Managing Depression + Weightloss- How do you do it?



  • micheeks
    micheeks Posts: 15 Member
    mis post... sorry
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    I have always been a healthy eater and always excersised. Howver in the last year depression hit me in the worst way - somethign that i could not combat with healthy eating and excersize. I am extremely natural in my approach to medications so finally agreeing to try one was a very big step for me.

    I started with zoloft - mentally it was wonderful - helped me so mnuch - but after 1 month i was sluggish and slow and retaining alot of water. I went off that. I tried efflexor and starting getting many many panic attacks - went off that. Now i am on pristiq which is light and works well for me - it doesnt make me 'happy' but allows me to push away negagtive thoguhts very easily. I have felt no hindrance to weight loss on this, howveer i do think that being 'happier' means i go out more, and worry less about my diet! which is a negative!

    Actually though, im much happier and think its a very good medication for me.

    Feel free to PM me if you would like to chat!
  • micheeks
    micheeks Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for posting these scriptures, I will be sure to pass them on :)

    I suffered with depression for a bit in the pass but I learned to turn it over to God. If you build a relationship with Him and read the bible daily you will build some confidence and learn to overcome depression. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.2 Timothy 1:7.

    Here are some scriptures you can read every time you get depressed:

    Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down (depression), but a good word cheers it up. Proverbs 12:25

    Deuteronomy 31:8 – The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

    Ecclesiastes 9:4 – Anyone who is among the living has hope.

    Psalms 9:9 – The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.

    Psalm 27:14 - Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

    Psalm 31:22,24 – You heard my cry for mercy when I called to you for help… Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.

    Psalm 34:18, 19 – The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (19) A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all.

    Just know that meds can not heal you but God can. Write 1 or 2 scriptures down and read them when you get depressed. I hope this helps. Sorry I don't do pity parties I like to overcome and win!
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I know the feeling. I suffer from situational depression with anxiety (adjustment disorder) and mild post partum depression. Bumping for later reading.
  • Lmns218
    Lmns218 Posts: 155
    Hi there!!!! Yes, I too suffer from depression and am undergoing a lot of stress right now!!!

    I haven't had meds in a few months due to no insurance....and I really don't plan on going on anymore if I don't have to. What really helps is trying to keep the faith....I had to force myself to do things when I was on the meds and it's the same now that I am off of them. You just have to push forward. Find some sort of faith and lean on that faith to help you through the hard times.
  • wondermommie85
    wondermommie85 Posts: 30 Member
    I also suffer from depression brought on by childhood trauma. As some have said, I turn to my faith for help. But fitness has also been a HUGE help in decreasing my panic attacks and my overall mood. There is a popular quote that says "exercise is the most potent and underused antidepressant", and I have found this to be very true. Try to find a good support system also. Having friends who share your interests and are uplifting to you are good to have around. I have found this forum to be a good place to get encouragement as well. Since coming here I have had a lot less temptation to fall off the wagon and have started to quit eating my feelings.
  • carrot1965
    I too was depressed as a child but no one seemed to notice, In fact after struggling for years to fit in and to succeed only to fail each time at the age of 35 (yr 2000) I was finally diagnosed with major depression severe fatigue and anxiety and agoraphobia. That is when Paxil was introduced to my body. Oh more tragedy. One of my doctors said oh my gosh you gain 25 pounds just looking at the bottle and then you actually took the medicine. I had gained 45 pounds in no time. Now I am on disability for my symptoms. I can't hold down a job, I have been married 5 times and I can't even leave the house without my mother or my son with me. I stress eat. If someone could please tell me how to stop that I could lose a lot more weight. I just received word from my doctor that I may be at the beginning of heart disease. I already have a pace maker. How do you not stress eat???
  • aNewCreation84
    I have suffered from depression since my childhood. I was molested as a child, which caused me to block out a good chunk of that childhood, and I still struggle with the feelings from that abuse, as well as other difficulties. Currently, I take Pristique, which has been the best medicine I've ever taken for depression. I also take Klonopin for anxiety (as needed -- which is, luckily, few and far between).

