Binge & feel AWFUL as you were doing so well? READ THIS?

Hey Everyone,

I have just found a fantastic book you have all got to read it!

it has totally changed the way I think and feel about food. I feel free from worrying about how many calories I am consuming and staying away from the "bad" foods. I used to go through binges and then promise to myself that I would compensate for this on "Monday" and beat myself up for eating a piece of cake! If any of you act like this then please read this book...

Please note I have lost around 90lbs by dieting but I have been really struggling to maintain my weight without it ruining my life and I feel in a years time I could re-gain it all back but thanks to this book I feel differently. I actually let myself eat a bag of chips without guilt and stopped when I was full instead of eating through the whole bag as "I had ruined by diet anyway may as well finish..."

I would dread occasions where I would be going to a restaurant or a friends house in case there was food there and I'm not sure exactly how many calories would be in the food but now I feel completely in control.. I will eat WHATEVER I want but simply stop when I am full and also not feel guilty about what I just ate.
Hope this helps someone in a similar situation to me so PLEASE read it :):)


  • rkasper22
    rkasper22 Posts: 61 Member
    thanks for sharing! i love sharing good books that help. for me, the book "healing is a choice" by stephen arterburn was HUGE in my recovery. love good books!
  • amyismintal
    Thanks for that I will have a look into it!! :)
  • leadiax3
    leadiax3 Posts: 534 Member
    I am battled bulimia. This is my 2nd mfp account. I wanted to totally start over. Food is an addiction that is hard to control because we need food.. We must include it in our lives in a safe healthy way. Its harder than drug addiction, because food is all around us. I know how it feels to start eating with good intentions and then spiral into a binge and be in pain. And the rush u get, then sleeping it off. Its horrible. I am not dealing with that anymore! I am determined to leep a healthy relationship with food. I am going to surround myself with positives only. Positive breeds positive. No more bull crap! I wish u the greatest luck. Keep ur chin up. Do what makes u feel good.