What does lifting "heavy" mean to women?



  • moonshine_betty
    moonshine_betty Posts: 169 Member
    I deadlift and squat 185lbs, press 50lb barbell, 20-25lb dumbbells. I rarely ever curl...last time I did I think I used 15lb dumbbells.

    Interesting...you are the 2nd person to say you don't curl. Any particular reason why? I love some bicep curls. Are there other exercises you prefer?

    And it is refreshing to see you deadlift and squat the same weight. I wasn't sure that was how it should be! I feel like they are completely different things, so how am I doing the same weight. Deadlifting should be way more than squatting in my eyes.

    How long did it take to get that high squatting?

    I don't curl because I don't see the need; my biceps get enough work from the other compound lifts I do. I may throw in a few now and then but they're definitely not a regular thing. As for how long it took me to get those squat numbers....too damn long is all I'll say! I've had a few injuries and setbacks so I haven't been very consistent in my progression. I've had to start over several times after taking lifting hiatuses. I'm making a concerted effort to lift heavier now so I expect that number to go up shortly. I'm optimistic.

    It's interesting that you think deadlifting should be more than squatting because I always thought the opposite, probably because that has been my experience. My squat progression has been relatively slow compared to my deadlifts, and that's despite two lower back injuries.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I deadlift and squat 185lbs, press 50lb barbell, 20-25lb dumbbells. I rarely ever curl...last time I did I think I used 15lb dumbbells.

    Interesting...you are the 2nd person to say you don't curl. Any particular reason why? I love some bicep curls. Are there other exercises you prefer?

    And it is refreshing to see you deadlift and squat the same weight. I wasn't sure that was how it should be! I feel like they are completely different things, so how am I doing the same weight. Deadlifting should be way more than squatting in my eyes.

    How long did it take to get that high squatting?

    I don't curl because I don't see the need; my biceps get enough work from the other compound lifts I do. I may throw in a few now and then but they're definitely not a regular thing. As for how long it took me to get those squat numbers....too damn long is all I'll say! I've had a few injuries and setbacks so I haven't been very consistent in my progression. I've had to start over several times after taking lifting hiatuses. I'm making a concerted effort to lift heavier now so I expect that number to go up shortly. I'm optimistic.

    It's interesting that you think deadlifting should be more than squatting because I always thought the opposite, probably because that has been my experience. My squat progression has been relatively slow compared to my deadlifts, and that's despite two lower back injuries.

    That's why I feel like deadlifts should be more. I moved up really quickly with deadlifts, but now I am stuck due to grip issues. My squats took some work. I went up on Smith Machine then started using a curling rack and had to go back down and now I am finally going back up. Deadlifta always seemed easier, so I figure they'd be able to do more weight.

    You are doing great despite setbacks. Keep going and good luck! Stay healthy!
  • "Heavy" isn't a number.
    For me, it's fatigue by the 5th or 6th rep.

    this is helpful... thank you!
  • Heavy for me means 3-5 rep max

    Back Squats- 3@120kg
    Front Squats- 3@100kg
    Deadlift- 3@150kg
    Push Press 3@65kg

    These are heavy
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Reviewing this.. Lifting heavy has no real definition? It's just what is heavy for you?? I don't think I am lifting anywhere near heavy for me...

    if I understand it right (what i've read and what i've seen online) You lift as much as you can for 3-5 reps and do 3-5 sets?

    Today i used the barbell and did the following
    Squats - with 20lbs worth of weights 5x5
    Bench press- with 20lbs worth of weights 5x5
    Bent over row with 30lbs worth of weights 5x5
    Barbell shrugs with 40lbs worth of weights 3x8
    Tricep extension - 35lbs overhead 3x8
    Straight bar curls - no weight added just the bar 3x8
    Hyperextension with 10lb plate - 2x10
    Cable crunches - 90lbs - 3x10

    The only ones that felt heavy were the curls, the tricep extension and the bench press. The crunches were easy once I got into the postion, it was hard to pull that weight down initally. But once I was on the ground it was easy to crunch.

    So do I just keep increasing weight until it's difficult to do?

    I also have no idea how much the bar weight or if that is record or not.. When people ask how much I lift do I include the bar weight in my answer?
  • spicegeek
    spicegeek Posts: 325 Member
    heavy squat - over 170 lbs
    heavy dead lift - over 220 lbs

    I am not really doing any other "heavy" lifts - my other work outs are more dynamic
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Reviewing this.. Lifting heavy has no real definition? It's just what is heavy for you?? I don't think I am lifting anywhere near heavy for me...

    if I understand it right (what i've read and what i've seen online) You lift as much as you can for 3-5 reps and do 3-5 sets?

    Today i used the barbell and did the following
    Squats - with 20lbs worth of weights 5x5
    Bench press- with 20lbs worth of weights 5x5
    Bent over row with 30lbs worth of weights 5x5
    Barbell shrugs with 40lbs worth of weights 3x8
    Tricep extension - 35lbs overhead 3x8
    Straight bar curls - no weight added just the bar 3x8
    Hyperextension with 10lb plate - 2x10
    Cable crunches - 90lbs - 3x10

    The only ones that felt heavy were the curls, the tricep extension and the bench press. The crunches were easy once I got into the postion, it was hard to pull that weight down initally. But once I was on the ground it was easy to crunch.

    So do I just keep increasing weight until it's difficult to do?

    I also have no idea how much the bar weight or if that is record or not.. When people ask how much I lift do I include the bar weight in my answer?

    1-5 reps build strength
    6-12 build mass
    12+ endurance

    When doing 5 reps a set or 8 a set whatever, you should be struggling with those last few reps in most programs.

    There are programs that are made for different things. Many posters on MFP start with a 5x5 like stronglifts to build strength. Some programs will have a mix of strength and hypertrophy reps.