    Even though I have bad days, I am currently the happiest I've ever been. I try to keep things under control by exercising. I try to get up early some morning to exercise, which helps start the day off good... and then I exercise at night most days. Staying active definitely seems to help. As I said, Pristique is the best medicine I've been on for Depression, simply because it doesn't give me that drained, sluggish feeling most anti-depressants do. It helps give me energy.

    Add me if you'd like. Maybe we can help support each other during this journey.
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    I've had depression for most of my life and this year has been particularly rough. The only thing that seems to help is exercise. When I feel panicky or that dark cloud starting to hang over my head, I walk, I ride my bike, I move my body. Its not a cure, but it does help. I cant think about how bad I feel if I'm pushing myself to go harder and faster in my exercise routine.

    Good luck to you!
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    Hey there!
    I'm currently looking for people who share the same interests/ troubles that I am during their weight loss journey.
    I have suffered with depression from the age of 8 and was put on medication for it at 12 years old- since then I've been on and off various meds for anxiety and depression and been to counselling and through a therapy program.
    I've been off my medication for almost a year, and have only had two major relapses in that time.
    The problem is, for the last month I've really struggled to fend it off, my panic attacks are coming back- and whilst I'm making it through it isn't easy when I'm starting to feel totally out of control.
    I'm trying to take it easy on myself, but I want to continue to be a healthier happier person, and that means eating well and being active still (and hopefully losing some weight in the meantime!)
    Is anyone else going through something similar? How do you make things work for you?
    Please feel free to add me :)

    Yes. I've had depression for most of my life.
    My first advice to you is to continue with your current treatment regime whether it be medication, therapy or a combination of the two. If you do not feel that the therapy is working - discuss it with your doctor before stopping or changing. If in doubt - see another doctor for a second opinion.
    What I have also found through research and my own experience is the complementary role of a healthy lifestyle. I was eating "clean" until just over a week ago when I switched to a totally plant-based (vegan) diet. And in the short period I have switched my diet - I haven't felt so good, mentally and physically, for years.

    My lifestyle I've also been engaging in regular high-intensity cardio workouts and I practice meditation regularly (daily). All, I believe, have a positive impact on my mental health.

    Recently, I also came across some interesting research that indicates that coffee has a positive impact on depression. Apparently up to 4 cups of coffee a day but more than that apparently can have adverse effects on depression. I also found out that probiotics have a psychotropic effect and is positively associated with depression.

    The research regarding coffee was reported here:
    Click on the links within the article to get more detail

    Regarding the psychotropic effects of probiotics:
    Probiotics and mental health:

    I have also modified my diet so that I am consuming no more than 4 cups of coffee per day and have included probiotics in my diet.
    kind regards,

  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    Same here.
    I try to manage with healthy eating and exercise- it helps. Though I sometimes just feel blue, this week has been tough for me. I've never been on meds, maybe I needed them in the past but I want to be entirely drug-free.
    I struggle with binge eating, I've been ok lately though I always prepare healthy meals and snacks and carry them with me all day. it helps.
    I find it's a daily struggle and I do pray a lot. Trying to be happy all the time is something I don't expect but now that I sleep well, eat well and exercise regularly, the good times outnumber the bad.
    Happy living! Good luck!

