Clean and Lean Diet



  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm following the clean & lean plan - not doing the full on 14 day detox but have bought the original book and the diet book for advice and helpful information.

    A lot of people do comment that this is common sense - of course eating lean meats and green veggies with no sugar / alcohol / white carbs etc is going to help you lose weight! But it isn't that simple.....

    The book really spells out problems with modern diets and the reliance on fast food, bad dairy and carbs, and how this is affecting you mentally as well as physically. For me, I want to eat healthily to look AND feel good! No point being skinny if I feel rubbish! Also, the people James works with and uses in the book aren't super skinny, they look healthy and the perfect size for their body.

    Yes it's a struggle. My flatmate was cooking chips last night and I would have murdered for one. But my lean sirloin steak with kale, spinach and brocolli and a dash of olive oil was SO much more satisfying! So roll on more energy, clearer skin, and a clean and lean body!

    P.S. DEFINITELY try the C&L granola recipe - it's amazing and I am addicted!
  • talie1997
    talie1997 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey I'm in the same situation! Starting clean and lean kickstart but also a veggie! What did you replace it with? Any help would be great! Thanks!
  • bunsen_honeydew
    bunsen_honeydew Posts: 230 Member
    I picked up this book from a charity shop as I liked the recipes and was looking for a 'meal plan' thing which basically told me what to eat each day. I was pretty tired of thinking of what to eat, and the meals looked pretty tasty. I don't bother with supplements or anything like that.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,023 Member
    Nice to see 1st time posters take the time to promote this magic bullet diet...............everyone will be fooled for sure, great job. :wink:
  • LaurenRose1
    LaurenRose1 Posts: 4 Member
    I love this plan! When I feel I need to get back in line I do the 14 day diet plan Kickstart, otherwise I follow the principles but include fruits and lentils etc. however the small frequent portions and focus on real food is awesome!

    For those asking

    Sample day of the plan:

    B: 50g salmon 1 boiled egg and spinach
    L: 100g turkey breast, red peppers, green beans and a little olive oil
    S: 75g chicken and 1 sliced cucumber
    D: chicken breast, spinach, broccoli 1/4 avocado
    S: 6 nuts

    My usual sample day (when not kick starting)

    B: oats, berries, sliced almonds, chia and almond milk
    L: turkey/chicken and avocado salad
    S: 1tbsp hummus spread on an apple
    D: salmon and steamed veggies

    Highly recommend it!!
  • LaurenRose1
    LaurenRose1 Posts: 4 Member
    Quinoa, chickpeas, beans, lentils tempeh, tofu :)
  • sunseeker100
    sunseeker100 Posts: 90 Member
    I've just ordered this book and am keen to start! I'm trying to wean myself of sugar (ice cream etc) as I can tell I've become addicted quite quickly and I do best following some sort of plan.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Assumes facts not in evidence.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Did you find that you were hungry?? I am 3 days in and literally STARVING. I calculated the calories and it's less than 1000/day if you follow the plan exactly. I've tried upping the veggies, but one can only eat so many in a day, and I've started creeping up the protein portion sizes. Not sure what else to do. I like the concept, but the plan is frankly leaving a lot to be desired. I don't get how you sell a plan as a one-size-fits-all approach to each (relative to portion-sizes, anyways).

    i'm doing something similar. The 17 days diet. It's the same concept, but different diet. It allows fruits in the first 17 days. I'm on Day 12 I think and have dropped 7 pounds. (would have been more but I cheated). I had to modify mine and I eat peanut butter and avocado, even though i'm not supposed to and I can't eat anything with a shell, so a bunch of proteins are out for me.

    Anyway. this diet and I the one you talk about are not a lifestyle. It's designed to get you eating the right foods and to get some weight off quick. I hope there is a "phase 2" of your plan, so that you an get away from the restrictions and actually learn how to eat in the real world.

    The 17 days diet is the same. The sample meal plans come out to ridiculously low calories 800-1000 I think. You are supposed to eat more in between the meals, esp if exercising too. You should never eat so little that you are hungry lethargic or tired all the time. I'm never hungry with the one I follow. There is no breads or starches in mine for 17 days though. Cycle 2 starts adding all that in. Cycle 3 adds in even more food and then cycle 4 you eat anything you want basically.

    Just make sure you are not starving yourself and you are getting all your nutrients.
  • greensleeves33
    greensleeves33 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm thinking of maybe starting this diet as I've hit a wall with Slimming World and still would like to loose a few more lbs.

    My question is, how expensive is this diet? I know you can't put a price on good health etc but I especially struggle with keeping the cost of food down as everything is SO expensive.

    Do you have any tips to keep the cost low but still succeed?

    Thanks :)
  • elp516
    elp516 Posts: 3 Member

    I have been doing the plan for 5 days now, the sugar cravings at the start were really strong, I had no idea I was so addicted to sugar! I have not weighed myself yet but I can tell I have lost weight. I have been changing some of the meals to make the plan more affordable, so I have tended to stick to eating protein and green vegetable and lots of green tea. I have introduced some natural yoghurt on an evening as I was finding I was hungry and it helped with the sweet craving. Do you think this will effect the results I have?

    Also is there anyone that has continued the plan after the initial 14 days? Could you tell me if you gained anything when you introduced some fruits and your cheat meal? Would it be ok to introduce brown rice to a meal post work out?
