Your Exercise/Activity with the Highest Calorie Burn?

So, time is precious...with only 24 hours a day, every hour we want to use wisely. That said, when we (or I) spend an hour exercising, we want to make it as efficient as possible. (I understand though that "efficient may mean differently for different people as some people may want to spend it on weight-lifting instead)

For me, I discovered that the exercise that burns the most calories per hour is...not running, not the elliptical, not any of Jillian Michael's workouts, but Turbo Fire 55 EZ by Chalene Johnson. I usually burn at around 400-420 calories an hour. I would say the runner up workout would be Body Combat 50s (the hour long ones).

What are your highest calorie burn activities/exercises? Insanity? Jillian Michaels? Treadmill running? Stairmaster?


  • angelac1296
    angelac1296 Posts: 48 Member
    The gazelle says I burn about 600 calories is 35 minutes. I am sure it's over-estimating, even though I am putting everything I have into it. I make sure to use it 5 times a week. Even though the calorie counter has to be wrong, I'm sure it's burning more than the 10 minute stability ball, the 20 mins of yoga for weight loss, or the 20 mins of walking around the neighborhood.

    I'm going to look into the workouts you mentioned though, they sound great for my gazelle days off!
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    Indoor cycling (spinning) I burn around 530 cal in an hour. Look up HIIT (high intensity interval training). You can have a better workout in 20 min than 60 min on the treadmil or eliptical.
  • jamielynas
    jamielynas Posts: 366 Member
    Doing HIIT I get through about 800 calories in an hour
  • phjorg1
    phjorg1 Posts: 642 Member
    doesn't matter. whatever you do with the most intensity burns the most calories.

    the crap everyone else is spouting about how activity xxxxx is the best is just broscience.

    whatever you put the most work into gives you the highest calorie burn.
  • Roshellexo
    Roshellexo Posts: 60 Member
    I burn roughly 600 in an hour hiit session.
  • I burn roughly 540 cals doing an hour of elliptical and my second best is circuit training which gives me about 440 cals an hour. :smile:
  • ehenningsen
    ehenningsen Posts: 8 Member
    Don't do this at home!!

    1112 calories in an hour, running the entire time..
    3202 calories in one day, 8% incline at 4.0 mph for four hours (two 2 hours sessions), with several 3% sprints included
    10,500 calories in a four day stretch, excerising an average of almost four hours a day (declining calories daily due to pain growth)

    I only did this as a goal due to treadmill boredom.. It was an incredibly stupid choice I had made.. Otherwise, I usually burn about 3,000-7,500 calories a week to get into shape as I lose weight.
  • ShoShoyi
    ShoShoyi Posts: 34 Member
    The gazelle says I burn about 600 calories is 35 minutes. I am sure it's over-estimating, even though I am putting everything I have into it. I make sure to use it 5 times a week. Even though the calorie counter has to be wrong, I'm sure it's burning more than the 10 minute stability ball, the 20 mins of yoga for weight loss, or the 20 mins of walking around the neighborhood.

    I'm going to look into the workouts you mentioned though, they sound great for my gazelle days off!

    The gazelle!! I've always heard about it but never tried it personally. It looks very much like the elliptical though. Have you tried both of them? What are your thoughts on it? Although I only get a 400~ calorie burn for Turbofire and Body Combat, your burn may vary depending on your weight (ie: I'm around 130lb)
    Indoor cycling (spinning) I burn around 530 cal in an hour. Look up HIIT (high intensity interval training). You can have a better workout in 20 min than 60 min on the treadmil or eliptical.
    Doing HIIT I get through about 800 calories in an hour
    I burn roughly 600 in an hour hiit session.

    How are you three able to do a HIIT workout for 1 WHOLE HOUR??! I'm usually dead by 30 minutes...I heard that HIIT workouts supposedly raises your calorie burn for the entire day despite not being significantly much during the workout. But when I check my BMF on it for my daily calorie burn, it never seems like that's the case :/
  • ShoShoyi
    ShoShoyi Posts: 34 Member
    doesn't matter. whatever you do with the most intensity burns the most calories.

    the crap everyone else is spouting about how activity xxxxx is the best is just broscience.

    whatever you put the most work into gives you the highest calorie burn.

    I have to respectfully disagree. Sure, if I put in 100% vs 50% on the same workout, yeah, it'll be obvious enough that I'll burn more when I put in 100%, BUT, let's say I put in 100% on the above-mentioned workout, versus 100% on some sort of strength training workout for the same amount of time. I will DEFINITELY not burn the same amount of calories. For both workouts I'd end up drenched in sweat, by I'd get in around 400 calories for the cardio one while 200 if I'm lucky for the strength training workout. Granted, strength training has its other benefits, but it certainly wouldn't be the most efficient activity for highest calorie burn.
    Don't do this at home!!

