Am I Too Old To Start Running??



  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    Hey! This gal kept running until she was 60 and the arthritis in my knees made me stop. No, not caused by running acc. to my orthopedist. It is possible that joint issues or heart disease might make it not feasible for someone in his or her 50's to run, but plenty of folks have started or continued at those ages. I miss it every day. I am trying to not take offense at your post! Girl Lizard

    My post was tongue in cheek. Nothing was made to be offensive.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Anyone out there start running when they were over 45?

    Yes, I started to run in the middle of smog riddled Mexico City.....and I am 65.
    You are only as old as you think....jejeje.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I don't recommend it. You might develop fitness, and spend a lot of money on shoes.

    This is the problem I'm having. Not just shoes but also shorts and running shirts and holy crap are good socks expensive.

    I started C25K in May. I'm 44 and am now doing 5K-to-10K. Never too old - running is going to make you feel younger.
  • kill3rtofu
    kill3rtofu Posts: 169 Member
    Never too late to start running. Just start slow
  • MeowSkull
    MeowSkull Posts: 101 Member
    I'm almost 43 and just did my first attempt at jogging today. I downloaded RunKeeper and was able to walk/run 1.1 miles in 16 minutes. I was actually mighty impressed and look forward to improving on that! I just jogged for a bit then walked about the same distance and then jogged again and walked the same distance. Each time I'll try to talk a tiny bit less and jog a little more and see what I can do in that same 16 minutes until it's time to move up.
  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    Never too late to start running. Just start slow
    I'm with him....I started at 48 and did a half marathon..........then nothing......then I started with C25K last year and found it really hard as you have, but keep going as it will get I run and enter 10k runs. I am 52 and happy to be a runner!
  • dwalt15110
    dwalt15110 Posts: 246 Member
    Too old! I think not. In 1994 my mother was 70 years old and on a cane. She was told that she was headed for a walker and eventually a wheelchair. Sitting in a chair, watching TV she came across an infomercial for Tae Bo with Billy Blanks. Every time it came on, she would do what she could in her seat. Soon she was doing 30 minutes of Tae Bo first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Then she began walking and then running. Next month, my mother will be 89 years old. She still does Tae Bo twice a day and she runs 5 miles a day. Did I mention that weather is not an excuse and she is never too busy to do this.

    So I would have to say that chances are, you are not too old to begin a great workout program which could include running.
  • rukcus
    rukcus Posts: 58
    From what I hear, a brisk walk is more than sufficient for health benefits, there are many risks to running such as joint pain and tendon inflammation that can hamper your goals. Start slow and be gradual.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    55 here. Just started running on a treadmill about 8 months ago. Now that my weigh is down some, I'm taking it to the road soon. Looks like you've lost your weight - so what are you waiting for??? :drinker:
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I'm 53 and ran a marathon at an 8:06 min/mi pace last year so you are definitely not too old. You just have to start with where you are and progressively build your fitness.