so close to just giving up!



  • georgiapeach1965
    Make sure you are eating enough (as everyone else has said) because if you don't, your body will go into starvation mode and will actually burn fewer calories as you eat less. Also, don't weigh all the time. I am a big advocate for not weighing more than once a month because your body fluctuates on a daily basis. Also, if you are lifting weights, your body will be building muscle, which weighs more than fat, and that may make you feel like you are moving backwards, but in reality, it's a really good thing because muscle is always burning, so your metabolism increases. Keep your chin up and just keep moving forward and don't be afraid to eat! Take care.

  • echelonokie
    @wilsoje74 I'm walking, or at least doing Walk Away the Pounds when I'm not doing the Shaun T stuff. At my weight, jogging isn't going to happen. I've had knee surgery, so no. I log EVERY bit of food that goes in my mouth. In not a 'snacker ' and I'm not a sweets person. The food values, if they're from a restaurant, come from their site. So I go on their word. If I can't find the actual place, I use something as close as I can get. I use a fitbit flex to judge my workouts, which just in the last few days have reached the 30 min mark. And I know since I'm bigger I'll burn more during each one.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    @divinenanny my goal is actually 1600. I know I'm not even getting close to that. But what do I do when I'm stuffed and really do not want more food? I do tend to skip meals on the weekend just cause breakfast and lunch are usually the same meal. And if I go out, I miss supper. *sighs*. Eating when I'm not hungry just sounds counter productive
    You will need to carefully choose higher-fat options then. Try replacing a serving of fruit with a serving of avocado, the only fruit that is high in fat. If you use dairy, choose the full-fat option. Add some olive oil to your dishes. If you eat oatmeal, add a little heavy cream to it.

    And it's worth talking to your doctor about this. If there's something stopping you from being hungry enough to eat enough calories, yet you do not lose weight, you need to get that checked out.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    If I ate only when I was hungry, I would barely eat 500 calories. You need to eat to fuel your body!!!! Figure out your TDEE amd BMR and eat -20% of your TDEE!!! I been doing this and losing a pound a week and sometimes more than that!!

    ETA: Good luck.
  • char2274
    char2274 Posts: 5 Member
    I am with you too! I am 1lb heavier today than last week. I also am not eating enough calories. My problem partly is I get to work and am busy and don't take the time to to eat snacks. I have started walking after a recent back surgery so my exercise is limited but I am really watching what I eat and can't seem to get in the calories I need. Very frustrating
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    The first 10 or 15lbs were the very hardest for me to lose. It took a long time for my body to adjust and for me to figure out what I needed to do to lose weight.

    Someone asked me yesterday what my secret is to my weight loss....I explained what I'm doing but also told her its so very hard because what I'm doing may not work for her. There are so many factors to consider. Its not as easy for some as it is for others, but it can happen.

    Don't get discouraged and don't give up. You can do this. You just have to figure out what works for you. My advise would be to continue the exercise, eat clean, don't starve yourself. Good luck to you on your weight loss journey!
  • shelliemacs
    shelliemacs Posts: 42 Member
    @shelliemacs. Amen. And I'm fairly sure I'd have to lob off a butt cheek to make a difference.

    Im trying to get to my original weight of 7lbs 8 ounces but then I would have to lop off everything but my head. then I would not be able to get to the fridge anyway to eat since I am just a head.
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Step 1: Don't quit! It takes time, patience and persistence. You have 100% failure rate when you quit.

    Step 2: Make sure you are logging accurately. Don't just "eyeball it." Use a scale. Be honest with yourself. Be careful not to overestimate exercise calories as well. I suggest using the TDEE - 20% method. Use an online calculator to get an estimate. If you are still gaining weight eating at that estimate, deduct 100 calories and try again. It takes some trial and error.

    Step 3: If you got step 1 down pat and you still have issues, see a doctor for some potential medical conditions.

    Step 4: Don't quit!
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    @divinenanny my goal is actually 1600. I know I'm not even getting close to that. But what do I do when I'm stuffed and really do not want more food? I do tend to skip meals on the weekend just cause breakfast and lunch are usually the same meal. And if I go out, I miss supper. *sighs*. Eating when I'm not hungry just sounds counter productive

    So eat more calorie dense foods-nuts, olives, whole grains, beans, fruits like bananas etc etc. An example-a serving of rolled oats with walnuts, ground flax seed and raisins is almost 500 calories, compared to your 255 calorie cereal breakfasts. And if you make the oats with the almond milk instead of water (like I do), that's another 60 calories. That's a healthy, calorie dense, breakfast :)

    Also, why are you doing so much exercise, especially when it sounds like you're not really enjoying it? Losing weight is all about the calories and the intense working out schedule you're doing isn't necessary for weight loss. You may have better luck cutting back on the working out and just doing something like a daily walk or a bit of jogging. Or do one of your work outs twice a week-cutting back on the frequency. Exercise is good for your health, but all things in moderation, especially if it's becoming a negative in your life (which is the tone I got from your first post).
  • lisajsund
    lisajsund Posts: 366 Member
    What is your BMR? That is a great start to finding how many calories you need to consume daily.
  • Kadje
    Kadje Posts: 50 Member
    Have you had your thyroid checked?

