than myself and myself is the only real person to blame. Food at my house came from a box both my parents worked usually opposite shifts so most of the time homemade meant that it was factory made by Stouffer's or any other prepared company, combine that with an abundant of candy and video games that was my childhood. I dont blame my parents they worked hard and did what they could. My first job was when i was 14 i worked at a local ice cream stand in the summer and then in the winter helped sell Christmas trees and watch football. In 7th grade i began playing football and wrestled. Even with those 2 sports and walking home after practice usually about 5 miles i still never slimmed down. By my freshman year of high school i was 300lbs for the most part that is the weight i have stayed at. i think since my freshman year the slimmest i have ever been was 265 which was my junior year of college i finally found the gym at the university and i would work out their usually for a couple of hours a day and since i didnt have much money i wasnt eating that much or that unhealthy. fast forward some more to my wedding last year in September i was probably about 325. Then this past January i lost my job at the beginning of the year and became unemployed i worked a few jobs here and their but nothing and my lifestyle became very sedentary about 55 days ago i looked down at the scale which maxes out at 300 and i was about another 100lbs over that which meant i was now almost 400lbs that was the last straw. So if im going to be unemployed im going to become lean and healthy. I didnt find this site until about 25 days ago which by then i had managed to trim down to around 380 something and now im here. Ive lost 9 lbs and im feeling better but i still have a long way yo go before i hit my goal.

To me this is not a diet to become skinny this is a lifestyle change to become and stay healthy!!


  • Sounds like you want it for the right reasons. Keep at it!
  • Notsocorny
    Congradulations. You get it. Not a lot of people get what "diet and exercise" mean. Its keeping your self healthy. It's important to do so for yourself. Especially because you are the one in control of what happens to your own body.

    So, All in all you deserve a big 'Kuddos!!' from your friends and family for finally doing what's right for you, what you owe yourself! You sure as heck get Kuddos from me!!!
