

  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    I agree with trying them all and seeing what you like best. I joined a gym and am trying every class they offer, even ones I thought I wouldn't be interested in.

    Sometimes I am happily surprised and love a class I had no interest in. Other times, I am not really a fan of what I thought I'd like.

    You only know once you try.
  • weightgain9001
    weightgain9001 Posts: 6 Member
    1 - excellent work in losing the weight so far!
    2 - as mentioned, for a full explanation of the classes, talk to the gym staff
    3 - most of the classes you mention, ive found i naturally work as hard as i can.. when things get too much, you can back off without any problems (ie; changing to lower weights in Body Pump)

    I'm gonna sympathise with your points about the dodgy hip & self consciousness. you will need to push yourself, but as you're already this far along, it proves you're capable of that. I'd say start off comfortably and push things when you're ready. Aggravating an injury will be a set back, and as much as everyone would like to think otherwise, taking a knock to your confidence can be a little tough early on, whereas successfully completing a few 'easier' classes may serve to boost your confidence.

    I've been doing pilates and I can't recommend it enough. I was originally only planning to go a few times to help with my posture but I'm gonna keep going for the foreseeable future. Will pilates help you lose weight? maybe not. But for me its helping my body get accustomed to the movements required for other more intense exercises. I wonder if it would do the same for you?
  • gmpuggles
    gmpuggles Posts: 137 Member
    I agree with the consensus, try them all to see which you like the best. For me, I really enjoy going to my gym's spin classes. I do plan on giving one or more of the water aerobics classes a chance, though I haven't decided on which one/ones will fit into my schedule the best yet.