100 Pound Down and I feel like I have accomplished nothing



  • skinnymalinkyscot
    skinnymalinkyscot Posts: 174 Member
    Congratulations on losing 100lbs!!! that is 3,500 calories x 100lbs (each pound is 3,500 calories burned). So....over your whole weight loss journey that is 350,000 calories you DIDNT eat. 350,000!!!!!


    If somebody offered you a box of fancy chocolates and said have one chocolate (50 calories each approx) this is the equivalent of you saying "no thank you" to that chocolate 7000 times !!!!

    Putting it into numbers and seeing how much you have sacrificed to NOT eat 350,000 calories shows how much determination and willpower you already have and Im in awe of you. Dont worry about fat-girl-inthe-mirror-disorder, look in that mirror and see who is really standing there....SUPERWOMAN.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Find 'before' pictures. Heck look at your driver's license! That usually really helps.
  • Dazellyn
    Dazellyn Posts: 45 Member
    Your photos tell the story; you are looking fit! Sounds like your mall is clothes challenged not you :) I second the online shop if that mall is all that is nearby. Try not to get discouraged and don't give up!
  • PheonixRizing
    PheonixRizing Posts: 131 Member
    It takes time for your brain to catch up with the incredible shrinking you ^_^ I know exactly how you feel but maybe trying to change your perspective on it. Instead see how far you've come instead of how far you have left to go. Give it time and your brain will catch up. You look great and congrats to you for making the changes you needed too. You're an inspiration to us all.
  • Stay strong---I've tried many diets and have only been on this site for a couple months but feel it is really a good fit for me. Weight is not as important as health and feeling better about yourself. As everyone said IT"S A HUNDRED FRICKIN POUNDS!!! Don't EVER forget that. It took a lot of time to put the weight on--it will take time to take it off. You know what to do...you know it works....you have us for motivation....KEEP AT IT!!
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    So this week marked my weight loss to 100 pounds. I have not been this weight since High School. This is the not the first time that I have lost a large amount of weight (last time was 60 pounds through a series of master cleanse and a bunch of random "diets") its just the second time that I have done it steadily and healthy like a normal person should. I have learned a lot more, taken classes, taken college courses, and participated in weight training believing that the more I learn the less likely I will have a relapse this time.

    Anyway I see people on here get so excited when they lose like 30 pounds but I feel as if I weigh 250 (Don't know why it is that number) and have not made much progress. To make matters worse I tried to go on a "shopping spree" at the mall yesterday and all the clothes that were available were either juniors, size small, or size xxl. This made me feel like total crap and that I still have a long way to go. I still wear the clothes that I wore when I was 270 or clothes that were too small for me at the time and now are a bit baggy or moderately fit.

    It took a skype session with my twin yesterday to see that I had lost a lot of weight. My question is, did anyone else feel this way when they lost a significant amount of weight? I feel like I am going through a series of "been there done that" so I am less enthused, is there a way that I can shake it off?

    First of congratulations you look very fit now. Secondly I have taken the liberty to bold your accomplishments and I have to add you have probably been logging and if not that you have obviously become calorie aware. You are healthier and have stayed dedicated to making the right changes.

    Now as for advice I would look at what I put in italics. Now take those clothes and give them away or throw them away. Save maybe one pair of pants and maybe one shirt to show off what is ridiculously too big for you now or to remind you of where you came from, but keep that packed away somewhere. Don't wear those clothes anymore you need to be done with that, I think to move on.

    I wish I could tell you what to do to have your brain catch up with the new you, but I haven't figured that out for me yet and I am still losing. By the time I catch up with this me I will be a different me to catch up with, so I am trying not to even think about that much at this point. But, in 50 pounds I will have to start that process of catching up.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    You look frickin awesome.