its coming off so slow... :(



  • nmn2
    nmn2 Posts: 123 Member
    You are not alone! I feel the exact same way...I'm at around 220 days logging and have only lost 10 pounds. I feel discourage a lot but thankfully my pals here don't let me stay that way. Like you this is the longest I have ever consistently thought about and made an effort to live healthy. I have not yet found the perfect diet exercise combo that helps me shed my pounds but I'm learning a lot and will not give up! You shouldn't either! Keep doing what you're doing! Slow and steady wins the race!! :happy:
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    go to the gym and pick up one of the big plates. it's 45 lbs, which is about what you've lost. now, go walk around with it for a bit. walk on the treadmill with it in your hands. see how long you last until you get tired, and uncomfortable, and out of breath.

    so... what was that about only losing 43 lbs?


    OP, 43 lbs is a *kitten* ton of weight, and you should be thrilled out of your mind! 1.5 lb/week is fantastic progress. Keep going!
  • hrmom26
    hrmom26 Posts: 53 Member
    i find myself looking at others who have been doing it as long and seeing them lose twice what i have and i start to get discourage ... am i alone in this? does anyone else feel this way?

    I feel this way as well and it's the main reason I don't have MFP friends anymore. Though most of them didn't have a huge amount to lose, they were still posting losses on the feed while I was either stalled or gaining. Yes, it's discouraging. I admit to being pissed and jealous at people who've lost weight faster than I have. I always feel as though I've done something wrong - not eating correctly or not exercising enough, basically not putting in as much effort as I should.

    You're loss is amazing btw truly awesome! i wish they had a like button on here or a hug, all the replies i have gotten have my head back where it should i love this site.

    i think the biggest hurtle for me and many others is the emotional baggage we get alone with the weight gain, we feel defeated, and the journey back is littered with second guessing and comparing, and can i really do this? Like one poster said the weight comes off but the emotional issues take longer to fix.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    I have lost 47.5 lbs in 13 months. I consider it an absolute miracle and so does everyone who knows me. Also I know I will be eating like this for the rest of my life. I make sure I love every bite I eat and do not feel deprived. If there is something I absolutely crave I just have a little of it so I know I never have to go without my favourite things. Just a tiny bit though. My diet is delicious day to day so I can do this for ever. It is not a race.
    At the moment I am only losing 1 lb a month. Is it frustrating? Yes! But I am keeping on. I am so near my goal now and may just keep going after that goal for bit of fine tuning. The minute I look haggard or scraggy I will stop. Every pound lost is SO much better than a pound put on. Just think that most people are gaining weight steadily and getting all sorts of diseases like diabetes. You are a winner!:drinker: :flowerforyou: Be proud!:bigsmile:
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    First, congratulations on all your hard work paying off! Because it is.
    Here's the main thing to keep in mind: changing your eating habits in a sustainable way tends to take pounds off slower than unsustainable diets do, but those habits are (a) healthier and (b) sustainable, meaning those pounds are much more likely to stay off. Sustainability and health, not speed, is really the name of the game here.

    When the going gets slow, and it inevitably does, ask yourself, "Am I in a better place now than I was in before?" As long as the answer to that is "Yes," you are doing fine.

    Also, the more you lose, the slower that weight loss tends to get. This is natural. It is your body adjusting to its new normal. Here's what the Mayo Clinic has to say about plateaus:

    It's taken me 10 months to lose 42 pounds (the last time my weight dropped was back on July 12). Here's what that looks like:

    The slope of my weight loss keeps getting shallower, meaning my rate of loss keeps getting slower. Sure I feel impatient from time to time (my current plateau is 23 days and counting), but I know I'm doing the right things and I'm cool with that. It might take me a year (or more!) to lose those last 9 pounds. But I'm not in any hurry and I'm not starving, because this is for keeps.

