its coming off so slow... :(

when i started this journey and i see those posts "heather has logged in xxx amount of days" i used to be so proud. i have never stuck to any diet "life style change" what ever this long, never had the dedication before, but now i find myself looking at that number as it grows thinking i have been doing this for a while and i only lost 43 pounds? i find myself looking at others who have been doing it as long and seeing them lose twice what i have and i start to get discourage ... am i alone in this? does anyone else feel this way?


  • maQmIgh
    maQmIgh Posts: 236 Member
    I know how you feel...
    when I first started on this journey I lost a stone in a short ammount of time...
    ... but then its been a pain in the butt.. weigh in and lose 1lb.. weigh in and gain 1-5lbs (the gain lasts 1-3 weeks) then finally lose.... 1lb :(

    in the end the way I look at it is that a loss is a loss... it may take me longer than others (and i do get jealous with how quick other lose it) but Im in this for the long haul.. this is for me to live a better, happier life for me... This time, im ok with how long it takes, cos this time... ITS FOR KEEPS :)

    Good luck with your continued journey.. and chin up
  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    I did the math - 43 pounds in approx 28 weeks is 1 1/2 pounds per week a perfectly healthy weight loss goal - You are right on schedule.

    But it stinks when it goes slow :(
  • mirandaeaston
    Try not to compare yourself with others your moving in the right direction keep going at your pace . :smile:
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Slow is good, and 43 pounds is a great accomplishment!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    There's no "only" and "43 pounds."

    You're doing fantastic.
  • Viva_Karina
    Viva_Karina Posts: 398 Member
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    I actually want to lose at a slow rate that way I can maintain this longterm. This is not a two day sprint it's a lifestyle. Also we learn good food habits over time so they become part of our eating in the long run. Rest confident you are definitely on the right track and be very proud!! Also, when people lose too quickly their skin is sagging. I had a huge stomach from a life of overeating and because I took one year to slowly lose weight it's flat with no extra skin. I purposely slow myself down to prevent many problems that have to do with quick weight loss.

    One more, I had to get used to the new skinny me emotionally, this takes time. You appreciate every pound coming off the sweat and effort you put in
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    Only 43 lbs in 6 months? Sorry, but I'm curious, how much would you have been happy with? Because, if I've lost 43 lbs by christmas, having come back to MFP on June 22nd, I will be the happiest person on the planet.

    I know this post sounds confrontational, and I genuinely don't intend that. I'm just worried about why you can't see how amazing your achievement is and what's stopping you from being UNBELIEVABLY proud of yourself!
  • brandynot
    brandynot Posts: 88 Member
    43 lb weight loss is an AWESOME accomplishment!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I am of the mindset that the weight was not put on overnight, so it surely wont go away overnight. My two cents...stop looking at what everyone else has lost and be PROUD of your accomplishment. Look at it this way...there are people looking at your 43 pound weightloss and saying wow...she lost double what I have in the same time...what am I doing wrong??? Understand we are all unique. If it were easy to lose weight quickly there would be no need for this site and the "weightloss industry" would not be making the millions it is.

    Keep up the great work! Be proud of what you have lost! :smile:
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I started back at this around the same time you have, and have lost about half as much as you. Should I be discouraged?? Heck no! I just keep focused on myself and the progress that I have made (and not just on the scale) and celebrate all progress, no matter how small it may seem.
  • mistertug
    That's why measurements are good, if I don't lose weight for two weeks but I shrink anyway, it's not as discouraging. Either way, you know you're doing the right thing, so if you feel good, to hell with the numbers.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I did the math - 43 pounds in approx 28 weeks is 1 1/2 pounds per week a perfectly healthy weight loss goal - You are right on schedule.

    But it stinks when it goes slow :(

    1.5lbs per week is NOT slow
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    First off congratulations! Now when losing weight, never put an "only" in front of that number. Pick up 43 lbs of sugar and trying carrying those around. And you'll see just how much you have lost and how important that is. Also, never compare ones' journey to your own. We all have different genetics/ metabolism. And don't give up or get discouraged. If you're staying stagnate, I would possibly switch up your exercise routine. Good luck!
  • hrmom26
    hrmom26 Posts: 53 Member
    Only 43 lbs in 6 months? Sorry, but I'm curious, how much would you have been happy with? Because, if I've lost 43 lbs by christmas, having come back to MFP on June 22nd, I will be the happiest person on the planet.

    I know this post sounds confrontational, and I genuinely don't intend that. I'm just worried about why you can't see how amazing your achievement is and what's stopping you from being UNBELIEVABLY proud of yourself!

    i don't take it confrontational at all. i am the most impatient person on the planet and you get sucked into the hype of weight loss how many commercials do you see "i lost 50 pounds in just..." insert time there etc etc then you start doubting your self then comes the comparing of you to others. i started a word doc for myself when i started this once a month i post my weight and measurements it helps me see how far i've come but i have to say this site and the support i get from all of you is what makes the difference. You all slap my butt back in line lol and give me what i need to keep going

    (((hugs))) thanks all
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Only 43 lbs in 6 months? Sorry, but I'm curious, how much would you have been happy with? Because, if I've lost 43 lbs by christmas, having come back to MFP on June 22nd, I will be the happiest person on the planet.

    I know this post sounds confrontational, and I genuinely don't intend that. I'm just worried about why you can't see how amazing your achievement is and what's stopping you from being UNBELIEVABLY proud of yourself!

    Also this!

    I've lost 66lbs in just over two YEARS! I'm not complaining. I've got a few pounds left I'd like to lose, but I don't have a deadline. Be proud of what you have lost.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    In 2 days, I will have logged for 1000 th day

    I have 20 pounds loss to show for it...... what is the alternative? Sitting on the couch eating bonbons and complaining that I am fat?

    I don't think so.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    If it makes you feel better, you're going a lot faster than I am! I started in January too, and am down only about 34 lbs. It doesn't bother me that others are losing faster than me; what matters is that I'm sticking to the goal I set myself.
  • Jan3D
    Jan3D Posts: 49 Member
    I started end of June. Eating 1200 cals and have only lost 6 lbs - I take that back - the scale is bouncing around and today I'm up a couple of pounds. So I measured. And I've lost inches... So progress is being made. MFP says I should be losing 1.3 lbs a week, but that's not what's happening. I'm 56 and post menopausal. I'm doing my best to focus on behaviors not the scale, but it is hard. 43 lbs in 6 months is awesome progress. My goal is 35 lbs in 6 months... 5 months left to lose 30 more lbs, we will see!
  • rickvw1970
    I gained 55lbs in 12 years of gluttony and I will be delirious if it "only" takes a year to remove it. You're a star with your achievement and as some other poster said: pick up something weighing 40lbs and try and carry it for a day. You can't.

    KEEP IT UP!!!
  • here2bme
    here2bme Posts: 63 Member
    You're crazy! 1.5 pounds a week is perfect! don't you want it to last?