    Also, what kind of time frame are we looking at? Sometimes we lose a bunch and then gain some back. How often do you weigh?

    It definitely looks like you're not eating enough but I know for myself that when my hypothyroid isn't treated I gain weight on very little food.
  • Sully16
    Sully16 Posts: 18 Member
    My advice is to watch sodium levels, eat less processed foods and change up your workouts.

    I hope that helps!!!
  • nino07110922
    nino07110922 Posts: 2,149
    I know it is frustrating, but you need to eat your calories. I have read it in my diet books and heard Bob Harper talk about it too. if you do not eat the calories your body requires then your body goes into starvation mode and it holds on to the fat cells. I am no expert, I have struggled with weight all my life. when i was on WW and I know I had a good week, then they weighed me in and I gained weight, I cried. But I just kept going and then the next week or two weeks later the scale would catch up. Keep in mind, all the cardio is great for your heart which is the best muscle to work. good luck and hang in there.:happy:

    JCM is right - don't shy away from your calories. That will only put your body into starvation mode and you won't lose a thing. I'm very active. I'm allotted 2500 calories a day, but work out about 2 - 2 1/2 hrs daily, including 45 - 60 mins of cardio. I drink between 1 and 2 gallons of water daily. Aside from losing weight, I've lost 4 inches from my waist and got rid of the man-boobs. Keep meticulous records of your calories, drink plenty of water and don't get discouraged. It'll hapen before you know it.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    If you are sure your food diary is accurate, you're weighing and measuring and tracking everything and you can't reach your calorie goal then it would seem the problem is the exercise at the moment. My suggestion may sound stupid, and I mean no offense, but stop exercising until you can actually reach your calorie goal. Then once you are consistently eating to goal start adding back exercise while continueing to eat enough to fuel it.
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    I would cut back on some of the sodium, it makes you retain water and I bet that's where most of your weight gain is from.

    Skipping meals will slow down your metabolism as will not eating enough. I think the suggestion of limiting exercise till you can eat more is best. However, I used to stay under 1200 calories at first, used to convince myself I was was a lie, I thought I would lose more weight. I did but it was inconsistent. When I upped my calories, I lost more and it was consistent.

    Ive been going up and down with the same weight for about 6 weeks, neveroncethought about giving up. The last 3 weeks at that time, I really ate, I didn't log but still watched, I had lots of treats. Then I've been back on logging for a week now and I'm down 3.5 pounds this week. My body just needed a shakeup and now that I know what I did works, ill try something similar next time.
  • echelonokie
    @SJVZEE Oh, on the exercise, I whine a lot, but the program I'm doing is actually really fun. I'm sure I look like a complete fool doin it, but it's more like Tae Bo and dance combined. I'm not as coordinated as I once was and that alone gets me to laughing when I do it.

    I think that negative sound came from the idea that I've never really "worked out", not for YEARS, and I am now and I'm actually gaining back what I'd managed to lose. It's just very frustrating.
  • echelonokie
    @Kadje I've had thyroid and everything checked and came back all good. I weigh every Monday morning. I don't have a scale at my house, mainly cause I'd drive myself batty weighing every day.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Instead of giving up, why not just take a break? Every now and again I have to just stop logging for a while and eat whatever I want. It helps keep my life in perspective.

    Just take a few days off, and not worry so much about weight loss, then get back to it once you are refreshed from your break.
  • echelonokie
    @Herblackwings I actually started working out to try to strengthen my lung capacity. I'm horribly prone to bronchitis and after a scare where I thought I was having heart trouble cause I couldn't breathe (they had me do a pulmonary function test and these cardio things) they told me I needed to do some activity to build up my lungs. So I started doing cardio. I couldn't make it 10 minutes at first, but yesterday was my first time making a full 30 minutes of this butt-kicking DVD ( at least for me it is. lol)

    Cutting back on working out? How will I not gain even more?
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,631 Member
    I know it is frustrating, but you need to eat your calories. I have read it in my diet books and heard Bob Harper talk about it too. if you do not eat the calories your body requires then your body goes into starvation mode and it holds on to the fat cells. I am no expert, I have struggled with weight all my life. when i was on WW and I know I had a good week, then they weighed me in and I gained weight, I cried. But I just kept going and then the next week or two weeks later the scale would catch up. Keep in mind, all the cardio is great for your heart which is the best muscle to work. good luck and hang in there.:happy:

    This is a myth, the body will not go into starvation mode, besides which the OP is on 1600 per day before exercise, there is no way she would go into starvation mode if she did not meet that 1600 calories.

    OP How are you monitoring your calories burned during exercise, are you using the database on MFP, because some of the exercise on here is overestimated.