How Far Has Your Journey Brought You?

Hi. I'm Mel - 5'7", 34 years old and as of this morning 297.6 lbs.

Now I can hear the gasps of shock and disbelief but this is down from my all time high of 345.2 on April 29, 2013.
I've always been a "big girl" but that was a bit hard to wrap my head around.

How did I let this happen?

That was just the motivational kick start I needed. I changed over to an alternative day reduced calorie diet and I started walking... everyday. From 0.68 miles just to get moving in the beginning to 5+ without wanting to die. LOL.:wink:

About 3 weeks ago we (my boyfriend, roommate and I) started Insanity (in addition to the walking). The name's right, It's insane! Especially for someone who hadn't worked out in Lord knows how long. I sweat like a fountain, I hurt like Hell at times but I see progress. More and more each day. Old clothes that haven't seen the light of day in some time have found there way into rotation and some are needing to see their way out cause they're falling off. :tongue:

My goal is to get down to 225 lbs come May but end goal is 190 lbs.
The "suggested weight" per every site I've ever visited says I should be around 155 at 5'7" but I don't know about that.
We'll see once I get to where I want to be if I'll continue to where I "should" be.

Height is 5'7"
Highest Weight: 345.2 BMI 54.1
Current Weight: 297.6 BMI 46.6
Goal Weights: 225.0 BMI 35.2 by May 1, 2014
190.0 BMI 29.8 by August 1, 2014

I find positive reinforcement a necessary for me so.....
Rewards for hitting my weight loss markers
50 lost - Fancy Dinner
75 lost - Fancy Scale and a few new items of clothing.
100 lost - New Tatoo
120 lost (weight loss goal #1) - The satisfaction of having lost 120lbs in 12 months.
155 lost (weight loss goal #2) - Clothes & Another Tatoo

Where are you?
What's your game plan?
What changes have you put into action?
How are you staying motivated?


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,024 Member
    My all time high weight 287 lbs Yikes, I am currently at 150.4 I said I just wanted to be below 150 so I guess I have less then a lb to go LOL I am 5'6" when I started 100+ lbs seemed impossible and overwhelming I just took it 10 lbs at a time and bought myself a new pair of earrings for every 10 lbs I lost.

    I stayed motivated by looking at what I can do now that I couldnt do before ex going to thevwaterpark with the kids or going kayaking in monterey with husband, just dont give up
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Hi Mel! I'm Dawn, I'm 35, 5'6 and I weighed 154 last time I checked, in June. I was 220 in July 2011, when my daughter (my 2nd child, my son is 22 months older than her) was 7 weeks old, so I dread to think how much I weighed before giving birth, especially as she was 12 days late and weighed 8lbs10!

    I was big as a teenager, lost weight at university, gained again when I was about 27 and did teacher training. Then I lost loads when I got engaged, put on some when I was pregnant with my first, lost it all, got pregnant again....and now here I am!

    Since joining MFP last July I've realised I can eat more and lose more, so I've got out of that eating 1200 calories mindset and now eat 1500-1600, which has definitely helped me keep focused.

    I exercise a lot, but found I was getting bored of the gym, so I do a lot of classes now- aerobics, step aerobics, boxercise, Zumba, spinning, body pump, core stability......and I also do a PT session once a fortnight, although I did used to do 2 a week.

    I'd like to lose a few more lbs, but mainly I want to tone up my mummy tummy and thighs!

    I stay motivated because I want to look better, and because I've become kind of addicted to exercise!

    Good luck to you, and well done on what you've lost so far!
  • melissagee1
    Hi Mel,

    My name's Melissa. I'm 5'7" and weigh 150 lbs. My all-time high was at University #1 with Ex #2, where I paid rent and bills, and he was in charge of food shopping. So the lesson I learned here was to never put my exes in charge of food shopping! :p I went from 190 to 230.

    I came home and lost most of my weight weight lifting and walking my greyhound, sometimes 20 miles per day.

    What keeps me motivated is knowing that I'm doing what I'm doing for my health, serving as a mentor for friends who are looking for a way to lose weight and have tried low calorie aud nauseum but failed to lose weight, and the looks of people who haven't seen me in years.

    I'm always told I don't look my age, and people who knew me when I was following low calorie are always SHOCKED. I like that because, as a teen, I fluctuated between 190-200 lbs, never really had a date, and had a serious medical condition, (type I diabetes), so I was always the person who was "left out" of fashion, dates, and so on.

    I like your goals! I had never thought to do that, but that's a great idea, and I wish you the best of everything :)