Healthier options

09nat13 Posts: 38 Member
I need some Healthier options to cut out the Crisps & sweets Please help


  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
  • rosalang
    rosalang Posts: 49 Member
    buy some small pretty pots with lids and fill them up every morning with prepared fruit or veg with low cal dips. even low cal meals left over from the night before can make low cal snacks. look on them as your treats and when you want to snack they are there ready and waiting for you. i take a few almonds in a pot with me so i am not tempted by snacks when out.but remember to count them as 10 is about 60 cals. this seems a lot but they fill you up quite quickly and look on them as all yours
    hope that helps
  • alibee81
    alibee81 Posts: 62
    Check out this list of UK snacks under 100 cals, you'll be surprised what's on there!

    I like to snack on prawns and smoked salmon slices. M&S do a nice range of packs of flavoured prawns: chilli and lime, garlic and coriander etc.

    Crudités are nice, sliced carrots, celery and peppers dipped in salsa, hummus, philly, peanut butter, taramasalata.

    Olives, nuts, dried fruit, popcorn. Cherries, grapes, strawberries and raisins are nice and easy.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    first - get rid of them. now. don't bring them in the house.

    second - find *something else* to do so you will be less prone to mindless snacking - extra points if you can find something to do with your hands. you have no idea how many manis i gave myself in the past month! so - go for a walk, call a friend, read a book, exercise, etc.

    third - as suggested, stock up on vegetables, make your own hummus, buy natural (no sugar/fat added) peanut butter, hard boiled eggs, cheese sticks, ice water with lemon slices, chicken that you make in quantities and freeze. The only way to get around this is to Be Prepared - so clean up your environment, get rid of the 700 cal snacks, and bring in good food.
  • Flavoured popcorn is a great replacement for crisps. My favourite is Propercorn Fiery Worcester Sauce & Sun-Dried Tomato at 96 cals for a pack. Boots also do some in the Shapers range.

    Also worth a look are the carrot and beetroot crisps in the NuMe range at Morrison's -- they're 2 for £1 and around 60-70 calories a bag.

    Or make your own 'crisps' from vegetables and other things. I like making them from sweet potatoes, also chicken ones work really well. I buy wafer thin chicken, cut it into crisp size pieces and bake it in the oven until they're crispy. Works surprisingly well!

    For sweet things, a square or two of dark chocolate isn't too bad (I like Lindt 85% Excellence) and I have a chocolate or flapjack style protein bar (with as high a % of protein as I can find, so usually 40-50% protein) as either a main snack or as part of lunch.
  • theres loads of options out there to stop u munching on crisps..( my downfall is choc) but i find if u dont allow them in your house then u cant easy walk into kitchen to be tempted and u must find the willpower to walk past shop n not bu them.... it took me ages to find the will power ( not easy) but i kept thinking to myself wot do i want more? junk food or weight loss n be happy and it finally sink in... have a treat once a week but dont go mad, i started to av my big bag of choc once a month and by god i do enjoy it more...
    theres fruit, low sugar jelly. its just finding sumat wot will take our edge off eating high fat crisps....
  • rosalang
    rosalang Posts: 49 Member
    weightwatchers tomato soup is under 80 cals for the whole tin and fills you up. i often have one mid afternoon to keep me going
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    Crisps you could make yourself from zuchini or sweet potato grilled in the oven, even from kale.

    This is a site which got lots of healthier options for cakes and cookies. I have made a few in the paste, absolutely amazing how healthier can taste!
  • 09nat13
    09nat13 Posts: 38 Member
    Would love to try the sweet potato chips. How do I make them Got some Sweet almond, cashew nuts In Also got some yoghurt coated raisins And bananas Don't know if they're good for me but though I would try again Thank you for all your help
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    You should look into making home made potato and veggie chips. I've heard kale chips are really tastey but have not tried it myself. Try almonds or walnuts.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I feel ideally you need to kick the snacking habit altogether. Delve into the reasons why you do it (boredom?) and find another way to entertain yourself other than food. Apart from birthdays and other celebrations, food is not entertainment, first and foremost its something we do to fuel and feed our bodies.
    3 decent meals a day with one or two nutritious snacks tops in between if you must.
    some good ones:
    tablespoon of hummous and six rice crackers
    10 almonds and an apple
    a cup of plain yoghurt with some blueberries
    a protein shake with a piece of fruit
    small serving of cheese and an apple.

    Home made potato and veggie chips are still chips. i.e. deep fried vegies aren't going to help your diet. Neither are nuts unless in controlled quantities (see above).

    try and kill the grazing snacking habit, go for a walk read a book , call a friend in stead of reaching for food every time you need a break.
    Personally my go to is a nice crisp apple, takes a little effort to eat and always holds you before your next meal if you need it.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    Would love to try the sweet potato chips. How do I make them Got some Sweet almond, cashew nuts In Also got some yoghurt coated raisins And bananas Don't know if they're good for me but though I would try again Thank you for all your help

    Besides Paleo snacks are overall a healthier solution when you feel for snacking! Just check for Paleo snacks on google!
  • I like crunching on mini sweet peppers