Need sobriety buddy!!!

Title says it all... My fiance and I love to unwind at the end of a log day with a (several) drink(s).... Anywho I want to stop drinking for the next few weeks, or maybe even longer, so I can really focus in on getting healthy and fit! Alcohol just makes me feel lazy the next day and it is HORRIBLE for weight loss but its had when my fiance is drinking. :tongue: Anywho, could really use a few buddies to do it with..... makes it easier not to give in! If your up for it let me know!


  • Bellydance
    Bellydance Posts: 105 Member
    I just posted on the newsfeed board that I'm going to stop drinking and see if that is what is stalling my weight loss. I have nothing else to give up so that's gotta be it! I'll do it. I'm going to send you a sobering friend request. :)
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    I stay sober for 9 to 11 months at a time. My husband drinks beer 3-4 nights a week to wind down, relax,'s never bothered me at all. I have my own personal reasons for not drinking as often, but it's all a matter of how bad you really want it. And usually the answer is "Not that bad". :-)
  • Raven5287
    Raven5287 Posts: 31
    Thats good for you! Thats exactly the problem though... I really want to drink every now and then so Im just trying to find some who are going at it for a bit to help motivate me. It works with weight loss to see other peoples success so I figured why not find a few people who are also trying to better their health by giving up something we love!
  • reba971
    reba971 Posts: 80
    I will do it with you. It will be tough for me and I may be sending you emergency messages! I say this as I am relaxing with a glass of wine...filled right up to the top! But after today I wont drink a drop if you don't.....Let's see if we can make it to Memorial Day weekend, ok?
  • betam
    betam Posts: 16
    I hear ya on the needing to quit drinking. I have found myself more and more lately drinking beer after a long day, and it seems that the qualifications of it being a long day are getting easier. I recently had a baby so I was forced to take 9 months off of drinking and almost feel like in some ways I'm trying to make up for it! As I go to the fridge for another beer, I'd like to say I'll join you in your no-drinking quest, tomorrow! I will definately need encouragement! Especially since I really LOVE beer! It would be great to find a healthy way to unwind after a long day.
  • bugabaer
    bugabaer Posts: 15
    Hey all. i do believe my drinking habit is my biggest culprit in not losing weight. I've been telling myself I would stop drinking for the longest. But like another posted said...I'm saying this while sitting here sipping something as i type. Bad, huh?
  • Raven5287
    Raven5287 Posts: 31
    Yeah I completly understand about the baby part!!! My son is almost two but man.... It was like making up for lost time almost like you said.... I had nothing to drink yesterday. Today is a new day! We can do this!!:tongue:
  • Raven5287
    Raven5287 Posts: 31
    Ohhhh.... I dont think its "bad".... Its a very common way for people to try to unwind. But exercise has a better and healthier effect on stress and alcohol has a horrid effect on my health and ability to work out as much as I want so im trying to keep that in mind! I like to drink generallly 3 times a week. Im setting my goal a little short because I know I will probably have a few cocktails when we go on vacation to California, but plan to get back on the wagon after that!
  • lindakuz
    I found you all doing a google search. I've worked hard to loose 15 lbs and I know if I drink I'll gain them back. I didn't drink for 3 months and it did the trick. I started drinking just recently, and I can tell it's going to be a problem. So cheers to all. I liked being sober!
  • Muscles_Curves
    Muscles_Curves Posts: 385 Member
    I've been sober for almost 8 years. You can add me. Not anymore ----> :drinker:
  • lindakuz
    I had a great day. It's a relief meeting my calorie goal and not t tying to work around glasses of wine. Drinking just doesn't allow enough space for food on 1200 calories a day. Even when I meet my weight goal I can only eat 1600 calories, because I'm short. I think drinking probably caused my weight gain to start with. I was always trying to compensate what I ate to make up for what I drank, and really didn't eat properly. It just doesn't work for me. I really enjoy putting on my clothes and have them fit . It's been awhile.