Can anyone give me the scoop on Plexus? From my understanding it is a powder? Do you have to take the accelerator with it? (Wondering because I do not want to have heart palpitations) ... If so, DID it give you heart palpitations? If not, did the powder itself give you palpitations?

Please help!


  • keridnorton
    keridnorton Posts: 4 Member
    I am taking it and I actually am very sensitive to things like that and have not experienced any. It has about as much caffeine as two cups of coffee.
  • daddylawbucks
    daddylawbucks Posts: 18 Member
    Just keep to your calorie goal and don't worry about magic powders. What you eat and how far you walk are all that matters.
  • keridnorton
    keridnorton Posts: 4 Member
    It just sure is easier to stick to your calorie goal and walk farther when your body is getting all that it needs... whether you use this line of supplements or one of the wonderful things at GNC. I have lost 91 pounds and the first thing I learned was I needed fish oil or I was gonna be bald. I'm just sayin'... calories in calories out yes... It's just a great line of supplements that's all
  • keridnorton
    keridnorton Posts: 4 Member
    As for the op, you do not have to take the accelerator and the slim drink is a delicious water mix in. There are plenty of other cool products they offer as well. Like a pro bio and a pro bio cleanse. You can lose weight all kinds of ways. I lost 91 pounds before I started this and I am using this to try and break through my plateau. Finally I am losing inches again.
  • KelleyRob
    KelleyRob Posts: 97 Member
    This is my second month on plexus. I was taking the drink, accelerator and pro-bio5 for yeast growth. After the first few days, I noticed I was only eating half of what i put on my plate. I am a grazer, so I loke to eat all day long. And I wasn't wanting sweets as much, I am a really big sweet eater. In the past I had taken pondiman (sp) for weight loss and it caused heart palpitations. I do not have palpitations with plexus, even with the accelerater. You don't have to take the accelerator with the drink. I like the energy it gives me. Just enough to want to do stuff. I usually just take 1, sometimes at work (7p-7a) I will take another one about midnight if I am needing a boost. I have only lost 4 lbs in the month, but I have lost some inches. I have not been watching what I'm eating or exercising. I like the way it makes me feel. This month I ordered the bio-cleanse also, we will see how this helps. Hope this didn't muddy the info you already had. LOL :flowerforyou:
  • l911jnt
    l911jnt Posts: 164 Member
    I am ending my first month on it. I take the powder and one accelerator after breakfast every day. I started dieting. I have lost 12 lbs. I did the work to earn the weight loss but it does reduce my appetite and I don't have cravings for sweets and sodas. its worth it to me for that alone because I can't take other appetite suppressant, they make me sick. I am also drinking lots of water. 6 bottles a day at least. As for anyone who comes behind me to comment or make smart remarks about anything I wrote, save your breath. its not a miracle drug, magic pill, blah blah blah. I am well aware of that calorie deficit is the reason for my weight loss. no heart palipitations. that's why I don't take both accelerators.
  • mandieschmitz
    mandieschmitz Posts: 10 Member
    I'm on it too and I love it. I think in the beginning it helped me get into losing weight mentally. Got me 'pumped' because I knew it would work. It does, but I put in a lot of effort on my own too with counting calories and exercising. I'm losing just as much now as I would without it but I still take it because it does help with my cravings and it's gotten rid of my headaches (and it's helped with a few other girly-related problems). Will it make you lose more weight than you would if you were just counting calories? Absolutely not, but it does make me feel like a normal human being, makes me eat like one too and that's all that matters for me :)
  • climbamnt
    climbamnt Posts: 190 Member
    Just keep to your calorie goal and don't worry about magic powders. What you eat and how far you walk are all that matters.

    This! Make better choices and baby steps towards a healthy lifestyle.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Just keep to your calorie goal and don't worry about magic powders. What you eat and how far you walk are all that matters.

    This! Make better choices and baby steps towards a healthy lifestyle.

    I agree with these people. Just eat well, log everything accurately, and get a bit more exercise than you did previously. I've not used or needed any sort of weight loss supplements...it all comes down to tracking accurately and being active.
  • I find it interesting that people are saying to not take Plexus when the question is if you tried and if so, how do you like it. Sometimes, people need a little help to get going. Eating healthy, eating less, counting calories, can be alot for some people who's just starting out. Weight loss is a personal journey and taking supplements is a personal choice.
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    I find it interesting that people are saying to not take Plexus when the question is if you tried and if so, how do you like it. Sometimes, people need a little help to get going. Eating healthy, eating less, counting calories, can be a lot for some people who's just starting out. Weight loss is a personal journey and taking supplements is a personal choice.

