Starting Insanity - need support to get through this!



  • PugPrincess
    Haha yeah... Insanity will kick your *kitten*.. Though as i move into week 3 i am enjoying it more and more.. Call me crazy, but on Sunday i feel like i don't know what to do with myself lol -_-
  • Redlybird
    Oh my GOSH. I just did the fit test. I can't believe I finished! I didn't get high marks in some of the last few exercises, but holy crap, I'm so glad I finished. I'm dying right now and I'm exhausted, and I feel as though I am literally melting through my pores.

    Tomorrow begins a new day, and another workout. Ugh, this is going to suuuuuuuck! But I'm going to do as much as I can each time, and only get better at it.

    GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF US STARTING! This is my FIRST time trying it. the heck do I log this!? :/
  • pregnantcharley
    Hi everyone, I am starting Insanity tonight, feeling aprehensive but also a bit excited. Would love some extra friends to go through the journey with me.

  • SleeplessinBerlin
    SleeplessinBerlin Posts: 513 Member
    Redlybird, if you don't have a HRM, use "circuit training" to log it. Do not log the whole thing though - the stretch at the end and the strech after the warm-up don't count. Usually if the workout took 40 minutes I logged 30 max, if it took an hour, I logged 45-50 minutes. Just be honest with yourself.
  • Jers43
    Jers43 Posts: 100
    It is an awesome program... you can do it is hard.. you will love it! Try to stick with the diet toy may not lose weight like you want to for a couple of weeks it took me three weeks to really lose any. It is a bad *kitten* work out that you will be proud you finished.. not easy! Good luck!
  • danc1ngpocket
    danc1ngpocket Posts: 2 Member
    Following :)

    I started Insanity on the 1 st. Pretty much matched Tanya's results in the fit test. Tonight was pure cardio, that was tough but I feel great afterwards.
    I am already pretty fit and using insanity to push me even further and get back all the muscle tone I lost when I was pregnant. Not looking to loose weight, looking to build muscle and increase my fitness level.
    Feel free to add me.
  • clo92boom
    clo92boom Posts: 20 Member
    Tomorrow will be my first day of month 2 (the MAX month) and I am pretty nervous for how much harder it's going to be, the fact that some of the workouts are 15 mins longer is scary enough without the actual moves being harder, but I know it'll be worth it when I go on holiday 2 days after finishing and will be able to walk around in a swimsuit without a second thought :)
  • jmwil5
    jmwil5 Posts: 2 Member
    Started the fit test tonight! OMG barely made it through. It was tough but doable. I only workout about once a week so this is completely different than what I'm used to.
  • berriboobear
    berriboobear Posts: 524 Member
    I LOVE Insanity! I have 3 days left of month two and I can't tell you how different I feel now than day 1! I actually love the pain and sweat from the workouts now, and the feeling afterwards is so rewarding! I know it's tough, but stick through it! Just remember, you can modify and take things at your own pace. Take more frequent breaks, or go lighter on the moves if it really hurts that much. I didn't use their diet plan, but was eating healthier and wiser on my own, stick to your daily calories and you will see results! Maybe not pounds, but inches (like I saw!) and the feeling of accomplishment is the best part! :)
  • R1otgirl
    R1otgirl Posts: 36 Member
    Hey guys!
    I'm on day 3 of insanity and after the first two challenging days I realized I was stopping all the time during the workout and feeling like I was going to die. Sooooo... To help push myself and keep going I put up motivational pictures all around my living room where I could see them while doing insanity, it really helped!! When I felt like giving up half way through an exercise I would look up and see a quote or picture telling myself to keep going and it worked ^_^
    You guys should try it :D
    My favorite quote to help push me was

    "Crawling is Acceptable
    Falling is Acceptable
    Puking is Acceptable
    Crying is Acceptable (and i definitely cried lol)
    Pain is Acceptable
    Blood is Acceptable
  • 15in8
    15in8 Posts: 141 Member
    Started about a week and a half ago, really enjoying the workouts :-) I still train with weights 3 days a week, and I modify the program. But loving it so far. Feel free to add me for support. Likely will try P90X or Tapout after this.
  • angelktaylor
    Hi guys!! Honestly, I got the Insanity program weeks ago and I've just now built up the courage to start. I'll be doing my workouts in the morning because knowing myself, I'll have a million reasons not to workout by the time I get off work. I'm nervous. Scared actually. I expect that this will be the hardest thing I've ever done, but I'm ready. I know at some point I'll want to quit (probably 2 mins into the fit test ha!) and I know I'll need support to make it through, so I'm here. Can't wait to earn my Insanity shirt! :) Here goes everything.....
  • ellew70
    ellew70 Posts: 222 Member
    Hey guys!
    I'm on day 3 of insanity and after the first two challenging days I realized I was stopping all the time during the workout and feeling like I was going to die. Sooooo... To help push myself and keep going I put up motivational pictures all around my living room where I could see them while doing insanity, it really helped!! When I felt like giving up half way through an exercise I would look up and see a quote or picture telling myself to keep going and it worked ^_^
    You guys should try it :D
    My favorite quote to help push me was

    "Crawling is Acceptable
    Falling is Acceptable
    Puking is Acceptable
    Crying is Acceptable (and i definitely cried lol)
    Pain is Acceptable
    Blood is Acceptable

    Love that quote - copied it into a word document in big bold red letters and am hanging it behind my TV set!
  • galloway1212
    you can add me if you want. i'm currently doing Asylum but I've done Insanity 2 times and a 2 hybrids of Insanity so I feel your pain! lol and at first it can seem like a huge challenge but know that it does get better after the first week!
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    Add InsanityForMe... she is Shaun T's *kitten* and has a rockin' bod because of it (well, that and her commitment to fitness in general ;)
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 232 Member
    You can do it! I am an Insanity graduate as of June 15th. I loved the program and will be doing another round once I've completed T25 and Combat (doing T25 in the AM and Combat at night). The workouts do get easier and you will feel so accomplished once you are done....I felt invincible!

    Feel free to add me for support!
  • dlynnkind
    dlynnkind Posts: 134 Member
    I started on 8/1 and still hating it. HAHA. I did ok thru the first test but the first workout I got overheated and threw up. I am just making myself continue with it and hope it will get easier. Good to see everyone else is doing it too, or others who have completed it says it does get easier. I have no problems with strength training, P90x, Jillian, Yoga/Pilates etc. I just really need to step up my cardio.

    Good Luck to everyone.
  • drazani
    drazani Posts: 98 Member
    I'm on week 3 of insanity, it is a very hard workout, when I first started I was having to have a break on the warm up as well but am now able to complete a whole session, don't worry about keeping up with the ones on the DVD do it at your own pace and you will get there :-) I now look forward to doing my workout session as I motivate myself by seeing how much further I can push my body, after just three weeks I have lost 6 inches my clothes now feel a lot looser on me and I can see my body toning up.
  • Engineerleigh
    I really hope this isn't seen as inflammatory but there are so many self doubters in this thread it's sad. Crying during a workout? I can't imagine that. Exercise is meant to be hard work, the reason to do it is that lovely endorphin rush when you push so hard you think you might puke!
    Grow some cojones guys and believe in yourself. Nobody ever achieved anything of worth by setting out thinking they were doomed to fail...

    See this post as 'tough love'. I want to see people succeed. Good luck!