
I'm of course not a newbie to dieting, however, due to a series of events that lead up to this time in my life, I am more serious than ever to lose the weight I have gained in my 30s.

I was pregnant with twins and went into pre-term labor in May, losing them shortly after the were born. Mentally I've grown stronger and leading up to this I had gained weight trying to get pregnant, doing IVF, being on all sorts of meds and suffering several miscarriages. However this isn't a pity party for me so onto why I am looking for support with my determination to lose all this weight i'v e gained over the last 7 years.....

I quit smoking 6 years ago before my wedding. I was 31 when I got married. We have a wonderful marriage and are very close and strong due to all we have been through. We like to go out and eat and socialize though and in the last 5 years of marriage I went from 150lbs on my wedding day to currently 176lbs. Yikes!

In my 20s I was never more than 130lbs. I weighed 120lbs until I was about 28 years old. In high school I was lucky if I weighed 100lbs. So I never had a weight problem until my 30s hit. Then I weighed 140lbs before I knew it at 30 and 31 I was 150lbs. Alot of this was attributed to quitting smoking, getting older and settling down. I put off really trying to lose the weight because I just assumed we were trying to get pregnant and I was going to get big anyways. I just thought I'd wait until after we had a family to concentrate on my weight again.

Now we have decided we are not trying anymore and have accepted we are a child-free couple unless down the road we decide to adopt. I will be 37 this month, so time to get this weight under control because I refuse to spend my 40s overweight....

I recently joined a gym right near work so I can go directly there at the end of my day. I have been taking classes each evening; bodypump, yoga, pilates, zumba. I also do my elliptical every weekday morning at home before work and I use a stationary bike at work in the afternoons after lunch. I also started walking in the later evenings after the gym. So lots of working out going on. I have lost 2lbs in the last 3 weeks.

During the week I have been concentrating on a healthy diet of proteins, no sugar and veggies and fruits when possible. I use an app that counts my calories and tells me what I can have for the day. But I need support sticking to this type of lifestyle from now on.....

I am going to re-join spin class for the weekends starting in September, so i'm looking forward to that. I also have a FitBit which has changed my life, I love the thing!

So that's a lot about me, nice to meet everyone and I hope I can make some friends and get lots of support on this journey, as this time I do not plan to fail!

Thanks for taking the time to read this. :happy:


  • srrose15
    srrose15 Posts: 104 Member
    Feel free to add me - I also have a private online group that help motivate and support people daily - it helps me on my journey to the new me - and like you I turn 37 this month the 15th!!! I am so sorry for your loss and heartache that comes with it but I am also amazed at your strength to accept and carry on!!