    This is precisely what I was going to say. I lost 60 pounds on my own, eating healthy, working out etc. I gained 30 of it back, and no matter how hard I work, I cannot lose anymore weight. I needed a boost. Plexus isn't a magic powder, it's an AID and as long as you treat it as such you will have a productive weight loss journey. Try using it for awhile then weaning yourself off of it, you might have just needed the push to get started and once you've got momentum you could do fantastically!
  • BubblySharon
    BubblySharon Posts: 96 Member
    Plexus is what helped me to lose my weight before I had other issues that required surgery. Now that I have had my surgery, I am losing again though. I was trying to lose weight since last March and was unable to do much of anything even though I had been watching my food intake, counting calories, and eating healthy. I will be honest, I wasn't doing a lot of exercising, but was rarely over my calories allotted for the day. Up until I added Plexus into the mix I wasn't losing anything. Then I lost about 60 lbs between Nov(when I started Plexus) and April. In April I stopped losing and noticed other issues and found out I needed surgery to fix them. These issues actually made me gain some of my weight back.. in total I gained back about 12 lbs. Immediately after surgery I lost 6-8 of them, and now I am losing more again. I love what Plexus does.. it makes me feel good... helps my knee pain...helps me sleep better at night... and helps me lose weight too! I haven't had heart palpitations with it at all. If you have any more questions about it, feel free to send me a message :)
  • dbwooten
    dbwooten Posts: 1
    I started plexus to help with high blood pressure, cholesterol etc. have taken since last of jan. lost 13lbs so far. No sugar cravings either. I decided to try the probio5 to get rid of candida. It seems to have given a little boost to weight loss. I go next week for blood work. If that comes back good then I'm convinced. No heart palpitations, no side effects etc. I have gone from 2 pills to 1 on the probio5. I'm not a fan of fad diet solutions thus for only trying the plexus slim first. Only started probio5 a couple of weeks ago. Again if good blood work then ill continue. So far BP has gone way down.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    The best thing about people bumping these long term dead threads promoting junk, is we can check out how the advocates are doing with their 'fitness journey'.
  • melissatacker
    melissatacker Posts: 91 Member
    Since this was bumped yesterday, I would like to hear from some of the people who were taking it to see how well they did and if they are still taking it. Before and after pics? Any negative side effects?
  • everstraete
    everstraete Posts: 18 Member
    I'm on it. But I don't take it for weight loss specifically. I take it because it was originally marketed as a health supplement (but then people started loosing weight and "drink pink and shrink" sounds better than "drink pink and be healthy") and it's mainly for health concerns. I find when I take plexus, the probio, and the xfactor (on prilosec for health issues which causes loss of bone density so I need a multi vitamin) my IBS and other gastro issues are controlled better. The important part is drinking your water and making good choices. I also use the p96 shakes for mornings to help with my protein intake.

    My mother has lost 35 lbs on it and she doesn't use it as a magic supplement, the woman works HARD for that weight loss.

    The main thing I should mention is my mom is a plexus rep, so that's why I use the products. Yes, they are expensive but I know people who have had fantastic results on it. Bottom line: it's helpful, but it's not magic so you need to weigh the costs yourself on a personal scale.
  • melissatacker
    melissatacker Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks for the input! I have a friend who just started taking it and says that the energy it gives her is amazing, and she is dropping inches like crazy! I just wondered if anyone had any good results that last once they quit taking it too, or if they needed to keep taking it. As someone that has had chronic fatigue for almost 20 years, the energy sounds like a lifesaver :)
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    Took it. Lost weight.

    Stopped taking it. Gained weight.

    Save your money and count calories.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    Also, the energy high is not universal. I was so tired on that stuff I nearly fell asleep while driving.
  • Counting calories is not working for me, my cravings take over. What??!? How dare i say that. Plexus helps with those cravings! How dare i say that?! I say it because it is true. It is also good for other issues. Trying the cleanse next. It is important to cleanse quarterly, so excited to see what this one does. It is great to add to daily diet, and not stress with oh my gosh i forgot to log this or that, or whatever other complaint in may have. Good luck!!