    1112 calories in an hour, running the entire time..
    3202 calories in one day, 8% incline at 4.0 mph for four hours (two 2 hours sessions), with several 3% sprints included
    10,500 calories in a four day stretch, excerising an average of almost four hours a day (declining calories daily due to pain growth)

    I only did this as a goal due to treadmill boredom.. It was an incredibly stupid choice I had made.. Otherwise, I usually burn about 3,000-7,500 calories a week to get into shape as I lose weight.

    ****, I don't think I'd be able to do this even if I wanted to...respect sir, I've nothing but absolute respect for you.
  • phjorg1
    phjorg1 Posts: 642 Member
    I have to respectfully disagree. Sure, if I put in 100% vs 50% on the same workout, yeah, it'll be obvious enough that I'll burn more when I put in 100%, BUT, let's say I put in 100% on the above-mentioned workout, versus 100% on some sort of strength training workout for the same amount of time. I will DEFINITELY not burn the same amount of calories. For both workouts I'd end up drenched in sweat, by I'd get in around 400 calories for the cardio one while 200 if I'm lucky for the strength training workout. Granted, strength training has its other benefits, but it certainly wouldn't be the most efficient activity for highest calorie burn.
    I was under the assumption you're talking activities you can actually measure calorie burn. Which is cardio. And thats it.
  • ShoShoyi
    ShoShoyi Posts: 34 Member
    I have to respectfully disagree. Sure, if I put in 100% vs 50% on the same workout, yeah, it'll be obvious enough that I'll burn more when I put in 100%, BUT, let's say I put in 100% on the above-mentioned workout, versus 100% on some sort of strength training workout for the same amount of time. I will DEFINITELY not burn the same amount of calories. For both workouts I'd end up drenched in sweat, by I'd get in around 400 calories for the cardio one while 200 if I'm lucky for the strength training workout. Granted, strength training has its other benefits, but it certainly wouldn't be the most efficient activity for highest calorie burn.
    I was under the assumption you're talking activities you can actually measure calorie burn. Which is cardio. And thats it.

    That's fine, same concept applies...the difference may not be as drastic as between strength training and cardio (where cardio burns double for same amount of time), but there still could be a 100 - 200 calorie burn more when you go all out on, say, the cycling machine, versus all out on the treadmill.

    Also, I'm guessing you're saying "measure" as in with HRM machines...cause that's true that HRM gadgets can only measure cardio. But other devices such as the FitBit and the BodyMedia Fit (BMF), which I own, can measure EVERYTHING :wink:
  • Nishi2013
    Nishi2013 Posts: 210 Member
    Up to 500-550 calories running outside at average 5mph. I have last 20 pounds to lose. Calories spent is much lower now.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member

    How are you three able to do a HIIT workout for 1 WHOLE HOUR??! I'm usually dead by 30 minutes...

    How are you able to do HIIT for 30 minutes? I'm dead after 10-15. :-D

    The answer to your question is that it's probably not as intense as they think it is. If I'm doing one-handed kettlebell swings with a 20kg KB, 10 seconds on, 10 seconds off, I will struggle to last more than 5 minutes. Doing the same with an 8kg one, I can go for maybe 2 hours. :o)

    As to your original question, I would consider finding an activity that you just cannot stop doing. For instance, I could play tennis until my toes bleed (I have done) or do rock climbing until I pop a ligament (done that, too) - I really enjoy both sports.
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    i'm doing jillian michaels body revolution and burning 400 plus cals for 30 min work out shes not an easy work out either
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    I burn between 700 - 800 calories doing Zumba at home.
  • Tapout XT works really well for me it says 600, but I did it with my hearth rate monitor on and it was more like 500, that was in 45min
    HIIT are pretty good too, anything that keeps your heart rate up, right up works for me
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    1 hour running outside with some hills = 700 calories.
    1 hour elliptical at full pelt = 680 calories.
    1 hour boxing fitness = 520.

    Using Polar FT4.
  • Roshellexo
    Roshellexo Posts: 60 Member
    How are you three able to do a HIIT workout for 1 WHOLE HOUR??! I'm usually dead by 30 minutes...I heard that HIIT workouts supposedly raises your calorie burn for the entire day despite not being significantly much during the workout. But when I check my BMF on it for my daily calorie burn, it never seems like that's the case :/

    Trust me, there are several times during that hour that I want to stop. However, I try to power through! I tell myself that if ive done x amount already, i can do the rest of the video.
    I do HIIT which is 20 secs on, 10 secs off for about an hour.
  • kckBxer396
    kckBxer396 Posts: 460 Member
    I burn the most calories when I'm having fun outdoors. I don't own a hrm (yet), but according to mfp, 2 hours of white water kayaking burns more than 800 calories.I've even been in the upper 900's. I give my all while paddling then cut about 20 mins off when logging, just to be safe. It's probably still not accurate....haha
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,545 Member
    Spinning gives me between 425-500 for a 45 minute class depending on the ride profile, music and if I lifted beforehand. My cardio dance class is around 500 for a 50 minute class. Those are my biggest burns and the most fun exercise. Other than golf. That's the MOST fun!