    I just read post above mine--- I drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day and I swear on it!
  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    Hi :) I have been suffering with depression and suicidal thoughts for 2-3 years and I've been on meds for it for about a year. I tried to wean myself off them multiple times but each time I started getting suicidal thoughts and depression/anxiety attacks, so I had to go back on them.
    I've always thought that the best medicine is a healthy diet, but I never imagined that by going 80/10/10, my depression and anxiety would almost completely disappear, and that I could eat and not feel depressed, fat, and guilty afterwards.
    I can't speak for anyone other than myself, but for me personally, I believe I've finally found the natural cure for my depression that I was searching for.
    I am 80/10/10, which is also called being a 'frugivore' (eating raw fruits and veggies only), or a LFRV (low fat raw vegan) lifestyle.
    I don't necessarily think that everyone's depression can be cured by one solution only, but I would recommend trying out this lifestyle if you are at the end of your rope and desperate (like I was).
    You are NOT defined by your depression, remember that. You might be a different person when you start to recover (and that takes some getting used to), but I really hope for the best for your life, because I know how much strength it takes EVERY DAY just to get out of bed, to do 'normal' activities, and to take care of everyday responsibilities while in the meantime you are stuck in this disassociated, empty void filled with a self hate and sadness so deep it immobilizes you and weighs you down.
  • LeanAmbitions
    I have bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. I have also been diagnosed with anxiety and major depression in the past, so I feel your pain. I try to go without medicine and it makes me completely not functional. I just pretty much lock myself in my room hurting myself. So my answer is: I deal with the depression and stuff by keeping busy with work, school, and family and taking my medicine. I am on Prozac and Lamictal. I notice the prozac helps with my anxiety as well. Medicine is not for everyone, and I know that so I'm not telling you to do on medicine but that is how I deal. Now that my life is better, I am considering talking to my doc about going off meds but I'm not sure if it's feasible or not. If medicine is not something you want to do, just try to keep yourself busy. Make lists of the positive aspects of your life. Talk to trusted friends or family; people you know love you deeply. Also, if you ever need someone to talk to, please feel free to add me and speak to me. I know what it's like and that you can't just snap out of it even if other people tell you you can. I know how bad it feels. Just keep taking care of yourself. Remember you deserve all the good things you have and have done, and people do care for you! even strangers on the Internet. :)
  • thefragile7393
    thefragile7393 Posts: 102 Member
    I have an anxiety and depression since I was 10....I found out I have hormonal issues and much of my stuff is hormonally related I notice. My worst times were from ages 10-12 right when puberty hit...but I was not on medications until I was 19. Now finally I have recently been able to reduce the medicine I was taking for depression and anxiety finally. I have found exercise helps a lot, finding ways to keep busy. Eating healthy fats (healthy omega 3's and 6's) can help a lot. I have a ton of self-help books as well....I am pretty much the queen of that. Sometimes I take a tiny bit of a tranquilizer if I absolutely need it. I also try a lot of herbal stuff, (which I got with the help of an experienced herbalist). I mostly follow a paleo diet, which eliminates the common allergens that can be a cause of some people's anxiety and depression.

    I used to use to track my moods and notice when I felt worse. It really helped a lot.

    Right now I am pretty stable in spite of my chaotic life. I don't know, it's so hard to say much when depression and anxiety are really personal things in the sense of not everything works for everyone.
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member

    This abstract shows a corilation between significant weightloss and an depression. I found it when I began to struggle with depression I thought I had put in my past. It dosnt have the answer but I feel maybe going into mantinance for a month to let my body return to a level state may reset things. At that point I can return to my cut to get rid of the last of my unwanted weight.

    Morninglory81 - I tried to read that brief but didn't understand the scientific stats. Can you translate for me? I made the lifestyle change on Jan 2nd and have been using MFP to eat at a caloric deficit since then. I've lost almost 60 lbs; with 20 more to go. And in the past 6 weeks I've been in a real funk; and it's getting worse. Could my calorie restrictions be causing it? Do you have more info?
  • JohnBG123
    Hi all hope everyone is happy today. Or remember this to will pass. But we have to work at it. I was diagnosed about 6 years or when I was 50. I was a great load off of my mind what was wrong with me. Most just called me an alcoholic. I know I am one, but I always knew something else was happening to me> I did all the work stayed sober and worked the steps. But my ups and downs mostly downs were to much for me to handle. I got in touch with a psy doc who diagnosed me. Then it took a year to find the right therapist and psy doc to find the right combo of meds. Wish I could say every thing is right now, but guess what it isn't. But it's different.:smile: So last march I decided it was time to loose weight and eat better. The exercise helps to most with depression. When I'm depressed I try to get out and walk the dog. On the nutrition side I did some research on what helps with depression and what may lead to depression. So I added so foods and stopped eating (for the most part) that may increase depression.
    If anyone would like to friend me feel free to. We can walk this road together.
    John B