I don't get it...



  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    Some people- like your no fruit person- don't actually take the time to learn about low carb eating and just assume it's all meat and cheese- which is incorrect. Even in Atkins they suggest you to choose lower sugar fruits like berries over higher sugar things like watermelon, BUT neither is forbidden.

    I really don't care how anyone else eats, but I *REALLY* hate when people decide they need to share their dieting wisdom with me unasked, like this person did to you.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    Don't get hung up on low carb, low fat, low sugar, good food, bad food. Track your calories, stay in budget and all will be well. Unless you have a medical condition that says you need to avoid some food or macro don't worry about it.

    i agree. im doing it very simple. i have this many calories per day, i stick to it! if you have underlying health conditions, then sure, sodium, sugar, etc may play an important role in your choices, but if not, why make it hard, calories in, energy out. now, for body comp thats a whole other issue, that requires specific macros...
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    I was told today by a "low carber" that I shouldn't eat fruit (I am trying to cut back on my sugar intake). But in the same conversation, he said that he went to McDonalds, ordered a big mac and removed the buns....so....hum.....fruit is bad, bunless big mac is good....

    Can anyone explain? I mean I do love bananas and peaches but I never really thought they are the core of my being fat...
    A big mac doesn't have sugar. If you said you were trying to cut back on protein or salt I'd imagine he would have advised you to cut back on Big Macs if you ate a lot of them.

    But I really responded because yarwell put together a great sugar FAQ that's well worth the read. Perhaps you don't need to cut back on sugar or limit your fruit at all? Good luck. :)

  • dwithbenefithfc
    What are your goals??
    Do you care to learn about the effects of sugar on your pancreas' secretion of insulin and what happens when insult is elevated?

    If not, eat the fruit.. Personally I believe in the timing of nutrient - when is it most advantageous to eat what and why. But that can get complicated for most peeps.

    I was told today by a "low carber" that I shouldn't eat fruit (I am trying to cut back on my sugar intake). But in the same conversation, he said that he went to McDonalds, ordered a big mac and removed the buns....so....hum.....fruit is bad, bunless big mac is good....

    Can anyone explain? I mean I do love bananas and peaches but I never really thought they are the core of my being fat...
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
  • Kalah7Renae12Vera
    Kalah7Renae12Vera Posts: 265 Member
    I am supposed to up my carbs now that I am pregnant, nutritionist said to skip pastas and rice and other grains and to head straight for the fruit... not all carbs are created equal... if you want the fruit, eat the fruit, we all must eat some carbs and the best way to do that is with fruit!
  • castelluzzo99
    castelluzzo99 Posts: 313 Member
    Unless you're doing a low-carb diet (which I would never do for a lot of reasons), then eat the fruit. Fruit has a lot of micronutrients that you won't get otherwise. The idea that an apple (or a banana) a day can keep the doctor away is there for a reason.

    Also, if you are doing certain kinds of exercise, you really do want to eat some more carbs, and fruit is healthy, as opposed to white bread and sugar. The sugar absorption is slowed by the fiber. If you are diabetic, you should limit your fruit intake (my mom is, and she eats 1-2 pieces a day), but other than that, I wouldn't worry about it. Just fit it in your daily calories and you're fine.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Fruit is totally fine in moderation. You brain needs glucose (sugar) to function. Especially if you are already on a low carb diet you probably aren't getting much sugar, so some fruit will not kill you.

    That guy was dumb. You are so much better off eating an apple than some overly processed, GMO, inhumanely treated animal meat. Eat your fruit and enjoy it.
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    I myself am wanting to eat cleaner and cut out refined sugars. I am a sweet-a-holic and have issues having self control when it comes to moderation with sweets. I have no health issues. And for me, at this point my main focus is to cut out the crap, fake food and consume more whole, real, non-processed foods. To each their own I say...I can't worry with what someone else is eating because I struggle to stay focused on myself. And I appreciate that he's doing low carb and had advice, but not the fact he was trying to sell fruit as unhealthy when he's consuming big macs. <---that's the logic I couldn't wrap my head around. But I am trying to replace my sweet tooth with fruit. Any other "clean" suggestions are welcome!!! cutting sugar is a beast!
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    Some people- like your no fruit person- don't actually take the time to learn about low carb eating and just assume it's all meat and cheese- which is incorrect. Even in Atkins they suggest you to choose lower sugar fruits like berries over higher sugar things like watermelon, BUT neither is forbidden.

    I really don't care how anyone else eats, but I *REALLY* hate when people decide they need to share their dieting wisdom with me unasked, like this person did to you.
    Pretty much this. A little fruit isn't going to derail anything, even Atkins. The thing with people offering unsolicited advice is that rarely have more than a rudimentary understanding of the subject at hand, and usually don't even fully understand the basics of the system they are advocating.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    Some people- like your no fruit person- don't actually take the time to learn about low carb eating and just assume it's all meat and cheese- which is incorrect. Even in Atkins they suggest you to choose lower sugar fruits like berries over higher sugar things like watermelon, BUT neither is forbidden.

    I really don't care how anyone else eats, but I *REALLY* hate when people decide they need to share their dieting wisdom with me unasked, like this person did to you.
    Pretty much this. A little fruit isn't going to derail anything, even Atkins. The thing with people offering unsolicited advice is that rarely have more than a rudimentary understanding of the subject at hand, and usually don't even fully understand the basics of the system they are advocating.

    The only thing is, regarding the Atkins Diet, isn't it in stages or something and some stuff, including fruit has to be omitted. So yes, even a little fruit would change the aspect of that diet, this is why many on that plan, crave fruit and veggies after a while, because they cannot have any.
  • pkeeney101
    I was eating a nanna a day. But This week I cut them out. I half to say Ive had a better loss this week. I always thought they helped keep me full. In a couple of weeks I will introduce them back in and see the results.
  • MrsMX
    MrsMX Posts: 98
    It's amazing how there are so many different choices and different ways of obtaining fitness ..

    I believe it is a personal journey that we share so we can give and receive support ..

    I also believe What's Good for the Goose ... Isn't always Good for the Gander ...

    All I wanted last week was a burger but I daren't break my routine ...
    now I know about removing buns .... Do'h
  • PeterMS1
    PeterMS1 Posts: 19 Member
    Personally I find that at present I am achieving weight loss by moderation all round. For health reasons I watch my salt intake and leafy greens, but eat fruit and avoid alcohol. Sensible approach is my intent so that there is no difficulty in achieving maintenance
    Ie looking for sustainability.
  • jnations56
    Sugar makes you fat. Fat doesn't make you fat. Fruit is good for you in moderation but moderation is the key. Obviously you don't wanna eat a bunless Big Mac all the time but I think the point your friend was making is that, the satisfying fat from the Big Mac won't put weight on you the way a large portion of fruit will. Sorry to the disagreeing folks but it is truth for me. I've tried them all and low carb works. By the way, I eat vegetables and fruits more now than I ever did doing low calorie. I have just learned what things I can indulge in and what things I have to take it easy on.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Sugar makes you fat.