    Keep on keepin' on! :-)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I averaged 1-2 lbs. a week over my weight loss, it all adds up... This is a lifestyle so consider it a marathon. Your in it for the long haul so try not to rush it.... You have to take a step back an analyze the fact you have lost 43 pounds!! that is great!! Think back to how you felt 43 pounds ago and how much better you are today... Best of Luck

    ^This. It's not how fast you get there but that you get there and learn to be happy with yourself, as well as learn to keep fit for life!
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    You really have done wonderfully with the weight loss!

    I know it seems like it takes a long time anytime you are waiting for something good but you are doing it!!!

    Just think, by the end of the year, you will have lost more! Just think if you didn't start at all, you'd either be the as before or more!
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    Only 43 lbs in 6 months? Sorry, but I'm curious, how much would you have been happy with? Because, if I've lost 43 lbs by christmas, having come back to MFP on June 22nd, I will be the happiest person on the planet.

    /\/\/\ This /\/\/\

    Be happy that you're losing weight that quickly. A lot of people don't-- especially if they are POST-menopausal. (Not me.)

    Exactly the same if you are in menopause, slow go sally:)
  • samuelsson
    samuelsson Posts: 74 Member

    I honestly thought it was just me feeling this way -- why am I not losing as fast as So-and-so (stupid weight-loss commercials starring celebrities with personal trainers and money to burn)? But then I take a moment, stop, and say to myself what everyone else has said to you: there's no "only" about it!

    You're doing an amazing job. We all are. At whatever pace that might be. Because it's not a sprint, it's a marathon. This is about a life transformation.

    ...but yeah, *sheepishly* sometimes I forgot this. Until I read a post like this. And then I feel proud and supportive of a stranger (you!) for her transformation. =)
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    43lbs in 6 months?

    I have been trying to ditch 17lbs for over a year. You are doing really well!

    But as you can see above, there is no point in comparing yourself to others.

    I just remind myself it didn't come on overnight (my 17lbs snuck on over the course of 3 years) so having it come off is going to take a while too.

    And I sometimes imagine what it would be like to wake up and it all being gone tomorrow.

    Then waking up the next day to find it all back!
    It really does seem to move slowly. Maybe you just need to change up your mindset. I have been here for 15 months with an 84 pound loss. When I got to a year, something really struck me. This is my lifestyle now. It doesn't matter if I lose 1 pound a week, or 50 pounds a week - I am going to eat the same way and continue to lift weights and run.

    This is the new me. When I started thinking like that, it made me realize that I'm going to keep going. I'm getting healthier and that is my only goal now.

    Good luck !

    ^THIS^ is also awesome advice. I am looking forward to being able to maintain this level of fitness & way of eating into my 50s, 60s & beyond.

    Keep doing what you are doing, it is working. :wink:
  • RCottonRPh
    RCottonRPh Posts: 148
    Options averaged 7 pounds per month....that's fantastic. I lost 4 pounds in July and I'm proud of THAT. Sure, I'd like to be at my goal weight now. But then what? I still will have to eat right and exercise if I want to stay there. So I'm taking my time to learn how to eat and exercise right. Give yourself time to learn the skills needed for your new lifestyle...patience is one of them! Congrats on your 43 pounds. Well done!
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    NEVER....EVER... put ONLY in front of your weight loss. Even if it is only a pound.

    Go get 43 pounds of anything strap it to your back and walk around all day with it, then at the end of the day take it off and see how you feel and then remember you used to carry that around all day everyday!

    No you are not alone in feeling that way but seriously, do not ever discount any of the hard work you have done to get where you are.
  • jaggerhawks
    jaggerhawks Posts: 187 Member
    Like everyone said 43 pounds is nothing to blink at. There is no such thing as "only" 43 pounds.

    Also, 6 months is a grain of sand. When you look at the grand scheme of things, it's not much at all, especially if it's dedicated to your health.

    If I calculated correctly, that's about 1.2 percent of your life thus far. Given you live to the average life span of the American woman, you will have dedicated .64% of your life to eating right.

    So I'd say you did pretty well for that .64% of your life.