    My suggestion is get a program if you are really wanting to lift and make gains (either mass or strength). You do include the bar weight in your answer. A 7' olympic barbell is around 45 lbs.
  • geek23ka
    geek23ka Posts: 38 Member
    :) someone upthread said they don't like to brag. shoot, it's the only thing i'm halfway good at, so i'll play.

    my first meet was last weekend. squat 209 (plenty left, but squat is still under construction), bench 132 and deadlift 303.
  • beabria
    beabria Posts: 541 Member
    I agree - "heavy lifting" is whatever fatigues you in ~5 reps. If you want numbers, I've only been doing it for 3 weeks or so, but my numbers are (all 5x5):
    Deadlift - 115lbs
    Squats and Lunges - 75lbs (I'm pretty heavy, so I'm lifting myself here too :) )
    Push press - 65lbs
    Bench press - 80lbs
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Heavy for me is as follows:

    BP 125 3x5 (today)
    Row 125 3x5 (today)
    Squats 190 3x5 (March) deload for form
    OHP 88.5 5x5 (wed)
    DL 200 1x5 (March) deload for form

    Do I lift heavy? yes I do...do other women lift heavier? for sure...Will I lift heavier? friggen right...
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    "Heavy" to me is heavy enough for me to fail in 8-12 reps. The weight itself is subjective...different for every person. What's heavy to me may be light to the next person.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I don't want to make a fool out of myself with my upper body numbers but between 50-100 depending on if I'm doing drop sets or just lifting (curls, skull crushers, tricep pulldowns etc.), definitely need to work on my upper body strength. I can leg press a comfortable 520 now, leg extensions= 150, leg curls= 120. I have horrible knees that make squats difficult, so I only do about 130.

    I try not to compare myself to the other girls. or guys for that matter, in the gym or on here. As long as I am doing better than I was a week ago, I am happy. :) However, it would be nice to know an average weight because sometimes I feel like a wussy.

    Amazing numbers!

    I feel the same way. Sometimes I feel so strong, but then I can't help but to wonder...wait....can everyone else do this weight too? Am I not special/strong/in shape? :sad:

    Do you have to be special? Couldn't you just focus on the fact that you are improving on your own fitness?
  • minnie_mousse
    minnie_mousse Posts: 9 Member
    As everyone has already said "heavy" is relative.

    I find a good way to measure is % of your 1RM of each lift: e.g. 5x5 at 75% is "heavy"; 5x3 and 85-90% is also friggin' heavy.

    current stats @ 130# BW:
    BP - 115#
    OHP - 95#
    DL - 275#
    Squat - 185#
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    "Experts" used to recommend 15-20 reps to failure for women and was considered "light weight lifting." Heavy weight lifting was/is basically anything beyond that range.

    The first time I attempt something it's 8-10. The second time I'll go for 6-8. Afterward it's 4-6 (going heavier every time I succeed in getting 6 reps).

    Heh, I just started a new program two weeks ago so all my numbers are low. I'll check in when I find my 4-6 (if this thread is still going by then).
  • coachbennettlhs
    coachbennettlhs Posts: 30 Member
    :) someone upthread said they don't like to brag. shoot, it's the only thing i'm halfway good at, so i'll play.

    my first meet was last weekend. squat 209 (plenty left, but squat is still under construction), bench 132 and deadlift 303.

    Nice work! As a powerlifter myself, I think those are some very impressive numbers.
  • geek23ka
    geek23ka Posts: 38 Member
    :) someone upthread said they don't like to brag. shoot, it's the only thing i'm halfway good at, so i'll play.

    my first meet was last weekend. squat 209 (plenty left, but squat is still under construction), bench 132 and deadlift 303.

    Nice work! As a powerlifter myself, I think those are some very impressive numbers.

    oh, wow. thank you! what federation do you lift with? i'm with NASA. i am still trying to lose weight and have six months to get into the next weight class (doing the November NASA masters/submasters meet in Dallas)

    it has been the one thing i feel really good about, that i do just for me. dieting sucks, lifting is awesome.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    LULZ. Man I'm laughing - August? And I pulled 250- goes to show you what hard work and time/consistency will get you

    I hit 305 on Thursday- been stuck at 285 for months!!
  • alereck
    alereck Posts: 343 Member

    1-5 reps build strength
    6-12 build mass
    12+ endurance

    When doing 5 reps a set or 8 a set whatever, you should be struggling with those last few reps in most programs.


    Exactly, you should be doing the reps based on your goal. If you reach the final rep without any difficulty increase the weight, if you cannot finish the set, decrease the weight. Also make sure you are performing everything with good form and you have control at all times, not swinging or using other muscles to help, if you are doing this then decrease weight.

    Everyone will be at a different weight depending on a bunch of variables. The only way you will know the right amount for you is by trial and error.

    Good luck!
  • cowgirlqueen
    cowgirlqueen Posts: 466 Member
    on leg press I did 5 sets of 12 at 270 lbs. I feel like I could do more though
  • coachbennettlhs
    coachbennettlhs Posts: 30 Member

    oh, wow. thank you! what federation do you lift with? i'm with NASA. i am still trying to lose weight and have six months to get into the next weight class (doing the November NASA masters/submasters meet in Dallas)

    it has been the one thing i feel really good about, that i do just for me. dieting sucks, lifting is awesome.

    I usually lift WABDL and R.A.W. United. I love the sport because it's you vs you - no one else to blame if you screw up.

    I agree with the dieting part. I'm not a fan of cutting for a meet. The last meet I did (last month) I actually had to gain weight; that was harder than cutting for me!

    I coach Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting and I've coached quite a few female athletes and clients over the past couple years. The best changes to female bodies come from heavy lifting (if the diet is right!).