Wish me luck!

epoman Posts: 4 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all

I was recommended this site from a friend who downloaded the iPhone app and who found it invaluable in tracking what he was eating whilst he successfully dieted and lost around 40lb's.

A bit about me; I'm 40 something. I lead a sedentary lifestyle, at a desk in front of a computer all day. The only exercise I get is 40 minute walking on my way to and from work.

Around 10 years ago I used to be obsessed with the gym, sometimes going 3 times a day, all cardio. I weighed 154lb’s at the time. For no apparent reason I suddenly stopped going. My weight ballooned and I put on 40lb’s in one year.

Since then I have constantly been dieting trying to lose the weight but without success. I’ll do very well for 3 weeks, lose 14lb’s but then give up and pile it all back on. Trouble has been however that every time I’ve done this I’ve ended up heavier than I was before the diet!

I’m now at 240lb’s which I think is morbidly obese for my height. My GP has told me off. I need to lose 90lb’s to get back to my old weight. Having been so gym obsessed I do know what I have to do to lose weight but I just have trouble keeping it going beyond 3 weeks at a time. I also have what I consider to be an eating disorder, in that I associate food with relief from stress and depression, both of which I suffer from on a daily basis. My GP also suspected that I suffer from an underactive thyroid. I have not investigated this further.

I started my latest diet Monday just controlling what and how much I eat. I’ve been given some herbal appetite suppressants which I’m going to try. Not going to exercise quite yet until I shift some of the bulk.

I have a very long road ahead if I’m to get anywhere near my old weight. To be honest, I would be happy losing even just half that weight! Wish me luck!



  • AmyJopp
    AmyJopp Posts: 57 Member
    GOOD LUCK..........this is a fantastic site!!!! You will love it!!!!
  • nettip
    nettip Posts: 113 Member
    I know how you feel i also work in the same way as you but i get a lift to work as i work with my partner and we have to drop the kids of at school on the way in. i sometimes get out of work early so i can collect the kids so get 15mins walk home from the school. when i started on here i was 244lbs im now at 238lbs 3 weeks later. i go to the gym 2-3times a week and it is the best for getting rid of stress.
  • epoman
    epoman Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the words of encouragement amyjopp. The food diary here is certainly better than others I've seen.

    Best of luck with reachong your goal nettip.

    I really do want to be successful this time as I'm really fed up of being so large and struggling to buy the type of clothes I like.
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