Can anyone help me lose atleast 7ib in 3 weeks

Ok so I train hard eat healthy and snack on weekends (not binge) my weightloss is about a pound a week sometimes 2!! Am going away in 3 weeks and I'd like to lose 7 poubds before I go not just for looking wise just so I know I can enjoy myself and atleast gsin a few pounds y on holiday and not feel guilty!!

Anyone have better ideas then me? I eat 1200 calories a day at moment and burn from 350 to 500 calories a day training

Please don't judge am not starving myself or being unhealthy I eat 3 meals a day and have 2 snacks all healthy most of them time.


  • samirw890
    Drink plenty of water and just watch what you're eating when it comes to snack, best bet cut out soda if you already haven't. I did thazt and just the past week have lost 8lb, no lie. I spend about an hour on the treadmill walking and running a day and eat 1200 calories or less a day also.
  • RLeighP
    RLeighP Posts: 232 Member
    Lots of water. Low sodium foods. Cardio.

    Now, do you eat back your exercise calories? If you're eating only 1200 daily, then you really need to eat at least some of them back. That's a very low number.

    BTW: Not judging. When I started out, I was eating 1000 daily. I stalled out pretty quickly, and realized that my body just needed more food.
  • PunkinSpice79
    PunkinSpice79 Posts: 309 Member
    How close are you to your goal weight? The closer I get, the slower my progress is. :(
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I don't usually recommend this, but for short term weight loss lower your carbs a bit. Research shows that's the fastest (not the easiest.)
  • nino07110922
    nino07110922 Posts: 2,149
    Increase your water intake and add another 30 minutes of heavy cardio to your workout routine. That should help get you where you need to be.
  • dreamingdaughter
    dreamingdaughter Posts: 34 Member
    I'll send you a friend request! I'm doing the same thing with similar goals aiming for about 2.5 or 2lbs a week - we can help motivate each other? :)
  • katieredmond5243
    Yes please that would be great :-)!!
  • katieredmond5243
    Thank you everyone I'm stil away off my goal weight easily by 2 stone ( but if am honest I don't wanna be that tiny my muscle weighs alot heavier and am happy tonning being healthy and curvy as my pic shows I don't suit being at my goal weight as iv bin there before and looked far to thin :-( x

    P.s I love carbs my down for :-( and I only drink diet soda on weekend 1 can on Saturday 1 Sunday other then that am a water freak :-)
  • Tum22
    Tum22 Posts: 102 Member
    I think this is fine. I would try to not eat much fat and go for whole grains and high protein at mealtimes to keep hunger at bay and metabolism up. Only eat when hungry and have apples or carrots for snacks. All you need is motivation which I haven't got.
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    Cut out all soda for the 3 weeks you want to do this. Be very faithful to eating clean and keeping within your calories. It's only 3 weeks. Also do some really intense workouts, not just minutes on the eliptical or treadmil, I'm talking HIIT (high intensity interval training) in 20 min you can do a better workout than 60 min on the eliptical or treadmil. Look it up HIIT not HIT but HIIT.
  • katieredmond5243
    Drink plenty of water and just watch what you're eating when it comes to snack, best bet cut out soda if you already haven't. I did thazt and just the past week have lost 8lb, no lie. I spend about an hour on the treadmill walking and running a day and eat 1200 calories or less a day also.

    That's fantastic but never in my life have I lost 8 pound in a week :-( x
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    You're looking at this all wrong. Don't get obsessed with the numbers so short-term. Take the 3 weeks and get on the right track with healthy diet and exercise habits, and then you'll be able to enjoy yourself guilt-free all the time.

    Crash-dieting off 7lbs is not going to magically make you feel better, after your holiday you'll be back, angry that you've undone 3 weeks of misery.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    You're looking at this all wrong. Don't get obsessed with the numbers so short-term. Take the 3 weeks and get on the right track with healthy diet and exercise habits, and then you'll be able to enjoy yourself guilt-free all the time.

    Crash-dieting off 7lbs is not going to magically make you feel better, after your holiday you'll be back, angry that you've undone 3 weeks of misery.

    This, plus crash dieting will make you lose mainly water weight, which will come back the second you go on vacation and enjoy your first bite of non-crash-diet food.

    I'd rather continue losing at a normal rate and not turn into a blowfish on day two of vacation.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    you should know better
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    You're looking at this all wrong. Don't get obsessed with the numbers so short-term. Take the 3 weeks and get on the right track with healthy diet and exercise habits, and then you'll be able to enjoy yourself guilt-free all the time.

    Crash-dieting off 7lbs is not going to magically make you feel better, after your holiday you'll be back, angry that you've undone 3 weeks of misery.

    This, plus crash dieting will make you lose mainly water weight, which will come back the second you go on vacation and enjoy your first bite of non-crash-diet food.

    I'd rather continue losing at a normal rate and not turn into a blowfish on day two of vacation.

    Agreed and I treat vacation for what it is a vacation... I still get my workouts in but relax on my diet, I may come back a few pounds up on the scale but I enjoyed myself and once I am home it is back to business as usual.... Best of Luck
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Have you considered moving up to maintenance for the time you're gone? It should give you more calories to work with and help minimize gains.
  • katieredmond5243
    You're looking at this all wrong. Don't get obsessed with the numbers so short-term. Take the 3 weeks and get on the right track with healthy diet and exercise habits, and then you'll be able to enjoy yourself guilt-free all the time.

    Crash-dieting off 7lbs is not going to magically make you feel better, after your holiday you'll be back, angry that you've undone 3 weeks of misery.

    Hi Thank you for your comment but I have dieted all my life I eat healthy and exercise right (for my own reasons I wanted 7lb weight lose in 3 weeks as I once had a really bad bulimia addiction for many years) this is my first holiday since I actually became clean of the addiction and I'm terrified I could go down that road again!!!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    You're looking at this all wrong. Don't get obsessed with the numbers so short-term. Take the 3 weeks and get on the right track with healthy diet and exercise habits, and then you'll be able to enjoy yourself guilt-free all the time.

    Crash-dieting off 7lbs is not going to magically make you feel better, after your holiday you'll be back, angry that you've undone 3 weeks of misery.

    Hi Thank you for your comment but I have dieted all my life I eat healthy and exercise right (for my own reasons I wanted 7lb weight lose in 3 weeks as I once had a really bad bulimia addiction for many years) this is my first holiday since I actually became clean of the addiction and I'm terrified I could go down that road again!!!

    OK good luck to you.
  • katieredmond5243
    People are always fast to judge I do not want a unhealthy way or a crash diet i want to do it the right way but lose a little ect a week!!!
  • samirw890
    I was shocked when I saw that I had lost that much in a week but really I just drank a ridiculous amount of water and exercised for atleast an hour a day, i still eat the same food, just less fried food no fast food or junk. but actual meals i just eat smaller portions of