Am I Too Old To Start Running??

jfauci Posts: 531 Member
Ok, so I really want to start running. I'm 49 and I've never been a runner. But, I really want to start. So, my 9 year old son and I went to the beach tonight for a walk/run. I tried doing something similar to the C25K thing, but honestly, I thought my lungs were coming out of my chest after 30 secnds of "running".

I'm going to stick with it and I know it will get easier, but I am looking for some success stories. Anyone out there start running when they were over 45?


  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    I started running when I was 49. I love running now. It will get easier. You just need to take it slow and listen to your body.
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    If you're above ground, you're young enough to start anything.
  • 123im4u2c
    Start out light, make sure your running shoes have the proper support! The only way I would say o is if you were having problems
    with your joints! I would still ask your Dr. I could also suggest you start by walking for a few weeks and then ease into running
    walk a couple blocks, them run, a block. Increase as you get stronger until you are jogging with out the walk! Make sure to do stretches before, and after! Light before, and more intense after. Do this a few days a week to start, preferably every other day so
    you get rest and repair. you can still walk on your off days!
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    My dad will be 56 this year and has completed 5 marathons this year alone.

    But you?
    You're probably too old.
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    I am 53 loathed running all my life and started Couch to 5K five weeks ago. I have not gone past week three. And that is just fine with me. I follow the daily program, but don't advance until I feel like I can. I did week one for two weeks, and week two for two weeks each...but I am running. And it ain't pretty. And I don't like it. But I am very happy I am doing it and pleased with myself. Download the costs all of 2.99 and get some kick butt music to listen to. And run at YOUR pace. Not anyone else's (that includes your son). 75 year old's run faster than me - but WHO cares. I am moving...
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    If you're healthy & wise, it's not too late...

    I'm 55. i ran in my 20s. And just started it up again recently. Love it !!
    btw~ the last year or so, I've taken up hill walking and hiking. great for the lungs!!

    Things I've learned,
    Jogging/running is not going to happen overnite. My body is precious, and it takes longer to recover if I injur myself, so I....

    Hydrated before hand.
    Stretch before hand.
    Wear good shoes.
    Wear knee brace (got knee & lower back problems).
    Prefer to run on blacktop, or on hard packed dirt. I don't run on concrete.
    Started on a 2 mile course. Ran approx 1/4, ie walk 150 ft, jog 50 ft. Towards the end, I just walked.
    Amazing how I improved over the next several times.

    Always stretch afterwards
    Always hydrate afterwards.
  • BEVnj
    BEVnj Posts: 11 Member
    i started running at 35 and out of shape, at least i thought so. i couldn't get the breathing right. a friend of mine who ran since high school track said, " you are trying to go too fast too soon. run as slow as you can for as long as you can keep even breathing, then walk fast until your heart rate settles, then run again... it worked" having said that i have run many 1/2 marathons in the past 15 years and i am still very slow, as a 35 year old a 9 min mile was fast for me, now an 11 min mile is about as good as it gets.

    also a great book for motivation for people who start over fourty - the courage to start by john bingham, funny as hell and very motivational and instructional too

    good luck and be sure to enjoy it too
  • KGill67
    KGill67 Posts: 87 Member
    If you're generally healthy, you should be fine - I started C25k in May (age 45), finished in early July, and am enjoying running a bit more each week. A neighbour of mine took up running in her early 50s, and has run 25 marathons and many half-marathons since then. She is now 67, and NO ONE believes her age - she looks easily 10 years younger. And yes, she still runs marathons.
  • oceansablue
    It's never to late, just look at Fauja Singh. He started running marathons at 89. (Albeit, I'm not the one to talk but still he's one impressive guy!)
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    no you are not too old
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I don't recommend it. You might develop fitness, and spend a lot of money on shoes.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    I was 42 or 43. i did C25K. It took me about one extra month to complete, but i love running now!
  • liquidjem
    liquidjem Posts: 138 Member
    Nope, I don't think so. As long as you don't have joint problems or a reason from your Dr., I say go for it. I just started running and I was the last person on earth that I thought would. I went from your "after 30 seconds I thought I was going to die" scenario and now I can run a solid mile without stopping, its been a month, so a slow process. Just start with running a little further every day and build up. I think just knowing that it would come in time helped me, don't expect to be entering any races after 2 weeks and you'll be good! Good luck with it, I rather enjoy it now!
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    I started running at 45. Now at 50, I have 8 half marthons under my belt and am training for my first full marathon in October.

    So to answer your question, nah, you're not too old.

    Happy running!!
  • girllizzard
    girllizzard Posts: 21 Member
    Hey! This gal kept running until she was 60 and the arthritis in my knees made me stop. No, not caused by running acc. to my orthopedist. It is possible that joint issues or heart disease might make it not feasible for someone in his or her 50's to run, but plenty of folks have started or continued at those ages. I miss it every day. I am trying to not take offense at your post! Girl Lizard
  • girllizzard
    girllizzard Posts: 21 Member
    Above post from girllizzard was meant to be a reply to tyty76. Sorry - I hit wrong button.
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    Started when I turned 53, you are never too old to at least try.
  • marathon_44
    marathon_44 Posts: 62 Member
    A few years ago, I did a marathon where Helen Klein set her age-group world record for a marathon. She was 83 at the time. I barely beat her, and she had 50 years on me. (I'm just glad I didn't elbow her in the finishing chute. She sure didn't look 83.) It is my understanding that she didn't start running until her 50's, so I think you are good to go!
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    I don't recommend it. You might develop fitness, and spend a lot of money on shoes.

    That's exactly what happened to me!
    Also, my @ss stopped sitting next to me in a chair and started following me everywhere.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I began the C25K program a week after my 58th birthday and ran a half marathon almost a year to the day later. Now at 60 I'm not very fast (30 minute 5K on a really good day) but my stamina is good. I still run 5-8 miles, 3 or 4 times a week.