Focus T25 Starting Today

Good morning,

This is my accountability post as I'm going to start Focus T25 in a few minutes. A little quick background on me. About 3 years ago I started the steps to get healthy. I was 265 lbs and had borderline height cholesterol and Type I/II diabetes. About nine months later, I was down to 190 lb and just had the type I diabetes. I did this by using Wii Fit, Power 90 and Insanity. I was able to maintain by continuing I sanity and doing P90X. Last year however, I had some health side effects of my diabetes that shut me down for about 6 months. Since then I've gradually put on weight, slowly added some bad habits. I'm around 220 lbs and it all ends now :). I'll post all my particulars later today. Also my goal is to follow their meal plan (which seams rather tight on the calories) as best as possible. Also, the big challenge is to cut out the caffeinated diet soda (yes, I know it's bad for you, but it is my kryptonite).


  • psychRN83
    psychRN83 Posts: 71 Member
    Have fun!! Mine is coming tomorrow and then I will be joining you!!
  • tsimehc2000
    tsimehc2000 Posts: 80 Member
    Day 1 Alpha Cardio is done and in the books and I burned 438 calories! The easy partis done, now on to focusing about my eating
  • tmuellenberg
    tmuellenberg Posts: 265 Member
    Awesome! I'm just starting week 5, so I'm a little ahead of you, but feel free to add me, I'm loving the program so far!
  • Hoosier_Fatty
    Hoosier_Fatty Posts: 4 Member
    Just started Focus T25 this morning! I have 35 lbs more to lose to hit my goal weight of 145. I'm hoping if one round of Focus T25 doesn't help me lose it all that doing two rounds will get all the weight gone. Glad to follow this topic and share victories along the way!
  • SMontgomery82
    SMontgomery82 Posts: 14 Member
    Good Luck!! I just started week 3 this morning and I LOVE this program so far!! I lost 5 pounds in the first 10 days after being on a plateau that I couldnt break no matter what I did for the past 9 months!! Feel free to add me if you'd like! I'd love to have more friends who are doing this program :)
  • tsimehc2000
    tsimehc2000 Posts: 80 Member
    Good morning - time for day 2. I burned off about 420 calories this morning on Speed 1.0. My calves were a little sore from yesterday's workout and today they are even more sore. Still enjoying the workout, time just flies by in it. The moves were a little more "dancy" this time around, which is just fine considering I have the coordination and balance of a drunken elephant.

    My diet yesterday was great, I stayed in the meal plan limits and I consumed a few more grams of proteins than carbs. However, yesterday, I was TIRED without my caffeine. I'll see how it goes today, hopefully at some point, things will get 'realigned' and I won't be so tired.

    Thank you to all of you who wished me well and best of luck to all of you on your workouts.
  • nyboer
    nyboer Posts: 346 Member
    Mine is on its way and I'm hoping to start over the weekend - can't wait to see how it goes!
  • kristiw72
    I just started Week 2 of T25 and I love it! Down 2 lbs and an inch in my waist after 1 week! Love this program! I've been at a plateau for several months now. Hoping this will help me break through it!
  • tsimehc2000
    tsimehc2000 Posts: 80 Member
    Had a tiny setback this afternoon - calories still good, but had a 5 hour energy. Couldn't help it - I was becoming a zombie at my desk today. Definitely more alert this afternoon for work.
  • tsimehc2000
    tsimehc2000 Posts: 80 Member
    Day 3 Total Body Circuit - Wow, this now the most intimidating, but the most appreciated workout. There were times I couldn't even keep up with Tania. I still burned 473 calories over 29 minutes. I think it is time for a shower ... whew
  • nyboer
    nyboer Posts: 346 Member
    Day 3 Total Body Circuit - Wow, this now the most intimidating, but the most appreciated workout. There were times I couldn't even keep up with Tania. I still burned 473 calories over 29 minutes. I think it is time for a shower ... whew

    I love seeing that you're burning well over 400 calories in just a half hour. I can't wait to start mine when it comes!
  • tsimehc2000
    tsimehc2000 Posts: 80 Member
    Day 3 Total Body Circuit - Wow, this now the most intimidating, but the most appreciated workout. There were times I couldn't even keep up with Tania. I still burned 473 calories over 29 minutes. I think it is time for a shower ... whew

    I love seeing that you're burning well over 400 calories in just a half hour. I can't wait to start mine when it comes!

    Thank you - I'm looking forward to posting my one week results on Saturday (Staturday) - however, so far, the weight has been melting off. I think it is not only the exercise, but also following their diet plan. The nice part is, I think, once I get through the Alpha, Beta and Gamma phases, the Gamma phases may make a nice maintenance workout along with eating a few more calories.
  • tsimehc2000
    tsimehc2000 Posts: 80 Member
    Day 4 Focus T25 AB Intervals - Burned 340 calories over 29 minutes. A little lower impact today, however there were a few times I noticed my heart rate was really high. The workout was pretty good, and I did struggle in some spots, but I've always had strong abs. My core is where there are problem - I have strong abs, but still have somewhat of a jelly belly.

    Speaking of jelly belly, I'm on the road for this thing to disappear. I've completed 3 days of the diet at a 40/40/20 (protein/carb/fat) ratio. I've been a little hungry, but not ravenous.

    Tomorrow is going to be interesting, two workouts are scheduled for tomorrow morning. The schedule says if you don't have enough time move the second workout to the next day. If I have the time, and energy, I will get it in tomorrow.
  • emjean76
    emjean76 Posts: 116 Member
    I did Ab Intervals this morning too. Man it was tough but my core isn't very strong at this point. I had to modify most of the moves and even at that I could only do a few reps of each. Oh well, I know I will get better with time.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    I'm on Week 2. I was dragging by the 2nd workout on Friday of last week, but my week 1 results were really good.
    Lost 3.2 lbs and 4 ish inches. I upped my calories this week because I've been really tired, but hoping for some good results again.

    Week 2 = a lot less modification and keeping up better than last week.
  • LaVie13
    LaVie13 Posts: 143 Member
    I'm also on Day 4 . I had to follow Tania a lot this week, but still feel I'm getting a good workout. My legs are the sorest spot on me. I'm going to try and do one of the workout for Friday tonight. Busy day tomorrow.
  • tsimehc2000
    tsimehc2000 Posts: 80 Member
    Day 5 of Focus T25 Lower Focus - I burned 432 calories over 29 minutes (I'm including the cool down). Lower Focus Alpha is hard,, very hard. I probably put 60% effort in and I still burned as much. I've always struggled with deep lunges and this wasn't any different. I can't imagine doing another workout after this, so I'm moving the next workout to tomorrow. I'm looking forward to Staturday!
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    Good luck.

    I'm hoping this for xmas.
  • BethW01
    BethW01 Posts: 20 Member
    I need to get this program too. I am curious though are you following the eating plan that is with it?
  • tsimehc2000
    tsimehc2000 Posts: 80 Member
    I need to get this program too. I am curious though are you following the eating plan that is with it?

    Yes I am, it is pretty tight. I'm not trying to create the long standing MFP argument, but I am eating 1600 calories per day without eating back your exercise calories. Plus, I'm sticking to a 40/40/20 protein/carb/fat ratio diet. I've been eating cleaner and also next week I'm trying some of their recipes. I'm at the point where I am at in most of these workouts - the hunger stage. Right now it's mind over tummy for the next couple of days and I will be good.