it not going way i want it



  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    When you are young & want to lose weight,people think pass on the arches,buy diet soda & Boom! Weight goes away,all is well in about 2 wks.Doesn't work that way.Don't I wish:grumble:
    You sound like a nice young lady with baby sitting jobs,school to deal with,plus the aches & pains.About all you can do till you are back to good health,is make up your own mind just how much you can do.
    If you can,try to cut back a bit on the foods that are too sweet/too greasy....or are junk food.No big deal,you just do what you can do.

    By the time you are an adult,you will have a head start from reading/ learning about weight loss.I'm your Grma's age & still learning what works,what doesn't.We have to sift thru weight loss info,wether a book or on line,cause we are all different.Come to think of it,it's like a full time job.Good luck & keep in touch,Patceoh
  • violetlattice
    What other people are saying might be mean but it's true - you gotta suck it up. I once broke my tailbone 20 mins into a 90 minute roller-derby match (it's like rugby on wheels) got up and carried my asthmatic, clumsy *kitten* on. It's all about how determined you are. My 45 year old, overweight mother suffered from agoraphobia to the extent that she could barely leave her bedroom some days. She lost over 50lb despite a varied range of medical conditions (some due to her weight, others not) and now she's a freakin' social butterfly. If you really want something, make it happen.
  • Codefox
    Codefox Posts: 308 Member
    I bruised my ribs skiing in March. It still hurt to sit up when I did a triathlon a few weeks later. Weight loss is 90% diet...should take less time to eat less food.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    EVERY time I get down and serious about exercising everyday something happens.

    one time I got serious and I broke a toe and couldn't get on it without much pressure it would hurt.
    another time. I broke tail bone. every move hurts my bottom. <it was in 2009
    other times work, babysitting, school issues. <some cannot do about.

    this time I want to actually do more than just hip hop abs I wanted to do a cross between hip hop abs and jillian michaels. and now I got the cold.

    hard to keep and stay motivated

    If you truly want to do more, you will....
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    never mind. feel better
  • Brummig
    Brummig Posts: 94
    Sadly life rarely goes the way we want it -what defines is how we deal with the punches. I'm not going to knock you for what you have done / not done All I know is, before it felt so hard - 3 years ago I would have told you how it was hard to do more exercise as I was struggling with high blood pressure and cholesterol meds (including a beta blocker) that made me feel really unwell,I had regular migraines and hot flushes. I thought I ate reasonably healthily and I deserved the treats I had as my life was tough - 7 year old with autism, helping care for my Grandad, job I hated. I couldn't do more exercise til GP got my meds right, and I didn't have time to cook more meals from scratch.
    One day I saw a photo of myself and finally realised how bad it had got (serious denial had been going on!), and I knew I had to make the change. It was gradual. I joined Slimming World and started to lose some weight, and started to do exercise on the wii fit after son had gone to bed (behind closed curtains). At first I kept things very simple - lots of jacket potatoes and beans - as I didn't know how to cook a sauce from scratch, but then we began to experiment and made large batches of tomato sauce and froze it. 2 months later when I went back to the GP to review medication he checked to see what level was needed, and decided I didn't need it any more as levels had dropped! Migraines and hot flushes soon went away. It wasn't always easy - some days I still feel rough and very easily not exercise, but I try to start and see how I go - I nearly always finish. 2 weeks before my second 5k I fell and sprained my shoulder - I didn't do the race, but I didn't stop exercising. I got advice from my gym about what I could do, and then what exercises to build it up again. I have suffered from post natal depression and anxiety in the past, and some days I can feel the triggers. I had major panic attacks in gyms in the past, and some days I can find it really hard to speak to anyone when I'm there - but I know it will only get worse every time I don't go, so this time I've tried to get to know them more, and be honest with them when I need more help.
    Nearly 3 years since I began I am 74lbs lighter. Most of the weight was lost in the first year, and I have not regained more than 2lbs at any time. Yes, some days its hard, but I try and remember there are always choices - if I can't get to the gym I can go for a walk, in school hols I can walk my son into town rather than take the bus, walk to the shops rather than take the car etc. I don't regret my past choices, but now I try and make different ones, and I am (pleasantly) surprised by the person I have become!
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I totally get that you can't workout because of broken bones, but come on. You have a cold. The next week you'll have your period. The next week you'll have a toothache...

    If you really want this, then you will do it. It seems like you're left brain is like "hey, I kinda wanna lose weight...", and the right side of your brain is like "yeah, so do I. Let's just keep talking about it and see if anything happens!"

    Save the injury and sick excuses for when you have another broken bone or have pneumonia. Anything besides that and you should be able to do something.

    And all the excuses you gave have no bearing on eating a healthier diet. If you don't want to work out, that's obviously your choice, but stop saying that you want to.

    You can lose weight by just eating at a deficit each day, if that makes you feel better about all the things that are keeping you away from walking around the block.